Monday 30 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 7: Havoc in the Hidden Land by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 7: Havoc in the Hidden Land by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another good episode

5 things about this episode

Storylines/Origin storyline: I will begin by saying all the storyline narratives have now merged, in short we have all the main characters/performers and one supporting character/performer all back together again in one way or another. This origin storyline sequence is happening whilst Medusa and Black Bolt are having this conversation, this origin storyline and conversation are connected [the viewers have both on screen at the same time.]

Action sequences: briefly they are good.

Character developments/Performances: now on one hand I am happy with these character developments and these performances are good as well, how these characters have developed into much better rounded characters. But on the other hand I am so creatively frustrated/angry with them, because yes throughout this TV program there are character developments, but when it comes to this episode this is a different kind of level of character developments, where yes there is chemistry/friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get.] But there is real substance be it in the dialogue exchanges or sign language or interpreter.

Now I get it; these characters/performers needed to be separated [or be put in smaller numbers] and to go away and grow; like I have just said I get it I understand it, so in defence of this TV program they couldn't be the same characters from Episode 1 until now. But my point here is this; if they focused more on this kind of level of character developments throughout this TV program, firstly they wouldn't have been poor to begin with and secondly the gigantic gap between the character developments from the previous episodes to this one wouldn't be there, in fairness and balance Maximus shows more of his darker side with putting a small amount of blood on another character's face in the previous episode, but in this episode things really do pick up for every character/performer

Another reason why I am so frustrated/angry with this TV program; well simply put it is because after this episode there is only one more episode and we are done, so basically what I'm saying here is; they do all of this in-depth work in this episode for one more episode and that is it.

This episode receives: 7/10, what can I say here really; other than maybe this episode makes its viewer's focus and attention for the final episode.

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