Tuesday 26 March 2024

Ghostbusters 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Ghostbusters 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful/shooting/transformation/electrocution/torture/burning

On just experiencing their first paranormal encounter at  New York Public Library and also just being kicked of Columbia University: first we have; PhD. Ray Stantz [Created/Writer of this film & Ghostbusters II 1989; Dan Ackroyd:] he is a doctor in parapsychology and metallurgy, he is no more enthusiastic one about these kind of things and is the bank roll; to begin their new venture as Ghostbusters, PhD. Egon Spengler [Created/Writer of this film & Ghostbusters II 1989; Harold Ramis:] he is a doctor in parapsychology; PhD. Spengler the highly logical one that is not a people person; he is the equivalent of Mr. Spock in this franchise cost of characters, then we on to Dr. Peter Venkman/posing as another character [Bill Murray:] he is a doctor in both psychology and parapsychology, he is the one that is the businessman, comical and let's just class it as a slight confidence swagger/he doesn't like authority figures. Later on we also have  Winston Zeddemore [Ernie Hudson:] he need the job and he gets hired/welcomed to the team; he is the one that brings commonsense to the table and because of that he becomes a very valid member of the group. Eventually this newly found group will have a big squishy marshmallow problem on their hands amongst other things.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 105 minutes film is good as it uses lots of things happening, from time to time noticeably loud background music and a good old-fashioned style of a montage.

Art, action and comedy; the art is very clear to see and the attention to detail as to be highly commended, as yes you don't have all of that computer technology of today's standards [when this content was first dictated 2024,] but as I have already referenced if you put in this level of imagination, detail and so on and so forth; you get an authentic presentation around these characters and surrounding landscapes, they may look a bit worn but they still look excellent as of here and now they are roughly 40 years old and they will still look excellent long after I am no longer here; for a rough example, because I don't want to give too much away [yes I know people almost 4 decades to watch this film, but I still like to be cautious;] when we have this marshmallow climbing or attempting to climb up this apartment building and is met by our four Ghostbusters firing their proton packs at this character; the viewers get this masterful image of looking down/over at this sequence of events and not forgetting the comical outcome as well.

Character developments and performances; on both counts they are flawless as every character has a rich personality even Louis Tully/another character [Uncredited Writer for this film; Rick Moranis:] he is an accountant and a tax attorney, to put this politely he is a nerd, in some aspects he means well, but he is such a nerd and on top of that you get as viewers this cast of performers that regardless of size of the role they all contribute something of a high quality as in this is just a piece of life in New York City. Because I haven't really touched on other than a little bit here and a little bit there of the comedy; Dr Venkman is trying to deal with this situation as normally as he can as it relates to Dana Barrett/other character [Sigourney Weaver:] she is a violinist in the orchestra and after witnessing strange goings-on she goes to the Ghostbusters and becomes their first-ever climbed. But back in this scene; Dr. Venkman/posing as another character tries to talk to Barrett, but you can tell things aren't going that well for one tiny example she begins to levitate.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is top-notch entertainment; it is one of those films that you need to see once in a lifetime, there is ongoing sequence for out some of the ending credits. This film also has awards accredited to its name such as 8 Winners that includes BAFTA Awards 1985; Best Original Song Ray Parker Jr. For the song "Ghostbusters.” 9 Nominees that includes from the same award ceremony/event Best Special Visual Effects Richard Edlund

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