Sunday 31 March 2024

Wicked Little Letters 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Wicked Little Letters 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is racism/sexuality slur/sexism/burning/bodily functions/medical

In the 1920s England, Littlehampton: briefly; there are these letters that are very explicit; where because of what Edith Swan [Olivia Colman:] a English, quiet and heavily religious individual, tells the police about her next-door neighbour Rose Gooding [Jessie Buckley:] a Irish, loud and outspoken individual; it puts her as the number one suspect of the composer of these letters and consequently this crime.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 100 minute film is good as in it has a story to tell and just get on with it

Art/Comedy/Action; the art for this film is; transportive as it sets you/the viewers that in this timeframe with excellent scenery, wardrobe and other aspects. Now this is where I am going to have a problem creating this content, because I can't really use much of the comedy and a little bit of action, because as you can pretty much guess by that title of this film it has consistent usage of adult references. So I think I can safely use one reference; in a rough description; now before Gooding get arrested she is down the pub, in fact she tells the police officer to wait whilst she just throws this dart at this man's head whilst being under the influence and just to give you one more example of the comedy much later on in this film this is something for you to hear out for; there is this character that refuses to do anything until she has had her boiled egg.

Character developments and performances; the character developments are good versions of what they are meant to be, with Colman and Buckley poler opposites of characters, but individually or together leading this cast of likewise all-round good characters and performances.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is a solidly good little film


Saturday 30 March 2024

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation/chopping/shooting/bodily functions/electrocution/squashing.

There isn't much to say here: in a nutshell; a person walks into Ray's Occult Books his name is Nadeem Razmaadi/other name [Kumail Nanjiani:] he is a buyer and seller of many different things, in this case he wants to sell his recently deceased grandma's items in this box to Dr. Ray  Stantz [Dan Ackroyd:] a retired Ghostbuster, that owns and runs this book store, now including a presenting this Internet possibly YouTube channel [which this is where I have to apologise I have forgotten its name, I apologise for any inconvenience] with Podcast [Logan Kim:] he is into the supernatural things and he is an intern of Dr. Stantz; but let's get back to what we were talking about; this financial transaction takes place and that is when all of the major troubles begin.

Generally speaking: the script, the framework and the pacing are problematic to say at the very least as on the ground scheme of things there isn't much happening, there is a little bit here and a little bit there but as this film goes on for 115 minutes long you may as well fast-forward until maybe 45 minutes to the end, I will say this once more, just make sure I put it across that there are little bits here and little bits there happening now and again, but other than that not much.

Art, action and comedy; in no particular order [just in case they get the order slightly wrong] Phoebe Spengler [Mckenna Grace:] the youngest Ghostbuster that has unfortunately been benched for a very young age; thanks to Mayor Walter Peck [William Atherton:] as some of you will remember he tried to shut down the Ghostbusters in the 1980s but was not successful; she is plays chess with a new friend Melody [Emily Alyn Lind:] a young ghost of a similar age which had an unfortunate ending, later on the back story of this character as it relates to storytelling/visual telling where they use these small moving part within the art brings through its life and much later on when this film actually becomes a Ghostbusters film; the viewing audience has so much to see and experience, even with daring to be a little bit more dark in tone and as a theme of brief comedy we get to see Slimer being Slimer.

Character developments, performances and voice performances; the character developments; well there isn't much to talk about other than the paint by numbers approach and even this is wafer thin [other then finally Annie Potts as Janine Melnitz; as a quick reminder she was originally receptionist at the Ghostbusters headquarters; makes it into the Ghostbusters overalls which is about time to and it is well-deserved,] but I slightly digress; consequently the performances reflect these character developments and these voice performances do a solid job as well.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; as I have already indicated it takes forever to get going and to look and feel like a Ghostbusters film consistently, but when it does this portion of the film is good, now full disclosure I have no idea what is coming down the line for this franchise so this is completely based on speculation/opinion. But after stating all of this I hope they don't end this part of the franchise on this film, because to be honest that would be a sad way for this franchise to go out, I would make the next project of this crossover thing going on the final instalment and get all of the Ghostbusters together, yes when I say all I mean including Ghostbusters 2016 and try and get Rick Moranis involved, don't get me wrong I can handle things coming to an end if it is that time coming, I just don't want this particular franchise which is always try to have an element of wholesomeness to it; to go out like this and very finally there is one ending credits scene after the first lot of credits.


Friday 29 March 2024

Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Ghostbusters: Afterlife 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/environmental/transformation/biting/electrician/torture/bodily functions/shooting/stabbing/impaling/melting/squashing/dismember, yes I have finally learned what word I should have been using instead of decapitation should have been dismember in my content, but never mind/medical.

