Friday 19 June 2020

Mother's Day 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Mother's Day 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography/flashing effects/racism/against someone's sexuality/leg disconnected and on top of that I really, really want to make this crystal clear if these elements were not in this film I wouldn't be discussing them [this will make better sense later on in this review.]

Storyline: it is garbage; I mean this film was surprisingly only released in 2016 and just four years later [when this review was dictated,] it is just so outdated it isn't funny as you will read throughout this review, basically this film uses the formula of problems but by the end of it they are resolved to the best they can be, with a question-mark ending of what happens between Sandy/Anderson & Bradley/Sudeikis] and just a quick heads up there are bloopers in the ending credits and there is a scene after the closing credits.

Wow the pacing is agonizing torture, it wallows in its problems and then does this quick resolving of those problems as I have already said to the best they can [this will make better sense when you watch this film.]

Action/Art/Comedy: there are football/soccer scenes, moving on to the art; there are a small number of scenes with the Sun, these two different types of cookies [shape and icing baseballs and guitars,] singing karaoke and separately this young character/performer dancing when everyone else is focusing on this situation of Bradley/Sudeikis needing to go to the Hospital quickly and finally onto the comedy this film isn't that funny I mean yes you have this inflated wet slide thing deflating whilst Henry/Olyphant is still on it and Zack/Whitehall doing two comedy set in this film the second one with this baby character Katie, I mean I can't remember me laughing at these either but in fairness and balance I need to point out some bits for this review.

Characters/Performances: the character developments are outdated and unacceptable. Now I just want to say this one more time if these elements were not in this film I wouldn't be discussing them. So let us begin mildly first we have Sandy/Anderson having a problem with Henry/Olyphant 's new wife Tina/Mitchell having basically not much clothing on with her sons/his sons being around her, but early on in the film it is perfectly acceptable for her to have basically just a towel on around their sons and their friends with a tiny dialogue exchange referencing how good she looks [between Henry/Olyphant and Sandy/Anderson,] these children's ages are roughly between may be 7 to 10 years old; this is hypocritical.

Now on to something harder and being politically correct here so I will put this nicely having outdated views on sexuality and a different culture from these parents from either perspectives doesn't help this film in the slightest.

Finally into something I really want to say this one more time if it wasn't in this film I wouldn't be discussing it [as you read on you will understand why I have now said that three times.] Now we have this family being told what to do by police and their hands are I would say on their firearm holders but softly, but the entire atmosphere of the situation changes when the police see this Asian character/performer [Kohli/Mandvi] their hands stiffen up on their firearm holsters and quickly instruct him to get down on the ground! May I just point out Dr. Kohli/Mandvi is completely unarmed as in he has nothing dangerous on him whatsoever.

To put the cherry on the top of this already unpleasant situation you have this African-American female police officer with a smile on her face saying with arm signal/hands [meaning wait] "Wait it’s okay you guys, this is my Doctor that fixed my knee." With a waving hand and saying  "Hello Dr. Kohli" and still smiling. Dr. Kohli/Mandvi with a slightly irritated look says "Hello Daniel" whilst still on the ground.

I'm going to try and put this is professionally as I can what the hell is this comedy element or character development doing in this film it isn't funny, it isn't amusing and yes I am a Caucasian man saying this; I mean what the hell we're thinking! I mean yes this film is roughly only four years old but even back then this wasn't funny or amusing, I mean if you want to give this film some substance have a role reversal where you have all the Caucasian characters/performers be treated as a different ethnic background, so basically they lay on the ground and have these police officers characters/performers be of different ethnic backgrounds in short no Caucasian police officer.

Performances; yes I felt nothing for them, but I can't say they were poor either, because once again in fairness and balance this is one of those occasions where it does feel like everyone was doing their job with the character developments that were given to them.

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; what can I say about this film, well only purchase it if you want to make a homemade ashtray or running out of toilet paper in fact the toilet paper holds greater value than this film so maybe use any copy of this film first that is all I am going to say.

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