Monday, 29 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 20 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 20 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my contents but I have my ways around it.

WWE: so let's get straight down to business how is that a central business loophole working out for you? Better yet how is that punishing some of your characters/performers for not willing to work through this global situation, even though you said there would be no repercussions for anyone that chose not to work at this time; working out for you? Better yet how is that not testing until recently specifically for this global situation working out for you? Or how having your leader of this company in Mr. McMahon not taking this global situation with the appropriate levels of seriousness it rightly deserves and just seeing it as a very bad flu working out for you?

I mean what does Mr. McMahon have to do for people to question his leadership? Because it is a well-known fact that throughout the years Mr. McMahon has ran his wrestlers into the ground physically, mentally and emotionally until they can't give anymore and then he just throws them away.

But in this situation we are looking at a whole different level of irresponsibility and careless nature which is just frightening. I say this not for scaremongering, but a valid point so here is a hypothetical question What happens if Roman Reigns had contracted this global situation? With not one but two previous bouts of leukemia in his history one being quite recently, I need to point out that he chose to stay away because of his family and not because of leukemia, his family is an important reason just on its own. But still is Mr. McMahon going to apologize to Reigns for the way he has dealt with him over this global situation including other characters/performers [I know he probably will not apologize, but he should based on the outbreak of this global situation in his own company.]

So the harsh reality is the WWE has someone leading it in Mr. McMahon that has no comprehension of today's world and seems to be quite happy living in ignorance about this global situation, I am not an expert on this global situation but at least I am aware it is life-threatening and more than just a bad flu, but it is all about making money, money, money, money isn't that right Mr. McMahon and screw everything and everyone else, so I will leave this section on this question/statement; at what point does this company question Mr. McMahon's leadership and abilities to handle this company come into play? Because unfortunately I can only see this company really beginning to question him when something drastically goes wrong and I am talking about something that they cannot sweep under the carpet which is to be honest a very dangerous, stupid, irresponsible and insane way of doing things, I mean if you look over the recent history of this company the warning lights are already flashing, this is just a massive stack of donkey diarrhea waiting to happen really; I hasten to add I hope I am wrong about this.

All Elite Wrestling: I don't have much to say here; but please AEW stay away from Tessa Blanchard yes I know her Father works for this company [Tully Blanchard] and she has the support of Big Swole [AEW Wrestler.]

My opinion is that at this moment in time she is just too radioactive with her reputation being what it is; I wouldn't risk upsetting the backstage balance and the AEW Woman's Division has a good flow of progression to it as in it is always moving forward; so I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it and just to cover my back I would be saying exactly the same kind of thing if I was talking about a male character/performer. But I digress AEW has just dealt with a controversial situation in Sammy Guevara and WWE's Sasha Banks, so I would like to think that they wouldn't willingly deal with one controversial situation just to head straight back into another controversial situation so soon, because that would be such a WWE move/thing. What I understand is the WWE have put out feelers for Tessa Blanchard so she can go to WWE; I mean based on Tessa Blanchard's radioactive reputation and the WWE's reputation of making money by any cost this sounds like a perfect partnership.

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down by AverageMansReviews

Average Extra of: Mike Henry As Cleveland Brown On Family Guy Is Stepping Down by AverageMansReviews

Real Talking Time:

Just a quick heads up: I don't care who voices who you can be of any background I don't care, but I am here to oblige the stupidness of the entertainment industry and I am going to say right here and right now yes I don't use any adult language in my material but I have ways around this and there is a very good possibility I am going to go off the handle at some point or points.

They began this: so we now have voice performers now stepping down because being politically correct they are not the same as their on-screen characters. Well, well this is just donkey diarrhea really!

So how can we on one hand tell our children you can be anything you want to be; in any way shape or form, then tell them on the other hand as long as you fall into your ethnic group or other that will qualify you for that job role, I mean I am of average intelligence but you either choose one of these lines of thought consequently actions and you stick to it or we stick to it as a society meaning you cannot have your cake and eat it at the same time or better yet change the narrative to fit your purpose at that specific time.

I refuse to tell my children which could be of any ethnic background [I am Caucasian but I like all women,] that they cannot do a voice role because of the ethnic background or possibly go for this role because of their ethnic background.

