Monday 22 June 2020

Today You Die 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Today You Die 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/breaking of body parts in this film.

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and the pacing does get better the more you watch of it.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing; to be a little bit more specific now here are two examples; in a rough description we have our lead character/performer Banks/Seagal shooting this wire from one building to another and making his way across or this helicopter which unknown to Stevens/Tighe has been wired up to be exploded by remote detonator.

Art; there are some good looking scenes; but once again to be a little bit more specific there are these terror cards, painting and this like matt thing on the floor [you will know it; when you see it and hear about it, because it gets discussed] and this piano gets played.

Comedy; there are comedy elements in the dialogue exchanges between Banks/Seagal and Ice Kool/Criss/Treach. Moving on Banks/Seagal gets left hanging as he is doing this hand movements of respect the other person [Dinky-D/Smalls] leaves him hanging so you see Banks/Seagal doing his part of hand movements of respect with Ice Kool/Criss/Treach getting his attention to come and look at these weapons and to put an end to this awkward moment; finally we have this henchman doing martial arts and after he is finished Banks/Seagal just shoots him with his gun.

Characters/Performances: once again the character developments are something safe and reliable, the performances and the on-screen chemistry is good especially between Banks/Seagal and Ice Kool/Criss/Treach.

This film receives: 6/10: this film is good: now this is one of those situations where after everything is said and done this project finds itself at this mark.

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