Welcome to Summerville: we meet the Spengler family as they are going through a really difficult time at the moment; the intelligent and brightest member of this family would be Phoebe Spengler [Mckenna Grace:] she is a girl which is in double figures of age; whilst she is in this location, she finds out a lot more about her family and consequently herself; I just hope that nothing strange happens whilst this family is here, but who am I kidding they have the last name of Spengler so of course something will come out of somewhere. Whilst we are here we also meet this seismologist by the name of  Gary Grooberson [Paul Rudd:] which is also a disinterested Summer School Teacher, I say he is disinterested he has no interest in teaching anything, he is here for the paycheque, he is much more interested in the seismic activity of Summerville.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 124 minutes film is to begin with incredibly slow, but however it does feel like there is more to come from it: in fact I can confirm there is more to come from this film, so just bear with it as slowly but surely it shows more and more life is in a get up and go; enthusiastic nature.

Action, comedy and art; we have some of our young Ghostbusters chasing down Muncher across Summerville in a very familiar yet iconic vehicle known as either  Ecto-1 or the Ectomobile with a Proton Pack being used accidentally causing so much collateral damage in the process. Obviously I have to bring up Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man/Miniature Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men as regardless of their size they can still bring chaos and mischief.

Character developments, performances and boys performances; the character developments are excellent on all aspects; as one example Mini Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man/Mini Stay-Puft Marshmallow Men have been given a pinch of something like the retro videogame franchise Lemming; but with a twist of more intelligence and more violent towards one another; including but not limited to melting one another. The performances of his cast as it relates to the original generation and passing the torch onto the newest generation; is simple and smooth; as without giving too much away it is implied that these are the new generation, but when you least expect it the original will back them up, so there is excellent chemistry from the newest generation, the original generation and integrating between the generations, but a special mention has to go out to Mckenna Grace as Phoebe Spengler; she has been put in a leading position for a linchpin between the original and newest generation and for someone that at this point in history was roughly 14 years old; she flourishes as this character and in this position so I give her high praise indeed, because her role is why in my opinion this film is such a great success and the voice performances are good as well

This film receives: 9/10, this film is excellent; as I have already indicated it is slow to begin with, but it does feel like there is more to come; it does what it is designed to do and fit in nicely alongside the 1980's instalments of this franchise [Ghostbusters 1984 and Ghostbusters II 1989] and there are two ending credits scenes one at each section. This film also has some awards accredited to it; 1 Winner; Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA 2022 Saturn Award Best Performance by a Younger Actor/Actress Finn Wolfhard as Trevor Spengler: a teenager; which a grandson of PhD. Egon Spengler [archive footage; RIP Harold Ramis; 1944-2014,]The Ghost Farmer - Egon Spengler [Bob Gunton] and  Ghost Egon Spengler [Ivan Reitman; which if you don't know he is synonymous with this franchise as in one way or another he has been a part of this film franchise and its five films, but his roles may be slightly different from time to time, but sadly and likewise RIP Ivan Reitman 1946-2022, but he leaves the franchise in his son Jason very capable and trusted hands as Jason  Reitman hands; as they are both apart of the writing trio including Gil Kenan, but Jason is also a director for this instalment;]  Egon's daughter/Trevor's mother; Callie Spengler [Carrie Coon:] she is resentful at her father for up and leaving her and his business partners, but she doesn't know why and she is struggling to bring up her two children. 21 Nominees; that includes from the same award ceremony/event Best Fantasy Film, Best Supporting Actress Carrie Coon and Best Special Effects Sheena Duggal Alessandro Ongaro. Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards 2021 Sierra Award Best Visual Effects and likewise from the same award ceremony/event Youth in Film - Female Mckenna Grace. But sadly all of these accredited awards are not positive Alliance of Women Film Journalists 2022 EDA Special Mention Award Sequel or Remake That Shouldn't Have Been Made.

Thursday 28 March 2024

Ghostbusters II 1989 by AverageMansReviews

 Ghostbusters II 1989 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/transformation/shooting/animal cruelty/medical

5 years later; Who you gonna to call? He-Man!: Basically; Dana Barrett [Sigourney Weaver:] she is now working as a painter restoration at the  Manhattan Museum of Art in New York City more on that later, has now had a baby, his name is Oscar [Will Deutschendorf/William T. Deutschendorf &  Hank Deutschendorf/Henry J. Deutschendorf II,] after his mother experiences strange goings-on again, she needs the help of the Ghostbusters, it hasn't gone at all well for the Ghostbusters, but like the Phoenix the Ghostbusters will rise again as there is strange things happening and don't worry Janine Melnitz [Annie Potts:] she is the receptionist to the Ghostbusters, she is a strong woman that works hard, doesn't take any rubbish and knows what she wants as you will clearly get either the feeling or/and see it.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 108 minutes film is good as it uses lots of things happening, from time to time noticeably loud background music and a good old-fashioned style of a montage [yes indeed I pretty much cope and pasted this paragraph from its predecessor, but minus updating a little bit; to make this point of why change something that clearly worked the first time around and this will not be the only time I make some kind of comparison between the original and this sequel; I will say this one more time so I don't have to say it again unless of updating or/and progressing  things, why change something that was successful the first time around.]