Yes I am respectful that some roles require performers of ethnic background, so I am not stupid or if I was doing an ethnic animated project based on serious ethnic components; to respect the material I may deliberately choose all ethnic voice performers and I may as well be honest to avoid the controversial or bad publicity if I chose a Caucasian voice performer in the lead position of an ethnic character, in this day and age that would just kill the project even before it got anywhere near a cinema screen [in normal circumstances and not this current situation,] likewise if I had a character of a particular sexuality I would see it as not important but a cherry on top of the cake if my performer was of a similar sexuality, you know it just so happens this performer in question happens to be the same sexuality as my character.

But other than that I refuse to tell my daughter which could be mixed with a different ethnic background; that she couldn't be the next Kingpin [Marvel] and I would show her him and being honest I would say to her "As you can see you have to be a certain size and mass and ominous stage presence which you can pull off."

You see I am a believer in non-gender specific roles, this basically means unless it specifically asks for a man like Batman/if you identify as a man you qualify or something like that then it opens the door for interpretation on any level [The Ancient One I know a very tiny amount on this Marvel character to be a little bit more specific fumes, but do you think I cared that Tilda Swinton was in this role as this character in the film title Doctor Strange 2016 hell no!]

Patrick Warburton as Joe Swanson Family Guy: I want this performer to step down now, it is nothing personal and as I have already said I don't care and they have begun this; meaning so if Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown is stepping down for his basically ethnic reasons, which can I just point out is a really, really stupid thing to basically say especially in today's world; I would have said something to this effect of "I have been doing this role for 20 years, I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity but I think it is a good time to let someone else be a member of the Family Guy Universe and after a little break I am interested in finding a new project."I mean it just took me a very short amount of time to think of that politically correct statement instead of a statement he gave which opens him and the show up for criticism or unless in fairness and balance this was a not subtle way of suggesting he isn't happy about this and potentially being given the option of stepping down or being removed [just to cover my back this is just speculation on my part,] but if this was the case message received and understood considering Henry created Cleveland Brown in the first place, so shouldn't Patrick Warburton under similar reasons step down as in Joe Swanson is in a wheelchair and Patrick Warburton isn't, how about this one Stella this Family Guy character is being voiced by Marlee Matlin; she is deaf so it can be done; you see the more you look behind this movement in this industry, the more it leaves itself open for criticism and the more it looks incredibly stupid.

Oh sorry that isn't the narrative they are pushing so I am qualified to say this; someone somewhere needs to wake up very quickly; because they are slowly but surely opening a can of worms or Pandora's box that they don't want to open, because once it is opened it will be near to impossible to close.

Like for an example Meg Griffin is apparently not the best looking; she looks fine to me, but my point here is this; if she is apparently not good looking how come she is being voice by someone that is very pleasing to the eyes in Mila Kunis so shouldn't she step down based on the grounds the voice performer doesn't match the appearance of her character and the voice role be given to someone that matches Meg Griffin; I should just point out that The Simpsons are also adopting the same outlook so hypothetically the voice performer for Waylon Smithers Junior should be voiced by someone that is gay and the same can be said for Patty Bouvier as she is a lesbian; so basically how far do you want to push this? I mean if you're going to push one particular element of our society you have to push all of them; but once again oh I'm sorry this is not the narrative they are pushing how convenient.

I mean come on! I'm getting fed up now when does this garbage stop! Because being honest again there are elements of our society that are getting left so far behind but meanwhile we are so focused on this garbage and let's be honest it's garbage, I mean I did watch two African-American peoples reaction to Mike Henry as Cleveland Brown stepping down and newsflash they just don't care like the rest of us!

I don't care about anyone's ethnic background or gender or whatever, all I care about is if they do good work I mean come on it is 2020 we shouldn't be having this discussion; I will leave things on this line; the entertainment industry or Hollywood or whatever really needs to stop and think what they are doing on a whole, because generally speaking I can only see this going from bad to worse to the complete disaster and they will have no one else to blame but themselves.

So all I can suggest is get your popcorn ready; this situation is far from done as the divide from the entertainment industry/Hollywood grows larger and larger between its self and its consumers, so I feel I have obliged their stupidness for long enough now.

Sunday, 28 June 2020

First Kill 2017 by AverageMansReviews

First Kill 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is a hunting component/medical procedure in this film.

