Friday 20 December 2019

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 68: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

The Transformers 1984 -- 1987 [Season 3, Volume 1, Disc 7] Episode 68: Five Faces of Darkness: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is top-notch entertainment

Storyline: the viewers get this voice-over with a recap, yes I would talk about the narratives in this episode that crossover or merge in one way or another, but because there is so much happening, it would just be easier to say that no matter where you are in this episode everything means something. Nothing feels less or more than important than any other storyline element in this episode.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts the action sequences and the artistic visions have so much to offer this episode they are both hard-hitting and show great imagination.

Character developments/Comedy level: now there was a reason I didn't say too much in my previous paragraph, it was because I could bring it up here from a different perspective. Now we have these two Autobots [Blurr & Wheelie] escaping from Galvatron & a group of Decepticons [Cyclonus & The Sweeps.]

Galvatron gives these two monologues; the first one is before he transforms [transformed mode of a Cannon] and the second one begins with a response to a Sweep being in pain, because this Star is imploding due to Galvatron's actions and his disciples and himself being way too close to feel the full force of the implosion, but Galvatron seems to be at peace in this brutal carnage [basically Galvatron if you are against him or follow him; it doesn't matter he is completely unhinged so you will feel his wrath it doesn't matter who you are.]

The comedy level is where we have these Autobots, including Spike Witwicky and this other character [if my memory is correct I will mention these names after this 5 parter, because I am trying not to give too much away, I can't remember but to be on the safe side.] They are floating in outer space just waiting to reach their next destination.

This episode receives: 10/10, this episode is lightning quick with action happening all over the place.

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