Saturday, 30 September 2017

Bridge of Spies 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Bridge of Spies 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: I know usually I wouldn't be this cut and dry but it will make sense throughout this review.

Without Tom Hanks: there are some stages without this lead role in this film and how can I put this nicely, this project feels slower and it loses some of its direction without him on screen.

With Tom Hanks: this title is enjoyable as James B. Donovan has a massive control over the fundamental core of this title, this character can be a quick speaker [when it is the right time to do so,] an highly intelligent man that can focus the conversation on one topic [even though the other person he is talking to maybe attempting to switch topics] or he can open up the conversation topics to focus on different elements or something else [depending where you are in this project,] even though what I have said here is quite slow, the dialogue exchanges including different topic switches happens naturally and sometimes quickly [so pay attention when you come to watch this project.]

Mark Rylance as Rudolf Abel: now between this character and James B. Donovan [Tom Hanks,] they have some excellent dialogue exchanges such as the situation which this character is in or some stories or just now and again some little comments of a comical nature.

Subtitles/Words on screen: yes I know I am not a strong reader, but with that being said this film really could have done with subtitles at some points in this project. The words on screen I think are at the beginning and at the end of this title, in a nutshell they are too small for me to read comfortably.

This film receives: 73% approval, this percentage just about feels right and yes as I haven't said this for some time I never discuss every single element of any project, this is because I really, really don't like giving everything away. But I digress as long as Tom Hanks is on screen this film is somewhere between good to almost really good.

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 54: Game Plan by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 54: Game Plan by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is one of those occasions where in theory they had a good idea for this episode, but it just takes so long to get into its full on rhythm.

Cringer/Battle Cat: once again individually these two characters make a big impact on this episode, be it Cringer being himself or Battle Cat jumping this distance with He-Man sitting on his back or Battle Cat using his tail to free some characters [I should just point out one of these sequences takes place in the early stages of this episode,] meaning there are still some good elements, but the fundamental core for most parts of this episode are slow.

Computer game theme: the first thing I want to say is this; when you come to watch this section of this episode, keep in mind this animated TV program is old, so if you are expecting anything by today's standards they are just not here. But if you use your imagination a little bit you can see what they were going for and by this point in this adventure this episode feels better rounded and consistently more enjoyable.

Ending message: it talks about playing games or something to that effect [playing safe.]

This episode receives: 57% approval, this episode is a bit of a slow burner to begin with, but the more you watch of this adventure, the more it gets better and better.

Friday, 29 September 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 53: Dree Elle's Return by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 53: Dree Elle's Return by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode does have some good points to it, but generally speaking this episode is hard work to watch.

Cringer/Battle Cat: Cringer well it is always good to see this character on screen, Battle Cat has some very good but short-ish action-packed sequences going one on one with this creature; these elements to this episode are enjoyable.

Castle Grayskull: now in this episode, the audience will see this location up close and personal, when these scenes happen they are absolutely brilliant [three things you may want to know, the first thing is this; they are brief-ish, second thing is they are from different angles so you get a really good yet slightly intimidating feeling about this location and the third and final thing is this; more sequences or scenes based around this location or Snake Mountain would be nice.]

Orko/Other characters from his home Planet of Trolla: I know I should try to be fair in my reviews, but as you should know by now I really don't like it when an episode kind of gets based around Orko or mostly anyone from his home planet, so as you can probably guess this element to this episode really bored me or did absolutely nothing for me whatsoever and this is where this episode loses so much in the way of its percentages of approval.

Message in the episode: there are some occasions in this episode where we have one character playing tricks on everybody else and eventually because he was carrying something on him at the time an accident happens [that is as much as I can tell you to make my point, without giving too much away.]

Ending message: in a nutshell is play safe.

This episode receives: 40% approval, well as I have highlighted there are some really good points to this episode, but having too much of Orko including the other characters from his home planet just ends up spoiling this episode.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Scream 2 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Scream 2 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well Ghostface is back for a second scream, I have to be honest with you and say this title feels better rounded than its predecessor.

Death sequences/Background music/Cheesy moments: now usually I wouldn't group three elements together, but in this case these three elements have one thing in common and that is; they do nothing for me whatsoever. Death sequences, I can take them or leave them yes I am aware that there is a car sequence of events with Ghostface driving the car, but still my interest wasn't interested.

Background music, I can understand why they use it especially before and during a death sequence but other than that did they have to use it so much, it is one of those things if you notice it once and I do mean just wants you will continuously notice it [just for one example there are some occasions where this character [Dewey Riley] has this background music, I think it happens twice in this film, but to be fair every time I hear it mentally I switch off [I think they use it just before and during when he enters the scenes] I really, really just don't like this music.