Storyline: it is good for what it is, without giving too much away I can see what they were trying to do; with this way of doing things, but on reflection they could have done some work on the back story component, instead of basically dumping 85% of it in the closing section of this film, they should have been dropping the breadcrumbs or dropping little elements here and there, I mean the secret meeting just toward the end of the opening section or somewhere around here is fine and this other character/performer [Richie/DeMeo] is fine but this dialogue exchange between Howell/Willis and Will/Christensen where Will/Christensen is in this location to pick something up; this just irritates me because once again without giving too much away Howell/Willis says one thing and then does instantaneously the opposite, I get why but it still irritates me [I will discuss this again later on in this review.]

Moving on the opening section and a little bit more to this film the pacing is slow, but the more you watch of it the better it gets, so much so the time that you get to roughly around the final section it is in its full swing.

Action/Art: the only action sequence that stood out for me would be this chasing sequence in a rough description involving this vehicle and these two quad bikes; yes you get weapons being used and a little bit of combat and for the art there are some good looking scenes.

Characters/Performances: generally speaking the character developments, the performances and on-screen chemistry are something safe and reliable, but now to be a little bit more specific Levi/Anthony and Danny/Shelton their on-screen chemistry is excellent, basically what we have here is someone doing something wrong for the right reasons, mixed in with someone that is being used as a bargaining chip there is a lot of substance meaningful substance here.

But now on to some things that irritated me; now for some strange reason Howell/Willis is being unpleasant towards this woman [Mabel/Dye,] here is a little bit of background information on this character she is seriously unwell in bed with an oxygen mask on, so it is no surprise that she finds it difficult to talk; but Howell/Willis is incredibly harsh on this character/performer when she is struggling to ask for a drink of water.

Back on to the scene involving Howell/Willis and Will/Christensen from earlier on in this review, I didn't feel or believe Howell/Willis; it's like "Where did that turn come from? Okay you were going to do this and now we are going to do that." I understand it; it makes sense, but in both sections of this review, I really didn't like the instantaneous change of plans; in both sections of this review it just feels lazy and consequently irritating or unless I have missed something.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed: this is one of those films that is too strong to be given anything less as it relates to its mark, but not strong enough to be given anything more and on a quick side note if there are any fans of the video game Killer Instinct it gets discussed in a dialogue exchange between Levi/Anthony and Danny/Shelton and we get to see some of this video game when the same two characters/performers are playing it.

Saturday, 27 June 2020

27 Dresses by AverageMansReviews

27 Dresses by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/flashing effects in this film.

Storyline: the storyline and the pacing of this title are good; they go hand-in-hand throughout this project.

Comedy/Art: we have our lead character/performer Jane/Heigl being aggressively hit out-of-the-way by another character/performer [like an NFL interception] to catch the Bride's bouquet as she throws it behind her, consequently Jane/Heigl hits the floor hard or when Jane/Heigl is putting on this homemade fashion show of all her bridesmaids dresses for Kevin/Marsden [whilst he is taking pictures of them.]

Art; we have good-looking scenes in this film, these I think teddy bear heads/faces made out of pancakes and other things to make the faces [apologies if I am slightly wrong about this description,] but work with me here that is what they look like, we have this band playing in the background to one scene and  Jane/Heigl and Kevin/Marsden singing in another scene and finally right at the end of this film we have these 27 Brides [which Jane/Heigl helped with their individual Weddings, so now they are here for her, but they are dressed in their Bridesmaids dresses from their unique Weddings.]

Characters/Performances: from an overview perspective first; on both counts they are good and reliable, the viewers can understand the on-screen chemistry with ease. But Jane/Heigl and Kevin/Marsden have slightly more defined character developments, without giving too much away one had to step up whilst the other has got burned from a previous situation [yes in one way or another this will be getting covered at some point in this film,] but consequently they have excellent on screen chemistry as everything just clicks into place.

This film receives: 8/10, this film is excellent; this is one of those films that if you are having a date night in with some food in front of the TV and you are looking for something which is as you can clearly see by my mark enjoyable and you haven't seen it yet give this film a go.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Thunder Road 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Thunder Road 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is suicide/drug overdose in this film

Storyline/Characters/Performances/Comedy: it is very uncomfortable viewing as from beginning to end it deals with our lead character/performer [Officer Jim Arnaud/Cummings] losing a lot which is near and dear to him [I'm trying not to give too much of the storyline away here.] On one hand the pacing is agonizingly slow torture, but on the other hand combined with the atmosphere it reflects Arnaud/Cummings perfectly so if this is what they were going for mission accomplished.

