Thursday 21 March 2024

AEW Close Up Renee Paquette gets Close Up with The CEO Mercedes Moné 14/03/2024 by AverageMansReviews

AEW Close Up Renee Paquette gets Close Up with The CEO Mercedes Moné 14/03/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link, Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 Link, This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Link , This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW Link and then The Mercedes Moné AEW run doesn't begin too well in 2024 Link

Warning/Disclaimer: there are many indeed be some adult language references, but they will be censored in some fashion. Disclaimer this is a very, very taking down of this segment and at minimum I am in the right ballpark.

This is déjà vu all over again: perspective of when is Tony Khan going to learn to stop putting these wrestlers on a pedestal, he did it with CM Punk he is now doing it with  Mercedes Moné and there is an old expression if you don't learn from history you're doomed to repeat it.

But let's start from here; well the first thing that irritated me was she calls AEW home, secondly she talks about this AEW revolution which also irritated me. Now I have some up-to-date information that she wanted to come here to AEW and her comment about going back to basically the WWE one day was not meant as disrespect, but an end of a career type of thing. So I have to ask you have just been in the door for basically five minutes and you have been given generally speaking more airtime than most of the women's roster that have spent a week in week out busting their behind for this promotion and speaking of the revolution, yet again I highlight the fact that there is this women's roster/division because of the women laying the groundwork for you to come along and then go on about the women's revolution again, newsflash you left the WWE when they needed you the most to push through the woman's revolution and now you are just picking up another revolution because it suits you.

Yes she does put over the women's roster, but she also puts herself over and conveniently puts herself as the face of the roster in the sense of talking about many different countries and here's me thinking it is yet again how dare you come into a promotion and speak of a place that you didn't do the groundwork for I mean off the top of my head; Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. go to sleep are can speak this way because she has been here from the very beginning and I have to be really honest with you; if at some point in the future Baker feels disrespected by AEW and wanted to leave I can completely understand why and I would support her doing that and just for the record Hikaru Shida is another.

Then we go on to the last two years after Moné finding herself; where in a nutshell she felt lost and hurt, because she put in so much effort to begin wrestling. What a load of garbage, she was better treated than most if we were to be completely honest and I am talking in a general sense, so I am fully aware it wasn't all roses and indicating that someone took away your dreams [indicating the WWE without saying the WWE] stop being a victim as I just said she got treated better than most and isn't she lucky she found a team to have her back, most grown-ups do the grown-up thing and pick themselves up dust themselves off and carry on [indicating the WWE again making reference to Boss and walking out with my head held high.] Where Moné  found so many more passions and so on and so forth, I should point out that I still very much like AEW, but regardless of if this is kayfabe or not so far I just find this whole interview self indulging garbage by Mercedes, based on she has earned it Jack shish kebab, we have been through it global pandemic and in my country we have a living crisis, I know it is out of the realms of wrestling, but my point being here is very strongly this; can you get some perspective. She goes on about wrestling was my everything, there is so much more, but wrestling is beautiful, about being free [another jab at the WWE indicated; if you have been following me long enough you should know that I hold the WWE and before anyone gets back to me AEW accountable for anything they have done, but Moné get over yourself.]

Renee Paquette; goes on about what Moné helped lead the charge on as it relates to women's wrestling, I am sick to death of putting this on Moné from the WWE side of things I know they can't say it but Becky Lynch and Bayley have done so much of the heavy lifting for the WWE, I mean if we are going to be truly honest the two women I have just mentioned stuck around did the hard graft whilst eventually Sasha Banks/Moné took her ball and went home. With Paquette roughly asking are you surprised with where we are in 2024 as it relates to women's wrestling, with Moné saying no, we have been striving for this for so long, women have been striving for this for so long, we have been killing it and we cannot be denied. You heard the crowd at Big Business for me a woman [by the way Moné if you want to be seen as equals you don't make a gender reference; it is one of those kind of things where it is implied so your point is made; by opening your mouth and making reference to to your gender you are in actual fact peddling the gender divide you are apparently trying to stop.] But she continues we can not been denied with just taking off, we're only getting more global and is just going to get bigger and better.

They went on to Moné's physical healing as well where she mentioned she had a new single come out, where no surprises but yet again in a nutshell she went on to dramatise this, I don't know if it is coming through in this content, but I have very little to no time for Moné especially watching this segment. I mean if it is just going to be about her every time then be prepared for people to switch off, I know this is a interview segment, but there is nothing quite like someone regardless of gender happy to be somewhere, but behind that happiness apparently is this whining wrestler. But she goes on OMG, she goes on and on and on about herself, I would be really concerned if I was TK, because this is boring as fudge.

I mean what is really, really, really winding me up beyond belief and usually once again I would try not to bring real life into this; but I would have left it alone if she didn't almost started crying about being injured, if you don't know I am brain-damaged from being born, so I am not so empathetic or sympathetic to someone that has been put on the shelf relatively speaking short term of 10 months compared to in my case potentially 80 years. But she goes on and on, I now know that the WWE and AEW were very interested in  Moné, but I honestly believe after seeing this at this point anyway that, the ones that got the best deal here was the WWE, not listening to Moné's garbage. But I digress she just goes on about the doctor telling her this is career entering with Paquette saying oh my god, with a Moné I am paraphrasing here being defiant and she didn't know how or basically when but she would be back. She doesn't need to be injured again, but grateful she got to go through this experience and what it basically taught her and making more references to the Boss, why she fights so hard for wrestling and women's wrestling they moved on to her new gimmick of CEO and what that means for including Willow Nightingale yet again Moné makes another WWE reference to the wrestling business and people clawing and stabbing you in the back that kind of thing obviously referring to the WWE way of things. I know I have already indicated this but now I have seen it in its entirety I really do believe that the WWE should be delighted that they missed out here; whatever TK is paying her and yes likewise today I had found out it was lots of money, it has clearly been a waste, because she can't deliver a good promo or a sit-down segment that only leaves one more section to this triangle and that would be in ring work, unless she knocks it out of the park every time she steps in to the ring then she just isn't worth the money based on my opinion.


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