Comedy, action and art; [this sequence is in two parts as in we have the first part and then go away to something else and then come back] Dr. Egon Spengler [Harold Ramis,] Dr. Stantz [Dan Ackroyd] and Dr. Peter Venkman [Bill Murray;] all wearing some level of protective gear to do some potentially messy investigation, but also it could be used as a disguise posing as people providing public maintenance/services; which will come in very handy as not once but twice, they will get interrupted by actual public service personnel, but our three Ghostbusters or nothing but resourcefuly as they try to play the role of the stereotype of public maintenance/servers individuals; as the second time around without giving too much away Dr. Stantz has been lowered down into this hole they had made with this apparatus so you can be lowered down to investigate and if need be take a sample; which he does take a sample of what he finds, he tells the other two to basically pull him up, but because they have their hands full with keeping this charade going; something begins to rise out of this predominantly pink slime and tries to grab Dr. Stantz; but luckily enough of the other two Ghostbusters hear him and begin to pull him out, but unfortunately Dr. Stantz doesn't exactly leave this location as he finds it actually be accidentally makes the entire current situation worse. Obviously I'm going to highlight the high level of imagination and creativity, yet again because of its high detail and vision yes they have aged a little bit, but you can still appreciate their concept, approach and execution of this sequence including every other sequence this film has to offer; including the usage of a very old lady; so likewise like its predecessor it will always look and feel as it will always meant to be even after I am long gone.

Character developments and performances; on both counts yet again they are flawless as I made reference to earlier it has been 5 years since we have seen these characters and things have moved on or/and developed; be it Dr. Spengler clearly showing some level of comedic understanding in his own fashion as to indicate that these characters have spent a lot of time together and other individuals characteristics have rubbed off on to him a little or as you can see Barrett has moved on to a different stage of her life and performances have fluent chemistry to them, so it doesn't matter if they are a returning character or a newcomer in Dr. Janosz Poha/Ghost nanny [Peter MacNicol:] he is an art restoration expert at the Manhattan Museum of Art in New York City, he is also Barrett's boss for now as she would like to get back to the orchestra now and son is older, he also comes over as slimy without the use of gunge towards her

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment, it is just new strange goings-on, yes we have a smaller extra sequence over the ending credits and other bits and pieces. This film also has awards accredited to it; 2 Winners BMI Film & TV Awards 1990 BMI Film Music Award BMI Film Music Award Randy Edelman and from the same award ceremony/event Most Performed Song from a Film L.A. Reid Kenneth 'Babyface' Edmonds Daryl Simmons For the song "On Our Own". 1 Nominee Young Artist Awards Young Artist Award Best Family Motion Picture - Comedy.




Wednesday 27 March 2024

Ray Parker Jr.: Ghostbusters 1984 [Music Video] by AverageMansReviews

Ray Parker Jr.: Ghostbusters 1984 [Music Video] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: colourful effects/horror themes/shooting

Generally speaking the premise is: I will split it down into basically 3 sections; so I cover everything basically. Himself/Ray Parker Jr. [Ray Parker Jr. vocalist/singer of this track:] as a ghost to terrify this woman [depending where you are in this music video is depending if he is a ghost or not, meaning alive and just doing this music video or being alive around this woman, we have snippets of this film " Ghostbusters 1984," some celebrities coming in now and again saying Ghostbusters and I will just drop one name here John Candy.

The framework and pacing of this 4 minutes project is good, the reason why I chose to break it down a little is because on one hand it is much easier to explain and on the other hand in reality it is all mesh together; it makes coherent sentence.

Art, Action and Comedy; now and again we have some scenes/sequences which represent the 1980's excellently well; such as one example I am pretty sure on a much closer inspection what I am about  to say is done by the usage of green screen [but just to cover back I just want to go on record as saying they could be wrong;] we walk into this location with this woman and everything has been blacked out, but I hasten to add with this or these outlines of something like a window which has a white outline with basic detail such as when this woman goes to sort out the blind; to make it go up; be transported to a snippet of the film and right towards the end of this project we have Dr. Peter Venkman [Bill Murray:] puts in a snifter of effort to perform this breakdancing moves known as  Back Spin; well I did say he puts in a snifter of effort meaning he roughly lays on the back and gets PhD. Ray Stantz [Dan Ackroyd:] to try and spin him around.

Character developments and performances; they are on both counts all good.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent, it is just harmless good fun, it also has some awards accredited to it; 2 Nominees; American Music Awards 1985 American Music Award Favorite Soul/R&B Video Ray Parker Jr. at the same award ceremony/event American Music Award Favorite Pop/Rock Video Ray Parker Jr.