The character developments are very awkward as it relates to our lead role, because I don't know if Arnaud/Cummings had a undiagnosed mental health illness or some form of mental disability before this; which if I had to have a guess; I am going to say yes very strongly anyway, but throughout this film things just get worse and worse and on a quick side note being dyslexic as Arnaud/Cummings is not a mental illness or disability, it is a learning issue.

There are some people there for our lead role in Officer Nate Lewis/Robinson [his family] and Jim's Sister [Morgan Arnaud] and  his superior [Captain/Wise] trying to be there by basically saying take some time off, but as you will experience in this film Arnaud/Cummings is not exactly the most easiest person to get along with [he really does need some form of counselling on more than one level,] but these other characters/performers; they have their own lives and is Sister is grieving in her own right, and for the rest of the character developments they are doing what they are designed to do and the same can be said for all the performances as well

Comedy; now for like 99% of this film I just didn't find it funny, I mean I have a mental health illness so for some strange reason I don't find someone that clearly has a mental illness or disability before hand or definitely mental illness during and very possible after this period in his life [meaning they are still in him, but they may not show themselves again in a massive way until he has been put under some form of mental stress or triggered or other circumstances] so I didn't find them funny.

So the only small elements I found funny were someone throwing this fruit; I'm pretty sure it is fruit, it explodes on contact with Arnaud/Cummings and when he is trying to leave this parent teacher meeting; with his Daughter's desk still stuck to him.

Action/Art: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing moving on to the art there dancing, an organ being played and ballet.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; this mark will need some explaining, okay fair enough I didn't like this film. But on reflection if this film gets people talking about any form of mental health or mental disability or seeking help or assistance by showing or feeling what it is like to have any level of these then this film has a purpose and it holds educational value so I can't criticize that.

Thursday, 25 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 19 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 19 by AverageMansReview

Warning: at some point in this blog I will be discussing either things that may upset you or of an unacceptable nature

WWE: well I am going to begin on something light-hearted in comparison does anyone else find it funny that this company doesn't have not one but two of their spearhead talents as it relates to the Woman's Divisions in Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair available to them for the foreseeable future.

I mean yes they have Asuka that can step in and carry things on Raw, but of what I have seen and by other people's contents they haven't exactly made her look strong in fact if we were being honest it is the opposite. Yes technically Shayna Baszler would be my pick to have on SmackDown and build her up over there [I really know very little about her or seen her wrestle properly a little bit here and a little bit there,] but I do believe she has IT; well she had IT until Mr. McMahon pull the rug from underneath her, just for the record I believe she still has IT, but she is going to need massively rebuilding already even in her early stages of her career as a wrestler.

But other than that who else can take over and I mean from this perspective who isn't currently doing something, I was thinking I would quickly mention that, because you have Banks, Bayley and Bliss all doing something, so this company don't have many other options at the moment and unfortunately I feel very comfortable saying that, based on the grounds they haven't been building up current or any new talent.

The saddest thing is now McMahon and Prichard are in control of Raw and Prichard is in control of SmackDown I see a similar situation occurring where they are just going to heavily rely on old and veteran talent, consequently when they get injured or retire they will have no one coming up behind them which are ready built replacements on any level be it an all round wrestler or on-screen character, I am trying not to sound arrogant here, but I have been saying something to this effect about this company for years [so many, many, many years,] oh yes I remember you just removed someone that was trying to make a start on this problem on Raw which is about 15 years behind schedule in Paul Heyman as Executive Producer of Monday Night RAW, this was a stroke of genius to remove him [yes I am being very sarcastic] and yes not everything was brilliant, but at least Heyman was trying. But then again this company does have Jax to rely on, what a safe pair of hands she has and Ziggler; Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion McIntyre at WWE Extreme Rules 2020 [wake me up when this feud is over and you give McIntyre a different opponent which is worthwhile anyone getting invested in WWE.]

Renée Young [WWE Employee/Commentary/On-screen interviewer/Presenter] I would like to send you my best wishes on a speedy recovery from this global situation we are currently all in and hopefully Jon Moxley doesn't contract it as well [AEW Wrestler/AEW World Champion,] here is the most important detail by far real-life husband and wife.

The WWE have really, really screwed up throughout this global situation what with making wrestling an essential business which it so isn't to now having an outbreak of this global situation or not being transparent with anyone that works for them of any job role to now testing everyone specifically for this global situation now and moving forward when it is far, far, far, far too late.

