Sunday 28 June 2020

First Kill 2017 by AverageMansReviews

First Kill 2017 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is a hunting component/medical procedure in this film.

Storyline: it is good for what it is, without giving too much away I can see what they were trying to do; with this way of doing things, but on reflection they could have done some work on the back story component, instead of basically dumping 85% of it in the closing section of this film, they should have been dropping the breadcrumbs or dropping little elements here and there, I mean the secret meeting just toward the end of the opening section or somewhere around here is fine and this other character/performer [Richie/DeMeo] is fine but this dialogue exchange between Howell/Willis and Will/Christensen where Will/Christensen is in this location to pick something up; this just irritates me because once again without giving too much away Howell/Willis says one thing and then does instantaneously the opposite, I get why but it still irritates me [I will discuss this again later on in this review.]

Moving on the opening section and a little bit more to this film the pacing is slow, but the more you watch of it the better it gets, so much so the time that you get to roughly around the final section it is in its full swing.

Action/Art: the only action sequence that stood out for me would be this chasing sequence in a rough description involving this vehicle and these two quad bikes; yes you get weapons being used and a little bit of combat and for the art there are some good looking scenes.

Characters/Performances: generally speaking the character developments, the performances and on-screen chemistry are something safe and reliable, but now to be a little bit more specific Levi/Anthony and Danny/Shelton their on-screen chemistry is excellent, basically what we have here is someone doing something wrong for the right reasons, mixed in with someone that is being used as a bargaining chip there is a lot of substance meaningful substance here.

But now on to some things that irritated me; now for some strange reason Howell/Willis is being unpleasant towards this woman [Mabel/Dye,] here is a little bit of background information on this character she is seriously unwell in bed with an oxygen mask on, so it is no surprise that she finds it difficult to talk; but Howell/Willis is incredibly harsh on this character/performer when she is struggling to ask for a drink of water.

Back on to the scene involving Howell/Willis and Will/Christensen from earlier on in this review, I didn't feel or believe Howell/Willis; it's like "Where did that turn come from? Okay you were going to do this and now we are going to do that." I understand it; it makes sense, but in both sections of this review, I really didn't like the instantaneous change of plans; in both sections of this review it just feels lazy and consequently irritating or unless I have missed something.

This film receives: 5/10, this film is mixed: this is one of those films that is too strong to be given anything less as it relates to its mark, but not strong enough to be given anything more and on a quick side note if there are any fans of the video game Killer Instinct it gets discussed in a dialogue exchange between Levi/Anthony and Danny/Shelton and we get to see some of this video game when the same two characters/performers are playing it.

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