Monday 25 December 2017

Fantastic Four 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Fantastic Four 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: simply put this film is terrible, I mean the only aspects of this project I can get along with are these the artistic visions on the other planet are visually decent to look at when there are no action sequences taking place throughout them and the subtitles [very limited usage] are okay they do their job and they are okay to read [providing you are still interested in this project when they are in effect, because when they get used I have to be honest my interest in this project just wasn't there when they were getting used,] so yes I could see them and read them, but I really couldn't be bothered at this point in this film.

Fundamental core: Wow this fundamental core is just shockingly bad, the first thing is these time jumps are big, even when this film settles down it actually has no get up and go so the viewers are left to feel every second of every minute of this title and it is just no fun to watch or to experience.

Origin storyline/storyline: well what a load of rubbish [it doesn't matter if you are looking at the origin storyline or the general storyline,] on both counts they are both boring.

Character developments without powers: these character developments are painful to watch, you can see everything coming from miles and miles away, the dialogue exchanges are relentlessly tedious.

Character developments with powers: whomever came up with this idea needed to go back to the drawing board [this idea for these character developments is and was such a bad, bad, bad idea in fact this idea is that bad I would suggest people who haven't seen this film just to watch this section of this project just to see how bad it is, because I cannot tell you just by words [you will have to go and see it for yourselves.]

Now these characters get their powers and in some sequences they are frightened and so on, suddenly a time jump happens [the number and the words on the screen 1 year later or something to that effect] and these character have gotten used to their powers by now You see by using this time jump, the audience misses out on any form of character developments or developing any kind of connection or connections with these characters, so in reality it goes from these characters being scared to words on screen then on to these characters having these powers, but here is one of the most annoying elements which to be honest there are many annoying elements to this project let's be honest. But I digress even though these characters have these new powers they have not grown as people so you still have these annoying personality traits but now instead of just these annoying personality traits and dialogue exchanges, the audience has to deal with these powers being used with this immature tone as well and not forgetting the special effects and the action sequences are boring as well.

This film receives: 4% approval , yes I did highlight when the film is on this other planet and they are just looking around, these sequences are good to look at and I don't know what to say about the characters which have some scenes or sequences [enough sequences or scenes to be a consistent element to this project,] it is like on one hand they are okay-ish, but on the other hand, they kind of show up the shortcomings of this project [it is a difficult thing to explain but maybe I can put it this way the characters with some scenes or sequences make the best out of what they have to work with and to be kind to them that is all they can do really,] on a side note I should just say even when these performers are on screen the film itself is still struggling.

But having said that the best thing about this film title is the ending credits [yes when the ending credits come down the screen to say in a nutshell the film has ended this would be the best thing about this project, because generally speaking this title is just hard work to watch.]

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