So to be perfectly honest when is this company going to change? Because I used to get very angry, but what is the point because I have never hidden the fact I am not a big fan of this company, in a nutshell the reason is because they could do so much better on every single level, but until Mr. McMahon either steps down or dies this company's growth and public image is going to remain very archaic, so out of place in this modernized world and moving from pitfall to pitfall of problems in one way or another. The more and more I am thinking about it; he should just step down now based on the grounds this entire situation [in his company] happened under his watch, so if it was anyone else or at least 9 times out of 10 the leader takes responsibility and steps down, but we all know this isn't going to happen and it has just come to me, that he should step down on another reason being because of his age he is at a very high risk contracting it [Mr. McMahon is 74 years old when this blog was dictated.]

All Elite Wrestling: the Guevara situation is and was extremely unpleasant and completely unacceptable [I do not condone this,] I did say something to the effect of terminate his contract at this company and fired, but however on reflection I don't think this would have been the right course of action. I do believe what AEW have done is the better outcome, because I have been thinking we have all said and done things which were not the best choice myself included, before I receive any negative backlash, I am specifically talking about this situation as in Guevara and yes I am aware of many other situations.

But as it relates to this character/performer he is relatively young and even younger when he made this unnecessary joke which wasn't funny even back then and very quickly I am not using this as an excuse, but I am more interested in how do we as a society rehabilitate people that do or say these things [depending on the situation] and yes just for the record my opinions on the previous Hulk Hogan well-publicized situation are very different, because he is much older and should know better and it is very much worthwhile rehabilitating Guevara or anyone that swiftly does something about it; like he spoke to the individual in question [WWE's Sasha Banks] which she put out a statement about this which helped him out with the contents of that statement.

But when he comes back to AEW eventually I would strongly, strongly recommend he has a repackaging because his current persona, including the tag team name with Chris Jericho has elements of sex, so this wouldn't be a good idea to come back with the same persona, so new start and new persona and everything else on his return to this company whenever that may be.

On to my final section I know I heavily criticized this company for going back to work during this situation and I am not backtracking on that because if I didn't criticize it at some point in the future, someone could have said "If the WWE had done this you would have been all over them."I know in this case the WWE have   so to be balanced I had to criticize AEW. I am not going to lie I have been watching someone else's contents and the AEW: Dynamite TV programming they have been doing the appropriate tests for this global situation for some time now, but until today it wouldn't sink in my head, even though they had on both counts from these two sources had been making reference to it when it was appropriate [I look back over some occasions in my memory and realize that's what they meant; even though it was crystal clear; the penny has just dropped or I wasn't paying attention or whatever the case may be,] all I can do is sincerely apologize for any misleading I have updated the relevant Volume.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

The Current War 2017/2019 [alternative name The Current War: Director's Cut] by AverageMansReviews

The Current War 2017/2019 [alternative name The Current War: Director's Cut] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography, flashing effects, animal cruelty and capital punishment in one way or another in this project.

Storyline: it is wishy-washy, it misses out the invention of electricity and there is a consistent element of capital punishment after the animal cruelty element, because the storyline is wishy-washy the pacing can be seen in the same light as well.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, the art can be seen in the scenes through this project; to be a little bit more specific about the art now the viewers can see these many, many light bulbs in a massive circle with Edison/Cumberbatch standing in the middle [the viewers do get to see this scene from an overview perspective,] another of Edison's inventions the Kinetoscope [motion pictures] this is excellent art and finally there is one tiny piece of comedy; here is a rough description it is where [Younger Dash Edison/Woody] in Morse Code says "His nose looks like a cherry" [referring to Morgan/Macfadyen] with  Morgan/Macfadyen asking Edison basically "What did he say?"

Characters/Performances: these are good on every single level including good on-screen chemistry, but having said that and this is nothing against these performers; but the viewers can't really enjoy them because of everything I have said in previous paragraphs like the storyline and all of that combined.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; I mean yes this film does focus on what it says on the side of the tin or in this case DVD case "The Current War."But I wish they would have focused on the creation of electricity first just for a small amount of time and then move on from there [like doing the background first that kind of approach,] I did find it difficult to settle down with this film, because of everything I have said in this review, consequently I became bored if I am being honest and see from the perspective of the criminal as capital punishment is being delivered is/was very unnecessary.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Today You Die 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Today You Die 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/breaking of body parts in this film.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and the pacing does get better the more you watch of it.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing; to be a little bit more specific now here are two examples; in a rough description we have our lead character/performer Banks/Seagal shooting this wire from one building to another and making his way across or this helicopter which unknown to Stevens/Tighe has been wired up to be exploded by remote detonator.