Cheesy moments, well there are quite a few but one of the most noticeable is where this character [Derek] begins singing a song whilst another character [Mickey] informs when asked what is he doing? He replies something to the effect of "Tom Cruise Top Gun 1986."

Cast: now let's just put those three elements to one side for a moment, the cast are all likable or they give something to this project. The returning characters have better developed personality traits, it is a good mixture between them being themselves and having some experience of what is happening again. Their dialogue exchanges are sensible or realistic to the scene or sequence [meaning where in the original at some point all these characters got irritating,] this time around these annoying conversations or comments are not here, which makes this film easier to get along with from a viewing experience [on a side note I have to confess the fundamental core to this project is much better as well,] you see without these annoying conversations or whatever, the fundamental core feels less heavier and more freer to just keep this sequel better grouped together [in a nutshell move throughout its scenes putting things in and taking things out when it is necessary to do so.]

Newcomers, Jada Pinkett Smith as Maureen Evans and Timothy Olyphant as Mickey, these two performers are individually either really interesting, their personalities and dialogue exchanges always seem to have a purpose to them and as it relates to Pinkett Smith her dialogue exchanges are slightly comical as well.

Talking about films: this element gets better used in this sequel [minus one sequence which I have already made a reference to in this review] from many different characters in this project, so when it gets used at some points in this title, instead of feeling like an almost separate element [in the previous film title] in this sequel it gets more screen time which in turn keeps this film nicely fresh for longer [I have to say this film doesn't feel or look so old as the original does,] I mean yes it looks vintage but there is a difference between looking vintage and just hard to watch by today's standards [in 2017.]

This film receives: 78% approval, now I think this percentage just about feels right, because there are some elements that I can put up with but if I had the choice I would prefer they weren't in this sequel, but on a positive note there is still lots of fun to have by watching this project.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 52: Teela's Trial by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 52: Teela's Trial by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is average to good.

Cringer/Battle Cat: they do not appear in this episode.

Attak Trak: this vehicle has a good action-packed sequence in this episode where he chases after Trap Jaw going up and down this rocky landscape.

Skeletor/Snake Mountain: it is always a pleasure to see Skeletor, but to see Skeletor inside Snake Mountain is always something really special, because I know this sounds really obvious but the viewers get a better feeling about this evil characters personality traits, in a nutshell if you were to look around this location it represents Skeletor perfectly with it being really dark, depressing and on top of that the audience gets to see this massive snake head from different angles [throughout this episode,]

I was thinking I would just mention something about Skeletor and Snake Mountain, because up to this point I don't think I have made any references or not too many concrete references to the fact that together these two elements are fascinating, on the one hand you have this really in-depth character [physically, mentally and not forgetting his personality traits as well] with this landscape that has some big details [such as this snake head] or some smaller details such as Skeletor's throne without saying too much with him sitting on it, he looks amazingly evil at some points of this TV program.]

Ending message: is something to the effect of if you make a mistake own up to it and try not to do it again

This episode receives: 63% approval, to be honest with you the Teela storyline is boring, that is why I have taken the option to talk to you about these two massive elements in this TV program, that are a perfect match for one another in Skeletor and Snake Mountain.

Scream 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Scream 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: "What's your favourite scary movie?" Well in reply I would have to say "Not this film that is for sure."

Talking about films: these dialogue exchanges are fun and interesting

Principal Himbry/Randy Meeks: now these are the only two characters that whenever they are on screen [individually] pushed the film forward with a positive nature, it doesn't matter what they are doing or saying, everything they do is right for that scene or sequence as it relates to their character developments and I have to be honest at least these two characters are passionate about things which are important to these characters as people [without giving too much away his job or his interest in films generally speaking.]

Other characters/Death sequences: there will be at one point or another where these characters will irritate you individually or together, I don't know if it is because I have been heavily interested in films for many, many, many years or if it is because this film hasn't aged that well or I just find the icon of this franchise to be a Granddad of the horror genre.

But whatever the case may be I do find these characters to be hard work to watch. The death sequences are a mixed bag of good ideas or everything else, for an example of a good idea [the garage sequence, it shows a level of intelligence from this iconic character of essentially this "Why should I waste my energy when I can just press this button and it will do the work for me"]

Everything else, I can take it or leave it, some of them are good, but some of them are really cheap and tacky looking.

This film receives: 57% approval, this film is mixed, I mean anyone that has ever seen this film will tell you that there are some really good horror moments in this film, but for me I can watch it but after seeing it, maybe going many years without seeing it again.

Kickboxer: Vengeance 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Kickboxer: Vengeance 2016 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: well this film is hard work.

Subtitles: they are big and colourful yes, but they move so quickly on and off screen that you don't really have a chance to read them and on top of that there are sometimes where one character could be talking in a different language and there are no subtitles whatsoever [I know this to be true, because I even watched these scenes again just to make sure.]

