Monday, 30 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 8: ...And Finally: Black Bolt by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 8: ...And Finally: Black Bolt by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storylines/Origin storyline: well we have two supporting characters/performers and one very limited scenes character/performer in this episode, with some of our characters/performers sharing some screen time in one way or another with them [in a very short-term narrative,] whilst we have some other main characters/performers dealing with things on the moon [dealing with different things in smaller numbers at some points.]

This storyline generally speaking feels very rushed and very messy [in a nutshell it feels like they are having to squeeze everything in,] when they should have been spacing everything out into these eight episodes and make these eight episodes feel more fuller and the origin storyline explains a lot in this episode.

Action sequences: in short these are good.

Character developments/Performances: because of what I said about this storyline earlier in this review, it does feel like these two points are also affected as well [from the perspective of the majority of these characters have had a massive upgrade from the previous episode as it relates to their character developments. But the viewers will never get to see how these characters/performers with given time would have turned out simply based on this fact this would be the final episode of this season and ever, I will discuss this later [in the final paragraph of this blog,] but I continue it's like the majority of these characters/performers have been given these character developments to digest, but as I have been watching many different projects throughout the years, the kind of character developments these performers were given, it would have taken time to assimilate and these character developments to look natural and progressive [the timescale I am talking about could have been started at episode three and may be showing through more noticeably stronger at episode seven this kind of thing.]

I should just point out the timescale I have suggested is just based on the fact that this TV program has just eight episodes and even though I have suggested it; it would be still too much of a rush, but hypothetically if this was a 13 or 22 episodes season, you would see/feel the gradual character developments so towards the end of the season you would see/feel the changes and by the beginning of season two these characters/performers would have a deeper understanding and connection with their characters and in print themselves onto their versions of their characters, basically these performers needed more time with these character developments; more time the better, but as things are the performances are good.

This episode receives: 6/10, there is a lot happening in this episode and this mark is a fair conclusion.

Now this is one of those TV programs, where I can sit back and say "This TV program wasted its potential and it had so much potential, that now I have seen all of this TV program minus these two things if somehow I lose these reviews or someone wanted me to watch them with them, I couldn't watch this TV program again in my own personal time; because on one hand I would be reminded of how much potential this TV program has or had which it does make itself known on different levels in this season and on the other hand how things really turned out in reality with putting its potential to one side."

I can really understand why it got cancelled; just based on my viewing experience yes even though the majority of this season I have given similar marks to these episodes [I would just like to say again the majority,] it would take most of another season to basically re-boot this version of this TV program, which if I was in control of renewing or cancelling TV programs or thinking of trying a re-boot [starting from scratch again on everything,] I just couldn't justify the expenditure of two of these options [just to cover my back for in the future, because you never know what the future holds,] I'm going to say for here and now and the foreseeable future, based on what I know at this point anyway.

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 7: Havoc in the Hidden Land by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 7: Havoc in the Hidden Land by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storylines/Origin storyline: I will begin by saying all the storyline narratives have now merged, in short we have all the main characters/performers and one supporting character/performer all back together again in one way or another. This origin storyline sequence is happening whilst Medusa and Black Bolt are having this conversation, this origin storyline and conversation are connected [the viewers have both on screen at the same time.]

Action sequences: briefly they are good.

Character developments/Performances: now on one hand I am happy with these character developments and these performances are good as well, how these characters have developed into much better rounded characters. But on the other hand I am so creatively frustrated/angry with them, because yes throughout this TV program there are character developments, but when it comes to this episode this is a different kind of level of character developments, where yes there is chemistry/friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get.] But there is real substance be it in the dialogue exchanges or sign language or interpreter.

Now I get it; these characters/performers needed to be separated [or be put in smaller numbers] and to go away and grow; like I have just said I get it I understand it, so in defence of this TV program they couldn't be the same characters from Episode 1 until now. But my point here is this; if they focused more on this kind of level of character developments throughout this TV program, firstly they wouldn't have been poor to begin with and secondly the gigantic gap between the character developments from the previous episodes to this one wouldn't be there, in fairness and balance Maximus shows more of his darker side with putting a small amount of blood on another character's face in the previous episode, but in this episode things really do pick up for every character/performer

Another reason why I am so frustrated/angry with this TV program; well simply put it is because after this episode there is only one more episode and we are done, so basically what I'm saying here is; they do all of this in-depth work in this episode for one more episode and that is it.