Art; there are some good looking scenes; but once again to be a little bit more specific there are these terror cards, painting and this like matt thing on the floor [you will know it; when you see it and hear about it, because it gets discussed] and this piano gets played.

Comedy; there are comedy elements in the dialogue exchanges between Banks/Seagal and Ice Kool/Criss/Treach. Moving on Banks/Seagal gets left hanging as he is doing this hand movements of respect the other person [Dinky-D/Smalls] leaves him hanging so you see Banks/Seagal doing his part of hand movements of respect with Ice Kool/Criss/Treach getting his attention to come and look at these weapons and to put an end to this awkward moment; finally we have this henchman doing martial arts and after he is finished Banks/Seagal just shoots him with his gun.

Characters/Performances: once again the character developments are something safe and reliable, the performances and the on-screen chemistry is good especially between Banks/Seagal and Ice Kool/Criss/Treach.

This film receives: 6/10: this film is good: now this is one of those situations where after everything is said and done this project finds itself at this mark.

Sunday, 21 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 18 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 18 by AverageMansReview

Important information/Warning: I hereby state that I do support the hash tag #SpeakingOut or any other relating hash tags, here is the warning throughout this blog I will be discussing things which firstly may be unsettling and using a two sided way of seeing things in this blog which most probably will irritate and upset some of you out there, this is not my intention but I feel it is important to discuss things in this way, because there is obviously underlying issues here.

Side one: I have no time for people that are willing and knowingly undertaking these acts and their punishment should fit the level of their crime, meaning my perspective changes from someone that may have done something minor in comparison to this gray area to someone that is willing and knowingly doing what they are doing and is a repeat offender, so I believe that every situation is different.

Yes 90% of where anyone works should be a safe working environment; I have said 90%, based on the grounds for an example if you are a firefighter that in itself is not exactly the most safest of occupations.

So how this movement is unfolding by the sounds of it; it was something that was well overdue and hopefully after this every wrestling company in the present and in the future has a system in place where anyone can come forward with any problems be it mental health or inappropriate sexual misdeeds or other and deal with it by taking the right routes that they have in place at this point. I mean whilst we are tearing down the underbelly of the wrestling industry, this is just speculation but it does also feel like this is just a part [a very important part] of the entire wrestling industry may need bringing into the present times on a whole.

Side two: because I am a nice guy I will give you one more warning this is where things may be difficult for you to read; I will stand by those that have been wronged; but I have absolutely no time for anyone that instigates a sexual situation then to make false allegations or just to make false allegations.

I am very passionate about this; because yes I may be a man, but as you may have guessed by this point I really do have a problem with sexual assault, but for those that make up false allegations I get incredibly angry by this. Because I see it as a waste of time and resources if the authorities are involved [so instead of dealing with a false claim; this time and resources could be better used for an individual that has been unfortunately but genuinely sexually assaulted] and for the individual that has been wrongly accused which by this point there reputation is left in ruins and having to try to rebuild after this; it is just wrong, so I do not in most cases subscribe to the fact that a woman says it it must be true [unless the woman in question was trying to build a relationship with me and she was trying to tell me this I would believe or something like this situation over someone that casually mentioned it in passing being blasé about it,] with or without the authorities involved, in short attempt or successfully trash a individual's good reputation [before I receive backlash for this; do not have a go at me, focus your negative energy on those that make false allegations up for any reason, because those are the individuals that are making it harder for the unfortunate genuine people to come forward.] But allow me to clarify this with crystal clear transparency if the situation is genuine I will stand by the individual that has been wronged.

For me personally I don't see myself getting into any form of relationship anytime soon and by this point it has been many, many, many, many, many years. Because at this current point and moving forward I have a number of things that are being held against me; such as my physical disability [wheelchair,] mental health, not very good-looking [and everything that comes with that,] Brexit, being poor, MeToo [even though I haven't done anything wrong I get it shoved in my face and my body is significantly damaged so I can't, I wouldn't anyway, but I can't sexually assault anyone,] at some point in the future I expect SpeakingOut to be put in my face at some point in the future as well, because I also get blamed for my gender as well.

