Wednesday 20 March 2024

National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 1993 by AverageMansReviews

National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/shooting/stabbing/drugs/animal cruelty/animal biting/decapitation/self harm/medical

This is a parody of the Lethal Weapon series of films up to this point anyway, but also it is a spoof: Sgt. Wes Luger [Samuel L. Jackson:] he works for the Metropolitan Police Department in Los Angeles, he wants to solve this case that his ex-partner Billie York [Whoopi Goldberg:] died for to keep it out of the wrong hands. Okay he gets what he wants, but with the agreement that he has to work with Sgt. Jack Colt [Emilio Estevez:] he is on a path of self-destruction as he has lost an individual by the name of Claire.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 83 minutes film is good as in it clearly has a structure to it and sticks to it.

Action/Comedy; Sgt. Colt in this action sequence has these nightvision binoculars [the viewing audience gets to see from this perspective;] but wait they are just two toilet, then again some product placement/in its entirety in two parts; it is a commercial for Head & Shoulders hair product, moving on, this valet sequence; Gem Valet [Charlie Sheen:] for those people that don't know is the real life brother of Emilio Estevez and yes later on in this film Hot Shots and his connection gets almost reference [as in it is designed to say just enough but it lets the audience fill in the missing gap for continuing the film,] back to chronicle order of things; some really smart action/comedy where briefly we have these criminals following our two sergeants just behind them [actually sitting behind them in their vehicle; Sgt. Luger says he is going to try and lose them and after doing some moves with his vehicle these people in the back seat disappeared with Sgt Colt praise, followed by this clever breaking the fourth wall scene; where the viewing audience don’t see what is happening in this scene yes we can hear it, but however we have this individual on TV hiding behind this magazine/or keep an eye out for the subtitles in the later stages of the project or something of that description, Ofc. Davis [Phil Hartman:] after finding something funny Sgt. Luger in short and I am paraphrasing here want him to make us all laugh, so after giving a moment of thought and body language suggests okay I will then; he goes over to a little staged area that says "Comedy Club" and starts is set, we have this message; this very brief message fired through this door [many bullets;] but I can't tell you the message, but when you see it trust me it is brief and to the point and finally I should just point out there is a little bit of dark comedy; be it watch out for the sudden bodybag or/and the shoulder/arm getting ripped off; the bodybag is all-round perfectly timed and it is hilarious.

Character developments and performances; they are good versions of what they are meant to be, with good performances and chemistry from this cast that reflect that.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; after a moment of reflection I have decided to award this project another mark, this film is solidly entertaining, if you want to see how a good parody or separately or together a spoof was actually a good genre or/and genres before the saturation of frankly and generally speaking meh to poor projects around the 2000's and just to cover my back perhaps slightly a bit later take a look at this film.

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