This episode receives: 7/10, what can I say here really; other than maybe this episode makes its viewer's focus and attention for the final episode.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 6: The Gentleman's Name is Gorgon by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 6: The Gentleman's Name is Gorgon by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storylines/Origin storyline: we have a short-term narrative for this episode [main characters/performers and the supporting character/performer break off into different numbers and come back together at the end of the episode] and we have another storyline merging with the main characters/performers and supporting characters/performers. Moving on to the origin storyline listen out for the dialogue exchanges between Karnak and Mordis; it is short, but most definitely worthwhile listening to as I know nothing about this character, but then again I know the very basic details about this side of Marvel in the first place, but I continue then the dialogue exchanges between Karnak and Gorgon this is all based around an origin storyline, in one way or another in this location.

Artistic visions: Lockjaw has been a massive positive for this TV program and in this episode there are no exceptions, Eldrac [the transporting door] I like this character a lot; it would have been nice to see him get used a bit more frequently, I am not saying a lot, but more than what we have, let me put it this way this character could have been another consistent asset throughout this TV program or at the very least when they decided to use him.

Character developments/Performances: on both counts these are good, there is chemistry and friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get,] the only way I can put this really is this; we have come a long way in a short amount of time from the first episode.

This episode receives: 6/10, now based on here and now [without giving too much away and I haven't seen the next episode yet,] but all the signs are pointing to potentially the next two episodes being solidly entertaining [I don't want to say too much more than that, just in case I end up looking like a fool,] but to be fair to myself it does feel like this episode is doing the groundwork or some of it to build to something.

Friday, 27 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 5: Something Inhuman This Way Comes... by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 5: Something Inhuman This Way Comes... by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storylines/Back story/Character developments: well we have a lot of storyline narratives merging with their main characters/performers and their supporting characters/performers as well. This is where I will be talking about the back story scenes and the character developments of Karnak and Gorgon [yes there are other character developments, but as you should know by now I don't give everything away.]

So let us begin with the back story scenes and then move forward to the present time, the audience gets to experience not only this clearly somewhat difficult relationship between these two Royal Family members as Karnak is being very assertive with a calm demeanour in these two separate scenes, but Gorgon in the second scene of this back story; Gorgon has a dropping of the mic moment [and yes he does leave the scene after that,] leaving Karnak thinking about what Gorgon has just said to him.

Now moving on to the present time, the sense of clear strong relief from Karnak, when he talks to Gorgon in this chaotic situation/including Karnak's love interest saying "he talks about you a lot " to Gorgon and Gorgon being a little bit surprised/showing a little bit of happiness with asking this; he says really? She makes a sound of acknowledgment.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: in short there are weapons being used, chasing, combat and other action elements. The artistic visions when we have Auran regenerating herself [this element is small but it looks great] or anything to do with Lockjaw; he looks massive and really lovable as usual.

This episode receives: 6/10, generally speaking after everything is said and done; this episode has enough about it to get into this marking bracket.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 4: Make Way for... Medusa by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 4: Make Way for... Medusa by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Character developments/Performers/Storyline: now just to freshen things up a little bit, I was thinking I would start here and there is a reason why I took out any mention of the supporting characters/performers from the previous episodes reviews, I was thinking it may be easier to separate the main characters/performers and the supporting characters/performers and focus on the supporting characters/performers here.

So with that being said the character developments of the supporting characters/performers are a reliable asset to this TV program [yes one of them needs time to grow on you and one or two of them are clichés of their character types,] but generally speaking at this point anyway [there may be some new recurring characters, this is just speculation at this point because I don't know.] But for here and now as I have already said they are a reliable asset to this TV program.

Because there is chemistry/friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] with these main characters/performers in their own narrative and we have the storyline merger between two main characters/performers and their two supporting characters/performers in this episode as well.

Origin storyline/Artistic visions: the origin storyline and the character known as Lockjaw, are firstly interesting and secondly look neat and tidy as it relates to the origin storyline element and second lovable and sweet as it relates to Lockjaw.

This episode receives: 7/10, as I have already said this episode is good let's hope they can build something off this episode moving forward.

