Friday 26 June 2020

Thunder Road 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Thunder Road 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is suicide/drug overdose in this film

Storyline/Characters/Performances/Comedy: it is very uncomfortable viewing as from beginning to end it deals with our lead character/performer [Officer Jim Arnaud/Cummings] losing a lot which is near and dear to him [I'm trying not to give too much of the storyline away here.] On one hand the pacing is agonizingly slow torture, but on the other hand combined with the atmosphere it reflects Arnaud/Cummings perfectly so if this is what they were going for mission accomplished.

The character developments are very awkward as it relates to our lead role, because I don't know if Arnaud/Cummings had a undiagnosed mental health illness or some form of mental disability before this; which if I had to have a guess; I am going to say yes very strongly anyway, but throughout this film things just get worse and worse and on a quick side note being dyslexic as Arnaud/Cummings is not a mental illness or disability, it is a learning issue.

There are some people there for our lead role in Officer Nate Lewis/Robinson [his family] and Jim's Sister [Morgan Arnaud] and  his superior [Captain/Wise] trying to be there by basically saying take some time off, but as you will experience in this film Arnaud/Cummings is not exactly the most easiest person to get along with [he really does need some form of counselling on more than one level,] but these other characters/performers; they have their own lives and is Sister is grieving in her own right, and for the rest of the character developments they are doing what they are designed to do and the same can be said for all the performances as well

Comedy; now for like 99% of this film I just didn't find it funny, I mean I have a mental health illness so for some strange reason I don't find someone that clearly has a mental illness or disability before hand or definitely mental illness during and very possible after this period in his life [meaning they are still in him, but they may not show themselves again in a massive way until he has been put under some form of mental stress or triggered or other circumstances] so I didn't find them funny.

So the only small elements I found funny were someone throwing this fruit; I'm pretty sure it is fruit, it explodes on contact with Arnaud/Cummings and when he is trying to leave this parent teacher meeting; with his Daughter's desk still stuck to him.

Action/Art: there are weapons being used, combat and chasing moving on to the art there dancing, an organ being played and ballet.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; this mark will need some explaining, okay fair enough I didn't like this film. But on reflection if this film gets people talking about any form of mental health or mental disability or seeking help or assistance by showing or feeling what it is like to have any level of these then this film has a purpose and it holds educational value so I can't criticize that.

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