Tuesday 26 March 2024

Ghostbusters 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Ghostbusters 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/shooting/transformation/electrocution/torture/burning

On just experiencing their first paranormal encounter at  New York Public Library and also just being kicked of Columbia University: first we have; PhD. Ray Stantz [Created/Writer of this film & Ghostbusters II 1989; Dan Ackroyd:] he is a doctor in parapsychology and metallurgy, he is no more enthusiastic one about these kind of things and is the bank roll; to begin their new venture as Ghostbusters, PhD. Egon Spengler [Created/Writer of this film & Ghostbusters II 1989; Harold Ramis:] he is a doctor in parapsychology; PhD. Spengler the highly logical one that is not a people person; he is the equivalent of Mr. Spock in this franchise cost of characters, then we on to Dr. Peter Venkman/posing as another character [Bill Murray:] he is a doctor in both psychology and parapsychology, he is the one that is the businessman, comical and let's just class it as a slight confidence swagger/he doesn't like authority figures. Later on we also have  Winston Zeddemore [Ernie Hudson:] he need the job and he gets hired/welcomed to the team; he is the one that brings commonsense to the table and because of that he becomes a very valid member of the group. Eventually this newly found group will have a big squishy marshmallow problem on their hands amongst other things.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 105 minutes film is good as it uses lots of things happening, from time to time noticeably loud background music and a good old-fashioned style of a montage.

Art, action and comedy; the art is very clear to see and the attention to detail as to be highly commended, as yes you don't have all of that computer technology of today's standards [when this content was first dictated 2024,] but as I have already referenced if you put in this level of imagination, detail and so on and so forth; you get an authentic presentation around these characters and surrounding landscapes, they may look a bit worn but they still look excellent as of here and now they are roughly 40 years old and they will still look excellent long after I am no longer here; for a rough example, because I don't want to give too much away [yes I know people almost 4 decades to watch this film, but I still like to be cautious;] when we have this marshmallow climbing or attempting to climb up this apartment building and is met by our four Ghostbusters firing their proton packs at this character; the viewers get this masterful image of looking down/over at this sequence of events and not forgetting the comical outcome as well.

Character developments and performances; on both counts they are flawless as every character has a rich personality even Louis Tully/another character [Uncredited Writer for this film; Rick Moranis:] he is an accountant and a tax attorney, to put this politely he is a nerd, in some aspects he means well, but he is such a nerd and on top of that you get as viewers this cast of performers that regardless of size of the role they all contribute something of a high quality as in this is just a piece of life in New York City. Because I haven't really touched on other than a little bit here and a little bit there of the comedy; Dr Venkman is trying to deal with this situation as normally as he can as it relates to Dana Barrett/other character [Sigourney Weaver:] she is a violinist in the orchestra and after witnessing strange goings-on she goes to the Ghostbusters and becomes their first-ever climbed. But back in this scene; Dr. Venkman/posing as another character tries to talk to Barrett, but you can tell things aren't going that well for one tiny example she begins to levitate.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; it is one of those films that you need to see once in a lifetime, there is ongoing sequence for out some of the ending credits. This film also has awards accredited to its name such as 8 Winners that includes BAFTA Awards 1985; Best Original Song Ray Parker Jr. For the song "Ghostbusters.” 9 Nominees that includes from the same award ceremony/event Best Special Visual Effects Richard Edlund

Monday 25 March 2024

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/terrorism/torture/amputation/shooting/stabbing/Russia involvement/drugs/vehicle crashing/man on woman violence/burning/drowning/medical

10 years later: broadly; we need the youngest version of Dr. Jack Ryan [Chris Pine:]he was briefly a marine that got seriously injured whilst serving this country, but every cloud has a silver lining, whilst rehabbing, he needs his soon-to-be girlfriend Dr. Catherine "Cathy" Muller [Keira Knightley:] she has no idea of his other life, but I digress; he works these private banks on Wall Street, looking out for financial discrepancies, but of course this is just to cover up he actually works for the CIA as Financial Intelligence as an analyst, eventually he finds something massive. So he has to report this to the person that gave him this opportunity; Cmdr Thomas Harper [Kevin Costner:] he works for the CIA.

Generally speaking: the framework, pacing and action; the framework and pacing of this 105 minutes film is very quickly tiresome as we the audience jump roughly from here to there, in place and time jumps such as I said earlier that some point 10 years later, that even at this early stage I was beginning to switch off mentally anyway; I will say this now so I don't have to repeat myself, even by this early stage it is already beginning this film feels really slow even though in the action sequences it may really quick, it just feels like they are actually slow and mundane. Speaking of that action sequences themselves; in conjunction with what I have just said they are very ordinary and nothing stands out in the slightest, I mean later on in the film Dr. Ryan in a tight situation without giving too much away in a nutshell finds himself escaping through this secret passageway and for creativity, imagination and/or action sequences I should point out; that in itself is it everything else you would expect from this genre of action or just a general action film.

