Sunday 21 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 18 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 18 by AverageMansReview

Important information/Warning: I hereby state that I do support the hash tag #SpeakingOut or any other relating hash tags, here is the warning throughout this blog I will be discussing things which firstly may be unsettling and using a two sided way of seeing things in this blog which most probably will irritate and upset some of you out there, this is not my intention but I feel it is important to discuss things in this way, because there is obviously underlying issues here.

Side one: I have no time for people that are willing and knowingly undertaking these acts and their punishment should fit the level of their crime, meaning my perspective changes from someone that may have done something minor in comparison to this gray area to someone that is willing and knowingly doing what they are doing and is a repeat offender, so I believe that every situation is different.

Yes 90% of where anyone works should be a safe working environment; I have said 90%, based on the grounds for an example if you are a firefighter that in itself is not exactly the most safest of occupations.

So how this movement is unfolding by the sounds of it; it was something that was well overdue and hopefully after this every wrestling company in the present and in the future has a system in place where anyone can come forward with any problems be it mental health or inappropriate sexual misdeeds or other and deal with it by taking the right routes that they have in place at this point. I mean whilst we are tearing down the underbelly of the wrestling industry, this is just speculation but it does also feel like this is just a part [a very important part] of the entire wrestling industry may need bringing into the present times on a whole.

Side two: because I am a nice guy I will give you one more warning this is where things may be difficult for you to read; I will stand by those that have been wronged; but I have absolutely no time for anyone that instigates a sexual situation then to make false allegations or just to make false allegations.

I am very passionate about this; because yes I may be a man, but as you may have guessed by this point I really do have a problem with sexual assault, but for those that make up false allegations I get incredibly angry by this. Because I see it as a waste of time and resources if the authorities are involved [so instead of dealing with a false claim; this time and resources could be better used for an individual that has been unfortunately but genuinely sexually assaulted] and for the individual that has been wrongly accused which by this point there reputation is left in ruins and having to try to rebuild after this; it is just wrong, so I do not in most cases subscribe to the fact that a woman says it it must be true [unless the woman in question was trying to build a relationship with me and she was trying to tell me this I would believe or something like this situation over someone that casually mentioned it in passing being blasé about it,] with or without the authorities involved, in short attempt or successfully trash a individual's good reputation [before I receive backlash for this; do not have a go at me, focus your negative energy on those that make false allegations up for any reason, because those are the individuals that are making it harder for the unfortunate genuine people to come forward.] But allow me to clarify this with crystal clear transparency if the situation is genuine I will stand by the individual that has been wronged.

For me personally I don't see myself getting into any form of relationship anytime soon and by this point it has been many, many, many, many, many years. Because at this current point and moving forward I have a number of things that are being held against me; such as my physical disability [wheelchair,] mental health, not very good-looking [and everything that comes with that,] Brexit, being poor, MeToo [even though I haven't done anything wrong I get it shoved in my face and my body is significantly damaged so I can't, I wouldn't anyway, but I can't sexually assault anyone,] at some point in the future I expect SpeakingOut to be put in my face at some point in the future as well, because I also get blamed for my gender as well.

Yes I am very much aware this movement has absolutely nothing to do with me, I am not stupid and I did receive some backlash on social media when I said I am getting fed up of seeing these types of hash tags and yes this is true, because I see things from a bigger picture perspective. Meaning everything has a trickle-down effect so I see it as "Great another thing to be potentially used against me" which as you can see the list is getting longer and longer, so if you're not getting the message I will say this one more time I know this movement or any movement is not about me on this grand scale but I've learned my place in this world and it is at the bottom so whenever any movement comes around I expect it to be held against me at some point in the future; it's like you know something is coming but you don't know when and just for the record I have been systematically educated to think this way, I'm not self obsessed and on top of that because of my mental health mixed in with street smarts I have a very mechanical way of looking at things.

But incidentally as soon as I blame them for them being of their species they will not take it but it is perfectly acceptable for me to sit there and take it because I am a man,] my history which is years old, it just shows I have life experience in some fields, said and done some questionable and wrong things.]

I mean if I was to get into another relationship I would feel sorry for the individual that would have to systematically teach me many things for one example it is okay to hug the individual in question, because currently once again I have been systematically educated it is not okay to touch anyone anywhere, so basically even if the woman told me "You can hug me" I still physically couldn't do it; it's like they have a force field around them, so they would have to show me [hug me,] I still would be terrified of where to put my hands, in fairness and balance I do know a small amount of women that will hug me or possibly hug me or something tiny like this; without this problem, because they are nice people and more to the point they are straight talking people so if I did something wrong they would tell me nicely but I wouldn't do anything wrong.

Now to end this blog; there is a very specific reason I told you a little about myself and it is to make this point. Be you man or woman or whatever one you feel comfortable as, we need to be teaching the present generation and future generations something like this;

To make the line down the middle 50-50, because the next generations are learning it is okay to beat someone around the head even if they have done nothing wrong or the slightest thing wrong or throwing their history in their face even when they have taken the right steps to better themselves [yes this is depending on what level the crime was so something minor or gray; the person should be given a second opportunity obviously anything higher than something gray should be dealt with differently or if the new individual doesn't feel comfortable with that fair enough] or something they used to do before meeting the individual in question [this is obviously depending on the circumstances and the activity so for an example your new partner could have slept with sex workers likewise if they are not comfortable with this fair enough,] but since meeting the woman they have stopped or to make as much noise about something just to get on the bandwagon with or without some of the facts and not focusing on the real situations of genuine sexual assault, disabilities, mental health, ethnic issues and other important things.

So basically what I'm saying here is focus on the real situations if there is any substantial evidence to support any claims then I will stand by any individual, but we also need to be supporting the wrongly accused of any criminal activity that way it shows a strong united front of men and women of any background saying "We will not tolerate any out and out abuse or sexual wrongdoing above the gray area neither will we tolerate someone who wrongly accused someone."

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