Monday 18 December 2023

Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks in 2024 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up/Disclaimer: I am not here to discredit anyone, nothing has been 100% confirmed, so I will tell you right now this is loosely based on facts, heavily speculated/my opinion and if anything we know things can quickly change in the world of professional wrestling.

Mercedes Moné or Sasha Banks: so let's get straight down to business straightaway; the WWE need Banks [on a very quick side note if you're wondering why I didn't put the names the other way around, I just went with the persona/gimmick she is as of this content being first created.] But I digress; yes absolutely I did say they need her and I stand by this and if you're wondering how do you work that out? Well as things stand there is a momentous occasion coming up in 2024 a little thing called WrestleMania 40/2024 and unfortunately as of last week Friday 15/12/2024 SmackDown; Charlotte Flair has gone down with a major injury a torn ACL and she will be out for months, I have seen 9 months being banded around, now I am not saying they would have done this return match from last year's WrestleMania 39/2023/Night 1 [I know this would be for a different championship; I was just thinking I would point that out before someone else did it for me] and yes I know I have no way of proving it, but let's just go with the hypothetical return must have been on the cards for this year's WrestleMania. Now minus Becky Lynch; would someone else like to tell me; who else could they get to more than likely dethrone Rhea Ripley and on top of that who else would the fans which I know they care very little for, but this is the big one who else could you say is a big-time player on the biggest stage in all of wrestling and not forgetting and currently plans have been scrapped for her to join AEW so she isn't heading there.

As we are heading towards WWE Royal Rumble 2024; Saturday 27/01/2024 your surprise entrant at number 30 will be Sasha Banks; to sling shot her into a match against Ripley for her WWE Women's World Championship and it should be noted that if I am anywhere near in the right ballpark without a shadow of doubt this should absolutely be the main event of WrestleMania 40/2024/Night 1.

Speaking of AEW; I am absolutely delighted that Moné doesn't look to be going there, if you think am being sarcastic I am so not being sarcastic, I am generally absolutely delighted not to have her in AEW.

Now for long-term either people in the wrestling business or just us fans, I am very much aware she could be a massive asset to any wrestling promotion and yes I was hoping/open to the idea of her coming in; But as most of you should know by now; by hopefully viewing my content that I am not a fickle or salty person. But my opinion changed the moment I saw a interaction between a fan asking Moné a question at a book signing and she basically tore into him, I don't care what the question was, but they do expect her to give a media savvy response such as "Don't believe everything you hear."I am making reference to that video clip that everyone has more than likely seen. On top of this I don't know if it is just me, but it has slowly become incredibly obvious that either ex or current AEW wrestlers that once worked for the WWE don't respect AEW and this is not the case for every single everyone. But my point here is; No thanks, AEW don't need another potential headache on their hands, where she could just shoot off and mouth at any point, at any time and at any place; she just needs to go home and AEW; they could definitely do with just coming things down and stabilising the boat and just to finish off that is where I think we are at this precise moment with this situation, where it will be a Sasha Banks returns to the WWE in 2024. [Briefly I know people are going to bring up Jade Cargill, but I can see her going to NXT, because  regardless of AEW or WWE she is still green so a year or so in NX T would do well.]



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