Character developments, comedy and performances; they are safe and reliable solid versions of their character types, we have an argument between these two doctors in front of the commander; this was comical and for the performances they are/were likewise a solid version of their character types.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; as I may have indicated by now this film is so boring, yet somehow it has some awards accredited to it; 3 Nominees which includes 2 from the same award ceremony/event just different times Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films, USA Saturn Awards 2014 Best Action/Adventure Film and 2019 Best DVD/Blu-Ray Collection Release Jack Ryan: 5 Film Collection Shared with: The Hunt for Red October Patriot Games Clear and Present Danger The Sum of All Fears

Sunday 24 March 2024

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 31: Do I Know You? by AverageMansReviews

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 31: Do I Know You? by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/transformation/robotics/shooting/short-circuiting/medical

Pyramidas piloted by the Gold Zeo Ranger: Storyline, Action, Art and Character [Character developments;] the Gold Zeo Ranger is coming back to Earth; we get to see inside Pyramidas including momentarily later landing on Earth; where the viewers get to see a close-up of the outside of this pyramid based Zord; which is highly detailed and highly creative; Pyramidas is the Zord of the Gold Zeo Ranger it is incredibly gigantic and powerful and is a game changer taking on the Machine Empire.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is top-notch entertainment; this is the first of three episodes where this season chooses to galvanise and freshen things up for the foreseeable future anyway.


Saturday 23 March 2024

Lift 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Lift 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/racism/environmental/torture/man on women violence/shooting/breaking

Well this film follows the reliable formula of a heist to a tee: basically; Agent Abby Galdwell [Gugu Mbatha-Raw:] she has to offer this job opportunity to Cyrus Whitaker/other name [Kevin Hart:] the leader of this criminal crew and yes these two have a history whilst Agent Galdwell was undercover, well the crew could do this job or go to prison, so obviously they take the job based on if they didn't we wouldn't have this film or it would be idle to something different, we also have as a member of the crew; Denton/other characters [Vincent D'Onofrio:] this seems like a good time to point out; yes this film does use the outlay of every member has skills set in this case; he is a master of disguise as his name comes on screen with his skills type we also have a drop of comedy, because when this comes up it says at the end kind of as well; his comedy bits and pieces feel very natural unlike the other comedy elements.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 107 minutes film is well... as I have already indicated it follows its heist formula perfectly and because of this; this film is so tiresome to the point where I actually fell asleep watching it, so yes I came back to finish watching it; but a very odd thing is when it does have it action sequences which I will point out momentarily, I don't know how it does it, but it has a very odd illusion of looking really quick and obviously full of action or whatever is happening, but simultaneously feeling and looking slow as if driving in a manual car with the handbrake still on [in hindsight; as I have already said this is very odd, it has just come to me maybe the reason is because yes these action sequences are good, but also formulaic.]

Art and action; the artefacts and technology aspects are imaginative and highly creative, likewise the action sequences be it on the water or in the air be it is private plane or the aeroplane; where yes we do have combat sequences in these combined areas.

Character developments and performances; the cast minus one they are solid versions of their character types and their performances reflect that, don't get me wrong there are two good points; the first being it is good to see Kevin Hart be in a mature role; yes he is still has a bit of comical about him, but it is used as comical charm instead of out and out comedy and Vincent D'Onofrio; really does make a impact every time he is on-screen [in some cases just to cover my back I know they are moments; but maybe he should consider more comedy roles of this nature; as he seems to be able to fluently go with what is necessary at that time.]

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; I think with everything being discussed here in this content this mark is the right outcome, I couldn't give anymore based on a downsides, but likewise I couldn't take away anymore because of the positives either.


Friday 22 March 2024

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 30:Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers by AverageMansReviews

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 30:Rock-a-Bye Power Rangers by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/transformation/robotics/shooting/short-circuiting

Here is a little on the Gold Zeo Ranger: Storyline, Character[Character developments,] Art and Action; we meet our Zeo Rangers as they are in a combat sequence with the Cogs, but they are struggling, the Gold Zeo Ranger comes out of nowhere to swoops down as he has access to the abilities of speed; this can be represented by a quick moving shape which is pitch black with golden outline; as this individual takedown these Cogs with one flying attack and then lands to continue the battle.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; on one hand I get what they are trying to do with this slow playing/building up to this big reveal of this identity of this new incoming character which is completely understandable, but anyone that has ever watched anything would understand, it is all about when to pull the trigger, I do feel we are getting very close to the right point pull the trigger in my opinion, but as of this content being created I haven't seen the next episode yet.

Thursday 21 March 2024

AEW Close Up Renee Paquette gets Close Up with The CEO Mercedes Moné 14/03/2024 by AverageMansReviews

AEW Close Up Renee Paquette gets Close Up with The CEO Mercedes Moné 14/03/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link, Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 Link, This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Link , This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Link and then The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 Link

Warning/Disclaimer: there are many indeed be some adult language references, but they will be censored in some fashion. Disclaimer this is a very, very taking down of this segment and at minimum I am in the right ballpark.

