Monday 23 December 2019

Angel Has Fallen 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Angel Has Fallen 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this sequel is poor

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement; well this film is really slow, minus roughly around the final eighth, because of this; it makes the other problems that this sequel has incredibly easy to pick up on which I will discuss in this review.

Back stories/Storyline: the back stories get discussed in the dialogue exchanges and the storyline is very predictable

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, on the water [boat and speedboat,] under the water and in the air such as for one example these little but highly dangerous swarms of drones, vehicles, helicopters and choppers [design for combat,] training and things being blown up or explosions, so yes the action sequences can be seen as a massive asset to this sequel and the comedy level is little bits and pieces such as when there are many explosions around this one location

The artistic visions; there is a movement when our lead character/role is in this training location [the beginning of this film] and we get this first-person shooter perspective and there is this origami scene.

Character developments/Performances: now the character developments on one hand are a big problem, because with the movement and the very predictable storyline I could quickly work out who the bad guys are [okay I may have gotten them in the wrong order,] but other than that I was right and it really didn't take me that long. Now on the other hand there are some good character developments such as this old character that has clearly been on his own for too long and it shows in the way he chooses to defend his home/territory

Likewise without repeating myself too much the performances have the same problem, because this film gives the character developments away too easily or too quickly the performances can be seen to be fair to the performers something at worst solid at best good [it depends which characters/performers you have on screen at that specific time,] yes the chemistry/friction can be either as flat as a pancake or is there naturally [depending what characters/performers you have on screen at that specific time is depending what you get as well.]

This film receives: 2/10, what irritates me about this film so much is when you get to roughly the final eighth of this sequel it starts to move, feel and look what it wants to be; enthusiastic, I mean okay I am not talking about being constant action but it would have been nice if this sequel would have gotten out of first gear a lot sooner than what it did, they could have easily just moved through the gears; I mean I know this formula or format is very predictable but it is also very reliable; it would have worked and instead I would have preferred that and there is one other thing I should point out; the reason why this sequel gets given this mark is I quickly got bored with it and mentally switched off, so yes I can tell you that roughly around the final eighth of this sequel things pick up a lot, but I can't put to one side I switched off mentally and then got mentally switched back on and interested in the film roughly around the final eighth, so in short yes I have highlighted the there are some very predictable elements to this sequel, but maybe if it had a bit more get up and go to it may be things wouldn't have turned out this bad from this perspective a better paced project would have gave me less time to notice things or I would have probably still picked up on them, but they wouldn't have been so obvious or transparent [but that is just an observation/speculation because we don't know how it would have turned out, but this is just how things are in front of me.]

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