Yes I am very much aware this movement has absolutely nothing to do with me, I am not stupid and I did receive some backlash on social media when I said I am getting fed up of seeing these types of hash tags and yes this is true, because I see things from a bigger picture perspective. Meaning everything has a trickle-down effect so I see it as "Great another thing to be potentially used against me" which as you can see the list is getting longer and longer, so if you're not getting the message I will say this one more time I know this movement or any movement is not about me on this grand scale but I've learned my place in this world and it is at the bottom so whenever any movement comes around I expect it to be held against me at some point in the future; it's like you know something is coming but you don't know when and just for the record I have been systematically educated to think this way, I'm not self obsessed and on top of that because of my mental health mixed in with street smarts I have a very mechanical way of looking at things.

But incidentally as soon as I blame them for them being of their species they will not take it but it is perfectly acceptable for me to sit there and take it because I am a man,] my history which is years old, it just shows I have life experience in some fields, said and done some questionable and wrong things.]

I mean if I was to get into another relationship I would feel sorry for the individual that would have to systematically teach me many things for one example it is okay to hug the individual in question, because currently once again I have been systematically educated it is not okay to touch anyone anywhere, so basically even if the woman told me "You can hug me" I still physically couldn't do it; it's like they have a force field around them, so they would have to show me [hug me,] I still would be terrified of where to put my hands, in fairness and balance I do know a small amount of women that will hug me or possibly hug me or something tiny like this; without this problem, because they are nice people and more to the point they are straight talking people so if I did something wrong they would tell me nicely but I wouldn't do anything wrong.

Now to end this blog; there is a very specific reason I told you a little about myself and it is to make this point. Be you man or woman or whatever one you feel comfortable as, we need to be teaching the present generation and future generations something like this;

To make the line down the middle 50-50, because the next generations are learning it is okay to beat someone around the head even if they have done nothing wrong or the slightest thing wrong or throwing their history in their face even when they have taken the right steps to better themselves [yes this is depending on what level the crime was so something minor or gray; the person should be given a second opportunity obviously anything higher than something gray should be dealt with differently or if the new individual doesn't feel comfortable with that fair enough] or something they used to do before meeting the individual in question [this is obviously depending on the circumstances and the activity so for an example your new partner could have slept with sex workers likewise if they are not comfortable with this fair enough,] but since meeting the woman they have stopped or to make as much noise about something just to get on the bandwagon with or without some of the facts and not focusing on the real situations of genuine sexual assault, disabilities, mental health, ethnic issues and other important things.

So basically what I'm saying here is focus on the real situations if there is any substantial evidence to support any claims then I will stand by any individual, but we also need to be supporting the wrongly accused of any criminal activity that way it shows a strong united front of men and women of any background saying "We will not tolerate any out and out abuse or sexual wrongdoing above the gray area neither will we tolerate someone who wrongly accused someone."

Friday, 19 June 2020

Mother's Day 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Mother's Day 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/flashing effects/racism/against someone's sexuality/leg disconnected and on top of that I really, really want to make this crystal clear if these elements were not in this film I wouldn't be discussing them [this will make better sense later on in this review.]

Storyline: it is garbage; I mean this film was surprisingly only released in 2016 and just four years later [when this review was dictated,] it is just so outdated it isn't funny as you will read throughout this review, basically this film uses the formula of problems but by the end of it they are resolved to the best they can be, with a question-mark ending of what happens between Sandy/Anderson & Bradley/Sudeikis] and just a quick heads up there are bloopers in the ending credits and there is a scene after the closing credits.

Wow the pacing is agonizing torture, it wallows in its problems and then does this quick resolving of those problems as I have already said to the best they can [this will make better sense when you watch this film.]

Action/Art/Comedy: there are football/soccer scenes, moving on to the art; there are a small number of scenes with the Sun, these two different types of cookies [shape and icing baseballs and guitars,] singing karaoke and separately this young character/performer dancing when everyone else is focusing on this situation of Bradley/Sudeikis needing to go to the Hospital quickly and finally onto the comedy this film isn't that funny I mean yes you have this inflated wet slide thing deflating whilst Henry/Olyphant is still on it and Zack/Whitehall doing two comedy set in this film the second one with this baby character Katie, I mean I can't remember me laughing at these either but in fairness and balance I need to point out some bits for this review.

Characters/Performances: the character developments are outdated and unacceptable. Now I just want to say this one more time if these elements were not in this film I wouldn't be discussing them. So let us begin mildly first we have Sandy/Anderson having a problem with Henry/Olyphant 's new wife Tina/Mitchell having basically not much clothing on with her sons/his sons being around her, but early on in the film it is perfectly acceptable for her to have basically just a towel on around their sons and their friends with a tiny dialogue exchange referencing how good she looks [between Henry/Olyphant and Sandy/Anderson,] these children's ages are roughly between may be 7 to 10 years old; this is hypocritical.