This is déjà vu all over again: perspective of when is Tony Khan going to learn to stop putting these wrestlers on a pedestal, he did it with CM Punk he is now doing it with  Mercedes Moné and there is an old expression if you don't learn from history you're doomed to repeat it.

But let's start from here; well the first thing that irritated me was she calls AEW home, secondly she talks about this AEW revolution which also irritated me. Now I have some up-to-date information that she wanted to come here to AEW and her comment about going back to basically the WWE one day was not meant as disrespect, but an end of a career type of thing. So I have to ask you have just been in the door for basically five minutes and you have been given generally speaking more airtime than most of the women's roster that have spent a week in week out busting their behind for this promotion and speaking of the revolution, yet again I highlight the fact that there is this women's roster/division because of the women laying the groundwork for you to come along and then go on about the women's revolution again, newsflash you left the WWE when they needed you the most to push through the woman's revolution and now you are just picking up another revolution because it suits you.

Yes she does put over the women's roster, but she also puts herself over and conveniently puts herself as the face of the roster in the sense of talking about many different countries and here's me thinking it is yet again how dare you come into a promotion and speak of a place that you didn't do the groundwork for I mean off the top of my head; Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. go to sleep are can speak this way because she has been here from the very beginning and I have to be really honest with you; if at some point in the future Baker feels disrespected by AEW and wanted to leave I can completely understand why and I would support her doing that and just for the record Hikaru Shida is another.

Then we go on to the last two years after Moné finding herself; where in a nutshell she felt lost and hurt, because she put in so much effort to begin wrestling. What a load of garbage, she was better treated than most if we were to be completely honest and I am talking in a general sense, so I am fully aware it wasn't all roses and indicating that someone took away your dreams [indicating the WWE without saying the WWE] stop being a victim as I just said she got treated better than most and isn't she lucky she found a team to have her back, most grown-ups do the grown-up thing and pick themselves up dust themselves off and carry on [indicating the WWE again making reference to Boss and walking out with my head held high.] Where Moné  found so many more passions and so on and so forth, I should point out that I still very much like AEW, but regardless of if this is kayfabe or not so far I just find this whole interview self indulging garbage by Mercedes, based on she has earned it Jack shish kebab, we have been through it global pandemic and in my country we have a living crisis, I know it is out of the realms of wrestling, but my point being here is very strongly this; can you get some perspective. She goes on about wrestling was my everything, there is so much more, but wrestling is beautiful, about being free [another jab at the WWE indicated; if you have been following me long enough you should know that I hold the WWE and before anyone gets back to me AEW accountable for anything they have done, but Moné get over yourself.]

Renee Paquette; goes on about what Moné helped lead the charge on as it relates to women's wrestling, I am sick to death of putting this on Moné from the WWE side of things I know they can't say it but Becky Lynch and Bayley have done so much of the heavy lifting for the WWE, I mean if we are going to be truly honest the two women I have just mentioned stuck around did the hard graft whilst eventually Sasha Banks/Moné took her ball and went home. With Paquette roughly asking are you surprised with where we are in 2024 as it relates to women's wrestling, with Moné saying no, we have been striving for this for so long, women have been striving for this for so long, we have been killing it and we cannot be denied. You heard the crowd at Big Business for me a woman [by the way Moné if you want to be seen as equals you don't make a gender reference; it is one of those kind of things where it is implied so your point is made; by opening your mouth and making reference to to your gender you are in actual fact peddling the gender divide you are apparently trying to stop.] But she continues we can not been denied with just taking off, we're only getting more global and is just going to get bigger and better.

They went on to Moné's physical healing as well where she mentioned she had a new single come out, where no surprises but yet again in a nutshell she went on to dramatise this, I don't know if it is coming through in this content, but I have very little to no time for Moné especially watching this segment. I mean if it is just going to be about her every time then be prepared for people to switch off, I know this is a interview segment, but there is nothing quite like someone regardless of gender happy to be somewhere, but behind that happiness apparently is this whining wrestler. But she goes on OMG, she goes on and on and on about herself, I would be really concerned if I was TK, because this is boring as fudge.

I mean what is really, really, really winding me up beyond belief and usually once again I would try not to bring real life into this; but I would have left it alone if she didn't almost started crying about being injured, if you don't know I am brain-damaged from being born, so I am not so empathetic or sympathetic to someone that has been put on the shelf relatively speaking short term of 10 months compared to in my case potentially 80 years. But she goes on and on, I now know that the WWE and AEW were very interested in  Moné, but I honestly believe after seeing this at this point anyway that, the ones that got the best deal here was the WWE, not listening to Moné's garbage. But I digress she just goes on about the doctor telling her this is career entering with Paquette saying oh my god, with a Moné I am paraphrasing here being defiant and she didn't know how or basically when but she would be back. She doesn't need to be injured again, but grateful she got to go through this experience and what it basically taught her and making more references to the Boss, why she fights so hard for wrestling and women's wrestling they moved on to her new gimmick of CEO and what that means for including Willow Nightingale yet again Moné makes another WWE reference to the wrestling business and people clawing and stabbing you in the back that kind of thing obviously referring to the WWE way of things. I know I have already indicated this but now I have seen it in its entirety I really do believe that the WWE should be delighted that they missed out here; whatever TK is paying her and yes likewise today I had found out it was lots of money, it has clearly been a waste, because she can't deliver a good promo or a sit-down segment that only leaves one more section to this triangle and that would be in ring work, unless she knocks it out of the park every time she steps in to the ring then she just isn't worth the money based on my opinion.


