Thursday 25 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 19 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 19 by AverageMansReview

Warning: at some point in this blog I will be discussing either things that may upset you or of an unacceptable nature

WWE: well I am going to begin on something light-hearted in comparison does anyone else find it funny that this company doesn't have not one but two of their spearhead talents as it relates to the Woman's Divisions in Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair available to them for the foreseeable future.

I mean yes they have Asuka that can step in and carry things on Raw, but of what I have seen and by other people's contents they haven't exactly made her look strong in fact if we were being honest it is the opposite. Yes technically Shayna Baszler would be my pick to have on SmackDown and build her up over there [I really know very little about her or seen her wrestle properly a little bit here and a little bit there,] but I do believe she has IT; well she had IT until Mr. McMahon pull the rug from underneath her, just for the record I believe she still has IT, but she is going to need massively rebuilding already even in her early stages of her career as a wrestler.

But other than that who else can take over and I mean from this perspective who isn't currently doing something, I was thinking I would quickly mention that, because you have Banks, Bayley and Bliss all doing something, so this company don't have many other options at the moment and unfortunately I feel very comfortable saying that, based on the grounds they haven't been building up current or any new talent.

The saddest thing is now McMahon and Prichard are in control of Raw and Prichard is in control of SmackDown I see a similar situation occurring where they are just going to heavily rely on old and veteran talent, consequently when they get injured or retire they will have no one coming up behind them which are ready built replacements on any level be it an all round wrestler or on-screen character, I am trying not to sound arrogant here, but I have been saying something to this effect about this company for years [so many, many, many years,] oh yes I remember you just removed someone that was trying to make a start on this problem on Raw which is about 15 years behind schedule in Paul Heyman as Executive Producer of Monday Night RAW, this was a stroke of genius to remove him [yes I am being very sarcastic] and yes not everything was brilliant, but at least Heyman was trying. But then again this company does have Jax to rely on, what a safe pair of hands she has and Ziggler; Ziggler vs. the WWE Champion McIntyre at WWE Extreme Rules 2020 [wake me up when this feud is over and you give McIntyre a different opponent which is worthwhile anyone getting invested in WWE.]

Renée Young [WWE Employee/Commentary/On-screen interviewer/Presenter] I would like to send you my best wishes on a speedy recovery from this global situation we are currently all in and hopefully Jon Moxley doesn't contract it as well [AEW Wrestler/AEW World Champion,] here is the most important detail by far real-life husband and wife.

The WWE have really, really screwed up throughout this global situation what with making wrestling an essential business which it so isn't to now having an outbreak of this global situation or not being transparent with anyone that works for them of any job role to now testing everyone specifically for this global situation now and moving forward when it is far, far, far, far too late.

So to be perfectly honest when is this company going to change? Because I used to get very angry, but what is the point because I have never hidden the fact I am not a big fan of this company, in a nutshell the reason is because they could do so much better on every single level, but until Mr. McMahon either steps down or dies this company's growth and public image is going to remain very archaic, so out of place in this modernized world and moving from pitfall to pitfall of problems in one way or another. The more and more I am thinking about it; he should just step down now based on the grounds this entire situation [in his company] happened under his watch, so if it was anyone else or at least 9 times out of 10 the leader takes responsibility and steps down, but we all know this isn't going to happen and it has just come to me, that he should step down on another reason being because of his age he is at a very high risk contracting it [Mr. McMahon is 74 years old when this blog was dictated.]

All Elite Wrestling: the Guevara situation is and was extremely unpleasant and completely unacceptable [I do not condone this,] I did say something to the effect of terminate his contract at this company and fired, but however on reflection I don't think this would have been the right course of action. I do believe what AEW have done is the better outcome, because I have been thinking we have all said and done things which were not the best choice myself included, before I receive any negative backlash, I am specifically talking about this situation as in Guevara and yes I am aware of many other situations.

But as it relates to this character/performer he is relatively young and even younger when he made this unnecessary joke which wasn't funny even back then and very quickly I am not using this as an excuse, but I am more interested in how do we as a society rehabilitate people that do or say these things [depending on the situation] and yes just for the record my opinions on the previous Hulk Hogan well-publicized situation are very different, because he is much older and should know better and it is very much worthwhile rehabilitating Guevara or anyone that swiftly does something about it; like he spoke to the individual in question [WWE's Sasha Banks] which she put out a statement about this which helped him out with the contents of that statement.

But when he comes back to AEW eventually I would strongly, strongly recommend he has a repackaging because his current persona, including the tag team name with Chris Jericho has elements of sex, so this wouldn't be a good idea to come back with the same persona, so new start and new persona and everything else on his return to this company whenever that may be.

On to my final section I know I heavily criticized this company for going back to work during this situation and I am not backtracking on that because if I didn't criticize it at some point in the future, someone could have said "If the WWE had done this you would have been all over them."I know in this case the WWE have   so to be balanced I had to criticize AEW. I am not going to lie I have been watching someone else's contents and the AEW: Dynamite TV programming they have been doing the appropriate tests for this global situation for some time now, but until today it wouldn't sink in my head, even though they had on both counts from these two sources had been making reference to it when it was appropriate [I look back over some occasions in my memory and realize that's what they meant; even though it was crystal clear; the penny has just dropped or I wasn't paying attention or whatever the case may be,] all I can do is sincerely apologize for any misleading I have updated the relevant Volume.

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