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 3: Divide and Conquer by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 3: Divide and Conquer  by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Origin storylines/Artistic visions/Storylines: the viewers get to see more origin storyline segments with these artistic visions how things came to be [on a quick side note I would most definitely prefer to see this time in the Inhumans history than the present times, on to the storylines we almost have two main characters/performers merging their individual narratives on top of that we also have a pairing of characters beginning their own narrative as well.

Character developments/Performances: okay these character developments/performances are beginning to irritate me. Because of a very good reason, you see on one hand I don't mind saying a project in question has no chemistry or friction, likewise on the other hand I don't mind saying there is chemistry or friction.

But this episode uses the third option and I have strong feelings about the third option I just don't like it; now this is just based on my viewing experience, but at some points it feels like in this third episode there is a consistent chemistry or friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] which in theory you may think is a good thing, which you would be right. But just for one noticeable detail the chemistry or friction keeps evaporating, so for a minute it could be there, then in the next it could be there or it feels like it has been withdrawn or something doesn't feel right. Let me put it this way at least I now feel something for the one character I didn't feel much for in the previous two episodes, it led me to second-guess myself if I had gotten it wrong in the first place, but I decided to stay with what I said earlier [because that was earlier this was now that kind of thing.]

This episode receives: 5/10, after everything has been taken into consideration this mark is a fair outcome

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 2: Those Who Would Destroy Us by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 2: Those Who Would Destroy Us by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Character developments/Performances: well I may as well just come out and say it generally speaking all three of these points are greatly improved. Because I am a logical person, there is enough evidence in this episode to suggest the reason for this is because the main characters/performers are a part from one another [but they do cross over into each other's storylines/narratives via communication, connected to the bigger picture] or in a smaller number of main characters/performers in the same narrative, this is where I should point out when I said "greatly improved" I mean from how it was in the previous episode [yes I am saying/suggesting that this TV program is better when you don't have a lot of these main characters/performers in one location, don't get me wrong there are still things that will remind you in one way or another this TV program has pitfalls in it.

Like for one example without giving too much away and just based on these two episodes, I am not feeling one particular character/performer for like 86% of the time at the moment, but now and again in these two episodes in fairness and balance this character/performer shows potential.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: in one sequence Black Bolt shows a small breath of his power [without meaning to, well he had bigger problems on his hands at that time.]

Moving on to the artistic visions, the landscapes look great and the wall character; his name is Eldrac [here is a rough description; he is a door and he has a head and face, has the ability to transport people from one location to the next,] basically for those people that are old enough and come from the United Kingdom, he would feel very much at home in the UK TV program/Game Show Knightmare 1987-1994, well he would feel right at home if he knows how to come up with riddles, it is an occupation must. On a quick side note if you are interested in this Game Show it is a classic and well worth a watch, it is something similar to Dungeons & Dragons, the Board Game and the animated TV program of the same name 1983.]

This episode receives: 6/10, as I have already said this episode is good, but as of this episode I have this feeling and yes I could be wrong, but I just have this feeling whatever problems this TV program has they will show up in the rest of these episodes at some points [so basically we could be looking at this kind of mark as the highest or somewhere around this level.] I just want to say this again I could be wrong, this is just based on these two episodes, a feeling - experience in watching many different projects and speculation at this point based on I haven't seen the rest of these episodes yet.]

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 1: Behold... The Inhumans by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 1: Behold... The Inhumans by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is poor

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Origin storylines: the storyline is okay, I mean it serves its purpose and these origin storylines elements show much more better potential than the storyline itself; meaning these little moments have been put together with an idea and a sprinkling of imagination behind them.

Artistic visions: now this is a complicated thing, I have no idea what they were going for in this episode, but it is a mesh of ugliness. Now don't get me wrong Lockjaw looks great and like I have already said the origin storylines elements have a sprinkling of imagination behind them.

But this is where the ugliness comes into effect; the quickest and easiest way I could describe this to you would be this; on one hand we have elements of it being a Hollywood blockbuster type of film budget [running out of money,] whilst on the other hand elements of a TV network budget, but still running out of money and these two worlds [yes for those picky people out there in Internet land I am aware TV programs potentially has a budget of millions but work with me here.] But as I was saying it feels like and looks like these two different worlds are being forced together and this is the result.

