Tuesday 24 December 2019

Knick Knack 1989/1992 by AverageMansReviews

Knick Knack 1989/1992 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent, because this project is only roughly 4 minutes long I will be brief on what I tell you about it.

Fundamental elements: there are words and numbers on screen and background music.

Storyline: this Snowman wants to escape his Snow Globe.

Action sequences/Comedy level/Artistic visions: in one way or another all three of these elements work off one another, for an example as it relates to an action sequence and a comedy element; this Snowman uses TNT dynamite and a plunger/detonator [the kind of plunger/detonator that you attach some TNT dynamite to via this wires connected to this square box and in the square box is a T-shaped plunger/detonator] which our lead character pushes down on as he uses this igloo [decoration in his Snow Globe] to hide behind. But something goes wrong [the Snow Globe doesn't shatter] but instead of this explosion we have an implosion which at first looks like the usual effects as if someone had turned this Snow Globe upside down [but not in this case] on closer inspection this experience looks to be chaotic from ground-level close-up [inside this Snow Globe.]

The artistic visions; I can't be too critical of them, because this film was made in 1989, so computer animation was in its infancy. But the high level of creativity and imagination is still there for everyone to see for another example when our lead character uses this Jackhammers/Pneumatic drill [the kind of drill that use to break up pavement.]

Character developments: the computer animation tells its viewers how these characters are feeling with body language, facial expressions, mannerisms and sounds on top of the background music.

This film receives: 8/10, as I have already said this film is excellent.

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