Sunday 17 March 2024

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/animal cruelty/animal feeding/electrocution/shooting/dismemberment/medical

The clash of these two titans: roughly; it's time for Kong to find a proper home, Dr. Ilene Andrews [Rebecca Hall:] she is a Monarch anthropological linguist she mainly focuses on looking after Kong and this young girl that is deaf and has a unique bond with Kong as he saved her; her name is Jia [Kaylee Hottle; she is the only one that puts in a standout performance and at minimum should have been given a nomination for an award for this performance:] she has become a adopted daughter of the dock's; the dock is persuaded to relocate Kong. Meanwhile we meet Bernie Hayes [Brian Tyree Henry:] a Apex  Cybernetics technician, turned whistleblower he hosts his own pod cast "Titan Truth" where he discusses what he has found out and theories; but soon she will meet some people they can help one another. I have dictated this paragraph in this fashion; so I can now point out that all of these characters/performers are in the very soon released [when this content was first dictated] sequel Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire; internationally 27/03/2024, US 29/03/2024 and Japan for some reason 26/04/2024; on a quick side note I am thinking Japan would have/should have been first on the release schedule based on individually or together both of these characters are huge in this part of the world generally speaking.

Generally speaking: the script, framework, pacing, character developments and performances of the humans; I mean it is a noticeable improvement from its predecessor, but it still has the same problems; the script is on face value really straightforward, likewise the framework and pacing of this 116 minutes film is well... solely relying on Godzilla or/and Kong or any other big characters to be on-screen to give this sequel any kind of impetus, because without these big characters and this positive character/performance, yes we do have some other solid performances, but other than that this film struggles to keep me engaged or/and or wake, I will also talk about the character developments again momentarily.

Art, action and comedy; yet again as its predecessor and the art does everything it can to bring these big characters to life and we have these two iconic characters squaring off against one another, these action sequences do this rivalry just as and in one sequence we have enough time for a drop of comedy where Kong throws this fighter jet with pilot inside until bails out at Godzilla; basically the equivalent of Kong throwing a paper aeroplane at Godzilla as in no way shape or form is this going to hurt Godzilla.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed; yes as you clearly see/read it does marvellous on its focus points, but not so much on the other surrounding parts or elements. This film also has some awards accredited to its name; 3 Winners Chinese American Film Festival (C.A.F.F.) 2021 Golden Angel Award Most Popular U.S. Film in China and Ruderman Family Foundation Seal of Authentic Representation 2021 Seal of Authentic Representation Authentic Representation,  20 Nominees that includes Denver Film Critics Society 2022  DFCS Award Best Visual Effects and North Carolina Film Critics Association Tar Heel Award Brian Tyree Henry From Fayetteville, North Carolina Shared with: Eternals · The Woman in the Window



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