Wednesday 20 March 2024

National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 1993 by AverageMansReviews

National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/drugs/animal cruelty/animal biting/decapitation/self harm/medical

This is a parody of the Lethal Weapon series of films up to this point anyway, but also it is a spoof: Sgt. Wes Luger [Samuel L. Jackson:] he works for the Metropolitan Police Department in Los Angeles, he wants to solve this case that his ex-partner Billie York [Whoopi Goldberg:] died for to keep it out of the wrong hands. Okay he gets what he wants, but with the agreement that he has to work with Sgt. Jack Colt [Emilio Estevez:] he is on a path of self-destruction as he has lost an individual by the name of Claire.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 83 minutes film is good as in it clearly has a structure to it and sticks to it.

Action/Comedy; Sgt. Colt in this action sequence has these nightvision binoculars [the viewing audience gets to see from this perspective;] but wait they are just two toilet, then again some product placement/in its entirety in two parts; it is a commercial for Head & Shoulders hair product, moving on, this valet sequence; Gem Valet [Charlie Sheen:] for those people that don't know is the real life brother of Emilio Estevez and yes later on in this film Hot Shots and his connection gets almost reference [as in it is designed to say just enough but it lets the audience fill in the missing gap for continuing the film,] back to chronicle order of things; some really smart action/comedy where briefly we have these criminals following our two sergeants just behind them [actually sitting behind them in their vehicle; Sgt. Luger says he is going to try and lose them and after doing some moves with his vehicle these people in the back seat disappeared with Sgt Colt praise, followed by this clever breaking the fourth wall scene; where the viewing audience don’t see what is happening in this scene yes we can hear it, but however we have this individual on TV hiding behind this magazine/or keep an eye out for the subtitles in the later stages of the project or something of that description, Ofc. Davis [Phil Hartman:] after finding something funny Sgt. Luger in short and I am paraphrasing here want him to make us all laugh, so after giving a moment of thought and body language suggests okay I will then; he goes over to a little staged area that says "Comedy Club" and starts is set, we have this message; this very brief message fired through this door [many bullets;] but I can't tell you the message, but when you see it trust me it is brief and to the point and finally I should just point out there is a little bit of dark comedy; be it watch out for the sudden bodybag or/and the shoulder/arm getting ripped off; the bodybag is all-round perfectly timed and it is hilarious.

Character developments and performances; they are good versions of what they are meant to be, with good performances and chemistry from this cast that reflect that.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; after a moment of reflection I have decided to award this project another mark, this film is solidly entertaining, if you want to see how a good parody or separately or together a spoof was actually a good genre or/and genres before the saturation of frankly and generally speaking meh to poor projects around the 2000's and just to cover my back perhaps slightly a bit later take a look at this film.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 29: Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise by AverageMansReviews

Power Rangers Zeo [Season 1,] Episode 29: Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise by AverageMansReviews

Review Time:

5 things about this episode

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/other effects/transformation/robotics/shooting/short-circuiting/environmental/some Power Rangers fans may find this episode triggering.

Coffee: Storyline, Character [Character developments,] Action and Comedy; so we meet these three individuals Jerome Stone, Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier & Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch as they have over more recent times started a new life as Private Detectives in their own Private Detective Agency and from here I will be calling them Private Detectives. Private Detective Stone has given the other two detectives one simple task to perform and that is make him a cup of coffee. But they have a problem fulfilling this task based on their is this environmental issue; so we have these two with small facemask on; making this sequence of events look scientific and then Private Detective Bulkmeier without his small facemask on goes to drink it; in a rough description; but his expression changes and then says toxic, toxic and then begins to fall back but we don't see the end we go back to somewhere else.

This episode receives: 7/10, this episode is good; how can I put this nicely this is one of those in this case public service/awareness episodes that you'll find in TV programs now and again, in this case it is about the environment, but as you can tell from my marking of this episode it is still all good.


Monday 18 March 2024

The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link, Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 Link and then This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Links

Warning: there are many indeed be some adult language references, but they will be censored in some fashion.

As the related content quite clearly may suggest I don't want Mercedes anywhere near AEW: so let's begin with this bombshell where Mercedes Moné says on the The Kick Rocks Wrestling Podcast somewhere around 06 or 07/03/2024 where she indicated this; that she knows that one day she will be back in WWE. Here was me thinking; well thanks for using AEW as a stepping stone, I see it as for here and now they couldn't agree terms over there at the WWE so she will happily take AEW's money, until I can negotiate a contract back to the WWE and then I will be out of here as possible.

