Wednesday 24 June 2020

The Current War 2017/2019 [alternative name The Current War: Director's Cut] by AverageMansReviews

The Current War 2017/2019 [alternative name The Current War: Director's Cut] by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flash photography, flashing effects, animal cruelty and capital punishment in one way or another in this project.

Storyline: it is wishy-washy, it misses out the invention of electricity and there is a consistent element of capital punishment after the animal cruelty element, because the storyline is wishy-washy the pacing can be seen in the same light as well.

Action/Art/Comedy: there are weapons being used, the art can be seen in the scenes through this project; to be a little bit more specific about the art now the viewers can see these many, many light bulbs in a massive circle with Edison/Cumberbatch standing in the middle [the viewers do get to see this scene from an overview perspective,] another of Edison's inventions the Kinetoscope [motion pictures] this is excellent art and finally there is one tiny piece of comedy; here is a rough description it is where [Younger Dash Edison/Woody] in Morse Code says "His nose looks like a cherry" [referring to Morgan/Macfadyen] with  Morgan/Macfadyen asking Edison basically "What did he say?"

Characters/Performances: these are good on every single level including good on-screen chemistry, but having said that and this is nothing against these performers; but the viewers can't really enjoy them because of everything I have said in previous paragraphs like the storyline and all of that combined.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; I mean yes this film does focus on what it says on the side of the tin or in this case DVD case "The Current War."But I wish they would have focused on the creation of electricity first just for a small amount of time and then move on from there [like doing the background first that kind of approach,] I did find it difficult to settle down with this film, because of everything I have said in this review, consequently I became bored if I am being honest and see from the perspective of the criminal as capital punishment is being delivered is/was very unnecessary.

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