Sunday 24 December 2023

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link

Just a heads up/Disclaimer: opinion and/or speculation on my part/Disclaimer nothing is 100% confirmed

I acknowledge: that [her current gimmick so I will go with that name] Mercedes Moné is worth the money and the WWE will probably either give her what she wants or to keep things amicable between everyone involved or as it relates to Flair not directly involved, if she goes which should probably will go back to the WWE Moné will probably be put on the same contract as Flair, but I can't be the only one thinking it would be nice if the WWE told Moné to get lost and don't let the door hit you on the posterior on the way out as she walked down on the WWE consequently the people she left hanging on that walk out with Naomi [known as Trinity nowadays;] as they walked out Monday 16/05/2022.

As everyone should know by now I am not pro-WWE, but at that time I did call it unprofessional just based on your left your co-workers hanging, so by all means walk out after the show and make it crystal clear the only reason you didn't walk out during the show was because you didn't want to leave your fellow wrestlers hanging. So having said if Moné does re-sign with the WWE to become Banks again I would like to see her get the same treatment as CM Punk as in a behaviour clause, actually I can see the WWE quite easily, regardless of the old regime or new-ish regime you should know by now they like to have little things in their favour and this would be no exception.


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