I mean as soon as this went viral I stressed my opinion on this subject matter, as soon as I did that I had her army come after me and for about five days [even though I stopped replying may be at most after two days,] because someone else had picked up the baton for me discussing this. Her army member just wouldn't let it drop as I could tell, because I zoned out.

I watched Moné  debut/in ring promo at AEW: Big Business 13/03/2024 and yet again I was thinking to myself what a load of shish kebab. Because 1 if the WWE were willing to pay you enough money to get more than Charlotte Flair you wouldn't be in AEW 2 consequently your promo was so disingenuous and just for the record she still can't deliver a passionate promo 3 the promo is completely forgettable, because I can't remember too much about it; it went something like in no particular order; women's revolution, family member, Willow Nightingale and what she has planned and the usual wanting to be here which is garbage.

I like Tony Kahn; but when is he going to learn he has another CM Punk situation brewing on his hands, where in essence Moné went hold my beer Punk if they think you were a handful wait until they get a load of me.

Because it had been indicated that Moné has been rubbing people up the wrong way already, based on her wanting to go back to the WWE as in you can think it, but you don't say it especially when you have just signed another promotion, so I can completely understand why Moné  has already began to rub people up the wrong way. I mean you just don't say it, I just see this being another Punk situation, which is infuriating because I see it as when AEW should be just going along nicely and focusing on wrestling, when this Moné situation kicks off at some point, everyone will be focusing on that situation instead of just AEW the wrestling product and Mercedes wasn't really a draw for her debut with 801,000 viewers, if it didn't have her on the show I would say that figure was solid, but even I can't ignore the fact that she should have brought another 100,000 viewers to the product and I am being reasonable.

I am not really the kind of man that uses I told you so, but in this case because I have received some negativity about this situation, I would like to finish off by saying I told you so and this is just the beginning of the Moné run and I don't know why they just didn't invest in their younger talent it would have been financially cheaper and for those people racing towards the racist button/card I would put more time into Queen Aminata; she looks to be a good wrestler, she just may need some ring time/TV time.


Sunday 17 March 2024

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/animal feeding/electrocution/shooting/dismemberment/medical

The clash of these two titans: roughly; it's time for Kong to find a proper home, Dr. Ilene Andrews [Rebecca Hall:] she is a Monarch anthropological linguist she mainly focuses on looking after Kong and this young girl that is deaf and has a unique bond with Kong as he saved her; her name is Jia [Kaylee Hottle; she is the only one that puts in a standout performance and at minimum should have been given a nomination for an award for this performance:] she has become a adopted daughter of the dock's; the dock is persuaded to relocate Kong. Meanwhile we meet Bernie Hayes [Brian Tyree Henry:] a Apex  Cybernetics technician, turned whistleblower he hosts his own pod cast "Titan Truth" where he discusses what he has found out and theories; but soon she will meet some people they can help one another. I have dictated this paragraph in this fashion; so I can now point out that all of these characters/performers are in the very soon released [when this content was first dictated] sequel Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire; internationally 27/03/2024, US 29/03/2024 and Japan for some reason 26/04/2024; on a quick side note I am thinking Japan would have/should have been first on the release schedule based on individually or together both of these characters are huge in this part of the world generally speaking.

Generally speaking: the script, framework, pacing, character developments and performances of the humans; I mean it is a noticeable improvement from its predecessor, but it still has the same problems; the script is on face value really straightforward, likewise the framework and pacing of this 116 minutes film is well... solely relying on Godzilla or/and Kong or any other big characters to be on-screen to give this sequel any kind of impetus, because without these big characters and this positive character/performance, yes we do have some other solid performances, but other than that this film struggles to keep me engaged or/and or wake, I will also talk about the character developments again momentarily.

Art, action and comedy; yet again as its predecessor and the art does everything it can to bring these big characters to life and we have these two iconic characters squaring off against one another, these action sequences do this rivalry just as and in one sequence we have enough time for a drop of comedy where Kong throws this fighter jet with pilot inside until bails out at Godzilla; basically the equivalent of Kong throwing a paper aeroplane at Godzilla as in no way shape or form is this going to hurt Godzilla.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; yes as you clearly see/read it does marvellous on its focus points, but not so much on the other surrounding parts or elements. This film also has some awards accredited to its name; 3 Winners Chinese American Film Festival (C.A.F.F.) 2021 Golden Angel Award Most Popular U.S. Film in China and Ruderman Family Foundation Seal of Authentic Representation 2021 Seal of Authentic Representation Authentic Representation,  20 Nominees that includes Denver Film Critics Society 2022  DFCS Award Best Visual Effects and North Carolina Film Critics Association Tar Heel Award Brian Tyree Henry From Fayetteville, North Carolina Shared with: Eternals · The Woman in the Window