Saturday 20 January 2024

This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW by AverageMansReviews

This looks to be happening: Mercedes Moné nothing is confirmed; but I don't want her in AEW by AverageMansReviews

Related content:  Reactionary To The Wrestling News of: Mercedes Moné/Sasha Banks wants to be higher paid then Charlotte Flair 2023 Link and then Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 Link

Because this looks to be a case of not if but when she signs for AEW; This is my opinion: straight off the bat I may have said this already, but I don't want her anywhere near AEW, but let's be honest this is not first-time I have said this I said it about CM Punk as well and we know what happened there. In a nutshell I know what she could be a massive draw for AEW or anyone that she signs for. But I don't get it; Khan goes from one person in Punk that could upset the apple cart and did upset the apple cart [in fairness and balance; without taking sides he got pushed, so he pushed back hard.] So Khan gets rid of Punk just to bring in essentially a female equivalent that could bring a similar level of disharmony, but this time to the female roster [well at least he is showing equality.]

The thing is; and hopefully I am wrong, but how I see this going, is going to be incredibly infuriating for any female connected to AEW, because it will be a slap in their face. That for some time now, years at this point they have been making do with whatever screen time they have been given and then here comes Moné who gets given a big fat contract, everything based around her, including more screen time, so she won't have to work so hard compared to the women that have broken their bodies and bleed for this promotion. Basically Khan in theory/speculation/my opinion is very much going to do the AEW equivalent of the WWE Women's Revolution part based around Ronda Rousey in her first run 2018 - 2019, why am I quietly confident that this has every potential of happening? Come on it is Moné, you don't think she is going to just sign for AEW and put up with any form of garbage do you? She is going to want some guarantees put in place, that is for sure and the second Khan gets lazy on these guarantees she will remind him and hold him to them. But that isn't the only problem, we also have Khan just feeding the negative online reaction even if this slightly becomes a reality and even though I like Khan and AEW I can understand the potential negative feedback he would receive, ranging from something between you are just copying WWE, see you could have done this years ago but now you have Moné as a centrepiece no other woman matters and other comments. I am not condoning heavy and unpleasant negative feedback, but generally speaking and hypothetically speaking these individuals would be correct.

I mean even though people were warning Khan about Punk and he chose to still bring him in, you can put that down to being naive just once [hopefully he would learn,] but a potential similar situation so soon after the Punk saga is just asking for trouble, criticism and backlash. So even if this does happen, it would be difficult to defend mostly any situation.

But mark my words; this is another potential powderkeg that AEW don't need, but on the other hand I have done a grain of salt of research on this wrestler as I have heard she has been getting high praise; Giulia and based on a very tiny bit of footage; she is a very competent wrestler I know let's be honest nothing about her, but AEW are not interested in her; why? She is clearly a big deal [I instantaneously understood that; she is and was] but it has been indicated by a reliable content creators that AEW I am paraphrasing you or something to the effect of they don't think she is that good. Well let me put it this way, I would prefer giving someone an opportunity that I have seen very little of over someone who could potentially unsettling my locker room regardless of gender, she looks to be heading to WWE, that is a good bit of business Khan, to have this talented wrestler freely head over to your competitors, when you yourself could be just be getting another headache.


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