Wednesday 25 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 1: Behold... The Inhumans by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 1: Behold... The Inhumans by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is poor

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Origin storylines: the storyline is okay, I mean it serves its purpose and these origin storylines elements show much more better potential than the storyline itself; meaning these little moments have been put together with an idea and a sprinkling of imagination behind them.

Artistic visions: now this is a complicated thing, I have no idea what they were going for in this episode, but it is a mesh of ugliness. Now don't get me wrong Lockjaw looks great and like I have already said the origin storylines elements have a sprinkling of imagination behind them.

But this is where the ugliness comes into effect; the quickest and easiest way I could describe this to you would be this; on one hand we have elements of it being a Hollywood blockbuster type of film budget [running out of money,] whilst on the other hand elements of a TV network budget, but still running out of money and these two worlds [yes for those picky people out there in Internet land I am aware TV programs potentially has a budget of millions but work with me here.] But as I was saying it feels like and looks like these two different worlds are being forced together and this is the result.

Character developments/Performances: with putting one character to one side for a minute [Lockjaw,] the character developments and the performances are poor. Let me put it this way; I can see the chemistry/friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] but I don't feel it. The only character that makes a positive is Lockjaw; he looks big and lovable, he has every potential to be the best character in this TV program by some distance.

This episode receives: 3/10, this episode shows elements of its potential but then again it also shows its many weaknesses as well, I think this TV program is going to be difficult to mark because of the potential; the potential to be positive or poor or somewhere in the middle, on a quick side note I should just point out this TV program either goes by the name of the one at the top or just Inhumans, but I decided to go with the name at the top and yes I know I usually put the alternative names at the top as well but I decided to give that a miss on the TV programs side of things and just very quickly the reason why I've also decided to mention it here is so that it doesn't break my 3 to 5 things about this episode.

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