Character developments/Performances: with putting one character to one side for a minute [Lockjaw,] the character developments and the performances are poor. Let me put it this way; I can see the chemistry/friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] but I don't feel it. The only character that makes a positive is Lockjaw; he looks big and lovable, he has every potential to be the best character in this TV program by some distance.

This episode receives: 3/10, this episode shows elements of its potential but then again it also shows its many weaknesses as well, I think this TV program is going to be difficult to mark because of the potential; the potential to be positive or poor or somewhere in the middle, on a quick side note I should just point out this TV program either goes by the name of the one at the top or just Inhumans, but I decided to go with the name at the top and yes I know I usually put the alternative names at the top as well but I decided to give that a miss on the TV programs side of things and just very quickly the reason why I've also decided to mention it here is so that it doesn't break my 3 to 5 things about this episode.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Knick Knack 1989/1992 by AverageMansReviews

Knick Knack 1989/1992 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent, because this project is only roughly 4 minutes long I will be brief on what I tell you about it.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen and background music.

Storyline: this Snowman wants to escape his Snow Globe.

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: in one way or another all three of these elements work off one another, for an example as it relates to an action sequence and a comedy element; this Snowman uses TNT dynamite and a plunger/detonator [the kind of plunger/detonator that you attach some TNT dynamite to via this wires connected to this square box and in the square box is a T-shaped plunger/detonator] which our lead character pushes down on as he uses this igloo [decoration in his Snow Globe] to hide behind. But something goes wrong [the Snow Globe doesn't shatter] but instead of this explosion we have an implosion which at first looks like the usual effects as if someone had turned this Snow Globe upside down [but not in this case] on closer inspection this experience looks to be chaotic from ground-level close-up [inside this Snow Globe.]

The artistic visions; I can't be too critical of them, because this film was made in 1989, so computer animation was in its infancy. But the high level of creativity and imagination is still there for everyone to see for another example when our lead character uses this Jackhammers/Pneumatic drill [the kind of drill that use to break up pavement.]

Character developments: the computer animation tells its viewers how these characters are feeling with body language, facial expressions, mannerisms and sounds on top of the background music.

This film receives: 8/10, as I have already said this film is excellent.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Angel Has Fallen 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Angel Has Fallen 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement; well this film is really slow, minus roughly around the final eighth, because of this; it makes the other problems that this sequel has incredibly easy to pick up on which I will discuss in this review.

Back stories/Storyline: the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges and the storyline is very predictable

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, on the water [boat and speedboat,] under the water and in the air such as for one example these little but highly dangerous swarms of drones, vehicles, helicopters and choppers [design for combat,] training and things being blown up or explosions, so yes the action sequences can be seen as a massive asset to this sequel and the comedy level is little bits and pieces such as when there are many explosions around this one location

The artistic visions; there is a movement when our lead character/role is in this training location [the beginning of this film] and we get this first-person shooter perspective and there is this origami scene.

Character developments/Performances: now the character developments on one hand are a big problem, because with the movement and the very predictable storyline I could quickly work out who the bad guys are [okay I may have gotten them in the wrong order,] but other than that I was right and it really didn't take me that long. Now on the other hand there are some good character developments such as this old character that has clearly been on his own for too long and it shows in the way he chooses to defend his home/territory

Likewise without repeating myself too much the performances have the same problem, because this film gives the character developments away too easily or too quickly the performances can be seen to be fair to the performers something at worst solid at best good [it depends which characters/performers you have on screen at that specific time,] yes the chemistry/friction can be either as flat as a pancake or is there naturally [depending what characters/performers you have on screen at that specific time is depending what you get as well.]

This film receives: 2/10, what irritates me about this film so much is when you get to roughly the final eighth of this sequel it starts to move, feel and look what it wants to be; enthusiastic, I mean okay I am not talking about being constant action but it would have been nice if this sequel would have gotten out of first gear a lot sooner than what it did, they could have easily just moved through the gears; I mean I know this formula or format is very predictable but it is also very reliable; it would have worked and instead I would have preferred that and there is one other thing I should point out; the reason why this sequel gets given this mark is I quickly got bored with it and mentally switched off, so yes I can tell you that roughly around the final eighth of this sequel things pick up a lot, but I can't put to one side I switched off mentally and then got mentally switched back on and interested in the film roughly around the final eighth, so in short yes I have highlighted the there are some very predictable elements to this sequel, but maybe if it had a bit more get up and go to it may be things wouldn't have turned out this bad from this perspective a better paced project would have gave me less time to notice things or I would have probably still picked up on them, but they wouldn't have been so obvious or transparent [but that is just an observation/speculation because we don't know how it would have turned out, but this is just how things are in front of me.]

