Thursday 26 December 2019

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 3: Divide and Conquer by AverageMansReviews

Marvel's Inhumans [Season 1,] Episode 3: Divide and Conquer  by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Origin storylines/Artistic visions/Storylines: the viewers get to see more origin storyline segments with these artistic visions how things came to be [on a quick side note I would most definitely prefer to see this time in the Inhumans history than the present times, on to the storylines we almost have two main characters/performers merging their individual narratives on top of that we also have a pairing of characters beginning their own narrative as well.

Character developments/Performances: okay these character developments/performances are beginning to irritate me. Because of a very good reason, you see on one hand I don't mind saying a project in question has no chemistry or friction, likewise on the other hand I don't mind saying there is chemistry or friction.

But this episode uses the third option and I have strong feelings about the third option I just don't like it; now this is just based on my viewing experience, but at some points it feels like in this third episode there is a consistent chemistry or friction [depending where you are is depending what you get,] which in theory you may think is a good thing, which you would be right. But just for one noticeable detail the chemistry or friction keeps evaporating, so for a minute it could be there, then in the next it could be there or it feels like it has been withdrawn or something doesn't feel right. Let me put it this way at least I now feel something for the one character I didn't feel much for in the previous two episodes, it led me to second-guess myself if I had gotten it wrong in the first place, but I decided to stay with what I said earlier [because that was earlier this was now that kind of thing.]

This episode receives: 5/10, after everything has been taken into consideration this mark is a fair outcome

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