Monday 29 June 2020

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 20 by AverageMansReview

The Building of: WWE vs. All Elite Wrestling Volume 20 by AverageMansReview

Just a heads up: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my contents but I have my ways around it.

WWE: so let's get straight down to business how is that a central business loophole working out for you? Better yet how is that punishing some of your characters/performers for not willing to work through this global situation, even though you said there would be no repercussions for anyone that chose not to work at this time; working out for you? Better yet how is that not testing until recently specifically for this global situation working out for you? Or how having your leader of this company in Mr. McMahon not taking this global situation with the appropriate levels of seriousness it rightly deserves and just seeing it as a very bad flu working out for you?

I mean what does Mr. McMahon have to do for people to question his leadership? Because it is a well-known fact that throughout the years Mr. McMahon has ran his wrestlers into the ground physically, mentally and emotionally until they can't give anymore and then he just throws them away.

But in this situation we are looking at a whole different level of irresponsibility and careless nature which is just frightening. I say this not for scaremongering, but a valid point so here is a hypothetical question What happens if Roman Reigns had contracted this global situation? With not one but two previous bouts of leukemia in his history one being quite recently, I need to point out that he chose to stay away because of his family and not because of leukemia, his family is an important reason just on its own. But still is Mr. McMahon going to apologize to Reigns for the way he has dealt with him over this global situation including other characters/performers [I know he probably will not apologize, but he should based on the outbreak of this global situation in his own company.]

So the harsh reality is the WWE has someone leading it in Mr. McMahon that has no comprehension of today's world and seems to be quite happy living in ignorance about this global situation, I am not an expert on this global situation but at least I am aware it is life-threatening and more than just a bad flu, but it is all about making money, money, money, money isn't that right Mr. McMahon and screw everything and everyone else, so I will leave this section on this question/statement; at what point does this company question Mr. McMahon's leadership and abilities to handle this company come into play? Because unfortunately I can only see this company really beginning to question him when something drastically goes wrong and I am talking about something that they cannot sweep under the carpet which is to be honest a very dangerous, stupid, irresponsible and insane way of doing things, I mean if you look over the recent history of this company the warning lights are already flashing, this is just a massive stack of donkey diarrhea waiting to happen really; I hasten to add I hope I am wrong about this.

All Elite Wrestling: I don't have much to say here; but please AEW stay away from Tessa Blanchard yes I know her Father works for this company [Tully Blanchard] and she has the support of Big Swole [AEW Wrestler.]

My opinion is that at this moment in time she is just too radioactive with her reputation being what it is; I wouldn't risk upsetting the backstage balance and the AEW Woman's Division has a good flow of progression to it as in it is always moving forward; so I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it and just to cover my back I would be saying exactly the same kind of thing if I was talking about a male character/performer. But I digress AEW has just dealt with a controversial situation in Sammy Guevara and WWE's Sasha Banks, so I would like to think that they wouldn't willingly deal with one controversial situation just to head straight back into another controversial situation so soon, because that would be such a WWE move/thing. What I understand is the WWE have put out feelers for Tessa Blanchard so she can go to WWE; I mean based on Tessa Blanchard's radioactive reputation and the WWE's reputation of making money by any cost this sounds like a perfect partnership.

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