Monday 18 March 2024

The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link, Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 Link and then This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Links

Warning: there are many indeed be some adult language references, but they will be censored in some fashion.

As the related content quite clearly may suggest I don't want Mercedes anywhere near AEW: so let's begin with this bombshell where Mercedes Moné says on the The Kick Rocks Wrestling Podcast somewhere around 06 or 07/03/2024 where she indicated this; that she knows that one day she will be back in WWE. Here was me thinking; well thanks for using AEW as a stepping stone, I see it as for here and now they couldn't agree terms over there at the WWE so she will happily take AEW's money, until I can negotiate a contract back to the WWE and then I will be out of here as possible.

I mean as soon as this went viral I stressed my opinion on this subject matter, as soon as I did that I had her army come after me and for about five days [even though I stopped replying may be at most after two days,] because someone else had picked up the baton for me discussing this. Her army member just wouldn't let it drop as I could tell, because I zoned out.

I watched Moné  debut/in ring promo at AEW: Big Business 13/03/2024 and yet again I was thinking to myself what a load of shish kebab. Because 1 if the WWE were willing to pay you enough money to get more than Charlotte Flair you wouldn't be in AEW 2 consequently your promo was so disingenuous and just for the record she still can't deliver a passionate promo 3 the promo is completely forgettable, because I can't remember too much about it; it went something like in no particular order; women's revolution, family member, Willow Nightingale and what she has planned and the usual wanting to be here which is garbage.

I like Tony Kahn; but when is he going to learn he has another CM Punk situation brewing on his hands, where in essence Moné went hold my beer Punk if they think you were a handful wait until they get a load of me.

Because it had been indicated that Moné has been rubbing people up the wrong way already, based on her wanting to go back to the WWE as in you can think it, but you don't say it especially when you have just signed another promotion, so I can completely understand why Moné  has already began to rub people up the wrong way. I mean you just don't say it, I just see this being another Punk situation, which is infuriating because I see it as when AEW should be just going along nicely and focusing on wrestling, when this Moné situation kicks off at some point, everyone will be focusing on that situation instead of just AEW the wrestling product and Mercedes wasn't really a draw for her debut with 801,000 viewers, if it didn't have her on the show I would say that figure was solid, but even I can't ignore the fact that she should have brought another 100,000 viewers to the product and I am being reasonable.

I am not really the kind of man that uses I told you so, but in this case because I have received some negativity about this situation, I would like to finish off by saying I told you so and this is just the beginning of the Moné run and I don't know why they just didn't invest in their younger talent it would have been financially cheaper and for those people racing towards the racist button/card I would put more time into Queen Aminata; she looks to be a good wrestler, she just may need some ring time/TV time.


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