Now on to something harder and being politically correct here so I will put this nicely having outdated views on sexuality and a different culture from these parents from either perspectives doesn't help this film in the slightest.

Finally into something I really want to say this one more time if it wasn't in this film I wouldn't be discussing it [as you read on you will understand why I have now said that three times.] Now we have this family being told what to do by police and their hands are I would say on their firearm holders but softly, but the entire atmosphere of the situation changes when the police see this Asian character/performer [Kohli/Mandvi] their hands stiffen up on their firearm holsters and quickly instruct him to get down on the ground! May I just point out Dr. Kohli/Mandvi is completely unarmed as in he has nothing dangerous on him whatsoever.

To put the cherry on the top of this already unpleasant situation you have this African-American female police officer with a smile on her face saying with arm signal/hands [meaning wait] "Wait it’s okay you guys, this is my Doctor that fixed my knee." With a waving hand and saying  "Hello Dr. Kohli" and still smiling. Dr. Kohli/Mandvi with a slightly irritated look says "Hello Daniel" whilst still on the ground.

I'm going to try and put this is professionally as I can what the hell is this comedy element or character development doing in this film it isn't funny, it isn't amusing and yes I am a Caucasian man saying this; I mean what the hell we're thinking! I mean yes this film is roughly only four years old but even back then this wasn't funny or amusing, I mean if you want to give this film some substance have a role reversal where you have all the Caucasian characters/performers be treated as a different ethnic background, so basically they lay on the ground and have these police officers characters/performers be of different ethnic backgrounds in short no Caucasian police officer.

Performances; yes I felt nothing for them, but I can't say they were poor either, because once again in fairness and balance this is one of those occasions where it does feel like everyone was doing their job with the character developments that were given to them.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; what can I say about this film, well only purchase it if you want to make a homemade ashtray or running out of toilet paper in fact the toilet paper holds greater value than this film so maybe use any copy of this film first that is all I am going to say.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

The Terminator 1984 by AverageMansReviews

The Terminator 1984 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/flashing effects/colorful effects/the taking of a body part/robotic component to this film.

Storyline: is good; it sets down what it needs to set down and the pacing of this project is likewise like it's storyline it knows what it's doing and it sticks to that [I will be discussing these two components in the next section of this review.]

Action/Characters/Performances: now because of the action being chaotic with this fear, death and destruction hunting down Sarah Connor/Hamilton and Reese/Biehn in the form of the Terminator/Schwarzenegger.

The pacing is designed firstly to keep the film moving at a consistent tempo with what is happening on screen at that specific point and move on from there when everything is done from may be a chaotic action sequence which even to this day they still hold great value or the Terminator/Schwarzenegger making sure his current target is dead with not just one shot, but enough to make sure the target is deceased with the atmosphere and background music, it is also designed to create this ominous presence for the Terminator; with this cold mechanical approach to things; from a human perspective [mine] he will not be denied his target and he will do anything to accomplish his mission.

Sarah Connor/Hamilton she has these seeds sown in her character developments by what Reese/Biehn tells her after she asks basically about the future [these are priceless future character developments in this sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991,] but for all the other character developments; they are all good and reliable, the performances are mostly all good, but there is one that stood out and that is the Terminator/Schwarzenegger, over many, many, many years this performer has made this role is very own to the point where I can use these words he is synonymous/legendary in this role and the on-screen chemistry from everyone involved it is good.

Art/Comedy: well the Terminator/Schwarzenegger can be seen as art be it when he has his human covering or a little bit of his robotics are showing or no human covering at all or seeing things from his perspective or this beautiful symbolism at the end of the film as Sarah Connor/Hamilton drives this vehicle down the road when this storm is coming. The symbolism is that the path/road she is taking it's going to be highly dangerous and instead of running away she is choosing to ride/drive into it and take it head-on [I know someone else is here, but I am trying not to give too much of the film away here.] Now the comedy there are very tiny elements of comedy they are here and there; like this child for some reason puts this big scoop of ice cream in Sarah Connor/Hamilton's waitress overalls pocket.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is lots of fun; if you haven't seen it this is one of those films that you need to see at least once in your lifetime.