Saturday 14 December 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE TLC 2019 by AverageMansReviews

The Raw Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders to issue open challenge at WWE TLC this Sunday: my pick is The Viking Raiders, this is a difficult choice because this company will either give the W. to The Viking Raiders just to reinforce they are a dominating tag team, but eventually dropped these Championships to these mystery opponents or just do it now either way to set up a feud with this mystery tag team from here onwards

Aleister Black vs. Buddy Murphy: my pick is Alastair Black, this company is really wasting this matchup, even though I don't have much to do with this company anymore [yes I still watch/look at online sources but that is about it.] I can't be the only one thinking stick a ladder in this match and a No 1 Contender contract over the ring or in a briefcase for the WWE Championship at next year's Royal Rumble, for me these two stipulations are a no-brainer. Lesnar vs. one or both of these two individuals would be great at next year's Royal Rumble.

The Raw Women's Champion Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair vs. the  WWE Women's Tag Team Champions
The Kabuki Warriors Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: my pick is The Kabuki Warriors; please, please WWE don't do what I think you're going to do here, by making new champions, because if this happens I can only see one predictable storyline happening here, this slow did I forget to mention predictable implosion of Lynch & Flair and all four of these characters/performers are too good for this scenario, I mean if you are going to do this storyline can you do it all in one night with The Kabuki Warriors retaining their Championships and it would be a massive win for them and it would send out a strong message that they are the real deal of women's tag team wrestling in the WWE and on top of that this way it would save two months of TV time of avoiding this implosion between Lynch & Flair [I should just point out this time frame is just speculation, but I think you get my point anyway.]

I would greatly, gigantically prefer to see all four of these performers in AEW [I know, I know this has no way in hell of happening,] so if I had to pick just two I would take The Kabuki Warriors [individually or together Asuka & Kairi Sane.] Because I really want to see what they can do without the WWE style foreigners Heel, character developments put on them, even though they make it look good, on the very little I have seen and we all know Lynch and Flair individually or together will in one way or another run any women's division in the WWE for many years to come.

But for here and now these four characters/performers will bring the house down in this match on Sunday that is guaranteed

Rusev vs. Bobby Lashley Tables Match: my pick is Bobby Lashley, with interference from Lana I really want/wanted to see Rusev win here. But until he signs a new contract with the WWE, he is just going to get the buried treatment. Rusev should go to AEW, because I think once the shackles have been taken off him by leaving the WWE, he has everything to be a massive star/performer in professional wrestling and if he can be given a level of freedom/control over his character the possibilities are endless.

The Revival vs.
the SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day
 Ladder Match: my pick is The New Day, because I don't want The Revival to be given any reason to stick around in the WWE, when AEW would by an unlimited distance be a supremely better place for them to wrestle and on a quick side note what a fall from grace Kofi Kingston has had from being the WWE Champion to now being nowhere near that picture to going back to where he began, he deserves so much more better treatment from this company [but then again this is the WWE I am talking about here.]

Roman Reigns vs. King Corbin Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match: my pick is King Corbin, with interference from somebody consequently to continue this feud and it protects Reigns if things go down this way so he can take the loss

The Miz vs. the Universal Champion Bray Wyatt: my pick is Bray Wyatt, now don't get me wrong this match should be good. But I think this match is more based around the storyline/character developments of Bray Wyatt [yes I haven't seen any of this feud.] But I mean it from the perspective of don't be too surprised if you see the debut of someone new once again this is just speculation but Sister Abigail [I mean as this is the final pay-per-view of 2019 leave it on a bombshell and she would definitely qualify as a bombshell] and the character developments of Bray Wyatt as this version of him in the ring.

Last updated: Thursday 19/12/2019 Humberto Carrillo defeats Andrade

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