Friday, 20 December 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 68: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 68: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is top-notch entertainment

Storyline: the viewers get this voice-over with a recap, yes I would talk about the narratives in this episode that crossover or merge in one way or another, but because there is so much happening, it would just be easier to say that no matter where you are in this episode everything means something. Nothing feels less or more than important than any other storyline element in this episode.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts the action sequences and the artistic visions have so much to offer this episode they are both hard-hitting and show great imagination.

Character developments/Comedy level: now there was a reason I didn't say too much in my previous paragraph, it was because I could bring it up here from a different perspective. Now we have these two Autobots [Blurr & Wheelie] escaping from Galvatron & a group of Decepticons [Cyclonus & The Sweeps.]

Galvatron gives these two monologues; the first one is before he transforms [transformed mode of a Cannon] and the second one begins with a response to a Sweep being in pain, because this Star is imploding due to Galvatron's actions and his disciples and himself being way too close to feel the full force of the implosion, but Galvatron seems to be at peace in this brutal carnage [basically Galvatron if you are against him or follow him; it doesn't matter he is completely unhinged so you will feel his wrath it doesn't matter who you are.]

The comedy level is where we have these Autobots, including Spike Witwicky and this other character [if my memory is correct I will mention these names after this 5 parter, because I am trying not to give too much away, I can't remember but to be on the safe side.] They are floating in outer space just waiting to reach their next destination.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lightning quick with action happening all over the place.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Party Central 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Party Central 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good, now because this film is only roughly 5 minutes long I will be brief than what I say about it.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline: because this party isn't going to well in fact you have a greater chance of having some tumbleweed showing up to this party more than monsters, our old friends [new friends; they meet at Monsters University] Mike & Sullivan a.k.a. Sulley decide to steal a party

Comedy level/Artistic visions: the recurring theme throughout this project is using this Door Station to quickly and discreetly re-direct these other monsters/characters to this other party and using a bedroom in our world is a passageway to get to this other party was a good touch. The artistic visions; this project is colourful and it gets the viewers attention

Character developments/Performances: on both counts they are going.

This film receives: 6/10, as I have already said this film is good

Monday, 16 December 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 60: An Oyster Stew by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 60: An Oyster Stew by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is top-notch entertainment

5 things about this episode

Back stories/Storyline/Blooper: there is this shifty looking character/Putty/Putty Patroller/performer that tells Zack this story of his wife, the viewers have different back stories on this monster for this episode from different perspectives [it from the evildoers or the good side] at one point or another.

Now because we are at the final episode of this season, I should just point out as it relates to the storylines Zordon & Alpha 5 have their own narratives, they contact The Power Rangers [in their everyday lives] from The Command Center whenever something traumatic on Earth happens or a new threat sets off this alarm in The Command Center, they watch these events on the Viewing Globe, basically they support The Power Rangers anyway they can.

I know I usually label these narratives by saying which characters/performers are used in them, but in this case as the narratives change with different characters/performers being used in them be it individually or pair or trio or more or all or in their civilian attire or as The Power Rangers themselves or all of them in their civilian attire morph as the 6 Power Rangers. Basically there is a lot happening in the storyline which is excellent but I am not going to sit here labelling/saying every narrative be it any lengths or when they come together and then breakaway again.

The bloopers are massive, because in a nutshell you have the 6 Power Rangers in their civilian attire, talking about this latest threat inside/this romantic restaurant with so many people around [this restaurant is an outside restaurant] and they are not quiet about what they are talking about and then they quickly run out of this restaurant and look for somewhere out of the way to morph; Jason looks around to see if anyone is coming, but it is not that far away from the restaurant in the first place and on top of that Jason doesn't say "It's morphing time!" quietly he says it at the normal volume, so in short I am not sure how they kept their secret identities a secret here throughout this sequence and yes I know there is another scene where The Power Rangers in their civilian attire; Jason, Kimberly, Billy and Tommy are talking about Power Rangers things around this table in Angel Grove Youth Center, but they are trying to discuss things quietly so why didn't they do things quietly earlier?

