Sunday 31 March 2024

Wicked Little Letters 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Wicked Little Letters 2023/2024 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is racism/sexuality slur/sexism/burning/bodily functions/medical

In the 1920s England, Littlehampton: briefly; there are these letters that are very explicit; where because of what Edith Swan [Olivia Colman:] a English, quiet and heavily religious individual, tells the police about her next-door neighbour Rose Gooding [Jessie Buckley:] a Irish, loud and outspoken individual; it puts her as the number one suspect of the composer of these letters and consequently this crime.

Generally speaking: the framework and pacing of this 100 minute film is good as in it has a story to tell and just get on with it

Art/Comedy/Action; the art for this film is; transportive as it sets you/the viewers that in this timeframe with excellent scenery, wardrobe and other aspects. Now this is where I am going to have a problem creating this content, because I can't really use much of the comedy and a little bit of action, because as you can pretty much guess by that title of this film it has consistent usage of adult references. So I think I can safely use one reference; in a rough description; now before Gooding get arrested she is down the pub, in fact she tells the police officer to wait whilst she just throws this dart at this man's head whilst being under the influence and just to give you one more example of the comedy much later on in this film this is something for you to hear out for; there is this character that refuses to do anything until she has had her boiled egg.

Character developments and performances; the character developments are good versions of what they are meant to be, with Colman and Buckley poler opposites of characters, but individually or together leading this cast of likewise all-round good characters and performances.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; it is a solidly good little film


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