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts they offer so much of the highest level of creativity and imagination, not to give too much away but watch out for this underwater action sequence and I can really appreciate the creativity behind the continuation [this monster gets hit so hard by the Dragonzord's tale that he ends up flying out of this underwater location to crash on this landscape to continue this battle against the Dragonzord and the Megazord.

I have just remembered the Power Crystals; the 5 Power Rangers take out their Power Coins from their belts and they individually change them into crystals whilst they are in their individual Zords to begin the connection process into this Tank Mode, followed by the Megazord Battle Mode [all I can say here is; I remember bringing some of this up in previous blogs, but I can't remember the Power Coins and better late than never.]

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is packed with many top-notch things that this was the only mark I had in mind for this episode and it leaves this season on a high.

Saturday, 14 December 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Raw Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders to issue open challenge at WWE TLC this Sunday: my pick is The Viking Raiders, this is a difficult choice because this company will either give the W. to The Viking Raiders just to reinforce they are a dominating tag team, but eventually dropped these Championships to these mystery opponents or just do it now either way to set up a feud with this mystery tag team from here onwards

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy: my pick is Alastair Black, this company is really wasting this matchup, even though I don't have much to do with this company anymore [yes I still watch/look at online sources but that is about it.] I can't be the only one thinking stick a ladder in this match and a No 1 Contender contract over the ring or in a briefcase for the WWE Championship at next year's Royal Rumble, for me these two stipulations are a no-brainer. Lesnar vs. one or both of these two individuals would be great at next year's Royal Rumble.

The Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair vs. the  WWE Women's Tag Team Champions
The Kabuki Warriors Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: my pick is The Kabuki Warriors; please, please WWE don't do what I think you're going to do here, by making new champions, because if this happens I can only see one predictable storyline happening here, this slow did I forget to mention predictable implosion of Lynch & Flair and all four of these characters/performers are too good for this scenario, I mean if you are going to do this storyline can you do it all in one night with The Kabuki Warriors retaining their Championships and it would be a massive win for them and it would send out a strong message that they are the real deal of women's tag team wrestling in the WWE and on top of that this way it would save two months of TV time of avoiding this implosion between Lynch & Flair [I should just point out this time frame is just speculation, but I think you get my point anyway.]

I would greatly, gigantically prefer to see all four of these performers in AEW [I know, I know this has no way in hell of happening,] so if I had to pick just two I would take The Kabuki Warriors [individually or together Asuka & Kairi Sane.] Because I really want to see what they can do without the WWE style foreigners Heel, character developments put on them, even though they make it look good, on the very little I have seen and we all know Lynch and Flair individually or together will in one way or another run any women's division in the WWE for many years to come.

But for here and now these four characters/performers will bring the house down in this match on Sunday that is guaranteed

Rusev vs. Bobby Lashley Tables Match: my pick is Bobby Lashley, with interference from Lana I really want/wanted to see Rusev win here. But until he signs a new contract with the WWE, he is just going to get the buried treatment. Rusev should go to AEW, because I think once the shackles have been taken off him by leaving the WWE, he has everything to be a massive star/performer in professional wrestling and if he can be given a level of freedom/control over his character the possibilities are endless.

The Revival vs.
the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day
 Ladder Match: my pick is The New Day, because I don't want The Revival to be given any reason to stick around in the WWE, when AEW would by an unlimited distance be a supremely better place for them to wrestle and on a quick side note what a fall from grace Kofi Kingston has had from being the WWE Champion to now being nowhere near that picture to going back to where he began, he deserves so much more better treatment from this company [but then again this is the WWE I am talking about here.]

Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: my pick is King Corbin, with interference from somebody consequently to continue this feud and it protects Reigns if things go down this way so he can take the loss

The Miz vs. the Universal Champion Bray Wyatt: my pick is Bray Wyatt, now don't get me wrong this match should be good. But I think this match is more based around the storyline/character developments of Bray Wyatt [yes I haven't seen any of this feud.] But I mean it from the perspective of don't be too surprised if you see the debut of someone new once again this is just speculation but Sister Abigail [I mean as this is the final pay-per-view of 2019 leave it on a bombshell and she would definitely qualify as a bombshell] and the character developments of Bray Wyatt as this version of him in the ring.

Last updated: Thursday 19/12/2019 Humberto Carrillo defeats Andrade