Van Damme/Batista: individually are the positives to this project, in a nutshell anything that these performers do or say partially rescues this project from a lower percentage of approval than what I am going to give it and whilst I am on the subject this does include any of the action sequences, as long as they are involved the action sequence looks respectable.

Fundamental core: wow this film moves so badly, the montages are just annoying, on one hand there is this montage that has a mixture between training and other bits and pieces, whilst on the other hand there is this other montage which is training with this loud background music [it dominates the sequence.] But there's more at the beginning-ish stages of this project the film moves backwards roughly 3 months [it tells you on screen] and then some time later it says something to the effect of in the present day [once again it tells you on screen.] I really, really don't like how this film moves, it just feels lazy at every stage from beginning to end of this title.

Elephants: there are some real life elephants being used in this project, they look really cool.

This film receives: 23% approval, now taking everything into consideration I think this percentage is just about right, because there are some good elements to this project, but then again when this film is bad it is terrible [it should be noted that if I have missed any of the montages out of this review, they board me so much when they were in effect I mentally switched off and I am aware of the dancing split screen sequence somewhere at the end of this project, it is okay, on one side of the screen is now from this film and on the other side is from Kickboxer 1989.]

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Speed 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Speed 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: generally speaking this film is excellent, but it does have some little problems.

Main characters: they all put in high quality performances, now before I continue I just want to say this; there is nothing wrong with this storyline, but without these performers and their character developments being what they are [which is in-depth and interesting] I would feel comfortable suggesting this film wouldn't have had the same kind of impact or the same kind of success which it had back in the day.

Bus characters: now this is where this title loses quite a lot as it relates to its percentage of approval, to be fair some of these characters are okay, but most of them are annoying whenever they speak or anything.

Background music: now this is how you use background music, it is their yes absolutely but as you will come to understand when or if you watch this project, it works alongside its scenes or sequences that it is a part of instead of being a separate element.

Action sequences: these sequences are entertaining with plenty of weapons being used, vehicles being smashed, explosions and many other things.

This film receives: 82% approval, I know this is a relatively tiny review but this is one of those occasions where just reading the title "Speed" is everything you need to know really because for most of the time this title just quickly moves throughout its scenes with this grease lightning energy and enthusiasm.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Garfield's Pet Force 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Garfield's Pet Force 2009 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: my feelings about this project are mixed.

Garfield/Garzooka: individually or together these two characters are mainly the reasons why you should want to watch this project in the first place [unless you have a young family or you are a fan of Garfield.]

Garfield at the beginning stages towards the middle stages of this title is just being Garfield [meaning thinking of food, being lazy and talkative.] But from the middle stages until the closing credits he thinks he should do more in this storyline or something to that effect [which in turn makes this film cheesy after this point.] The visual version of Garfield, he has big eyes and a good colour system to himself as well.

Garzooka, this character looks similar to Garfield, but there are some differences such as he is taller than Garfield, he has a superhero costume on with special powers, he is quite comical and a likable character. Now for the rest of the characters in this project they are a hit or a miss for me.

Storyline/Storylines: without giving too much away the crossover idea was an interesting idea, at least I can say this; it works very well.

Artistic visions: now for some reason the animation used from beginning to end of this project either does a good job bringing the two characters I have been discussing to life [I should just point out that these characters and their animation isn't perfect, but because of their personality traits, the audience doesn't pick up on it so much and there are some other good elements with a similar problem.] But on the other hand it can and does look really tacky as well, for one example the movement of this animation isn't exactly easy going such as when a character moves their head, it just looks like everything is out of sync or their facial reactions look really slow [it is one of those kind of things, where if you don't notice it, you will not pick up on it. But if you do notice it just once, you will notice it time after time after time on everything and just not on the heads or faces.

This film receives: 53% approval, simply put if you like Garfield, you may find this film entertaining, I mean I like Garfield, but I have to be honest if he wasn't in this project I would have probably not watched it, don't get me wrong Garzooka is cool with me but Garfield is the main character and everyone knows him or should know who he is.

Enter the Dragon 1973 by AverageMansReviews

Enter the Dragon 1973 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is a classic

Cultural elements: now as I may have said in previous reviews when I have spoke about this element, I have said that I wouldn't bring it up or try not to use it, but I have come to realize that if a film title has a cultural element or divide to it I am specifically talking about the film generally speaking so no one should get disgruntled or angry about it because as I have already stated I am just talking about the film and nothing else.

So with that being said this project does have a cultural element to it such as for an example many characters from different backgrounds [that is all I can say really, because it is what it is and I cannot do anything about that.]

Background storylines/Background information: now at some points throughout this project, the audience will get given some background storylines or information, you will know when this is happening by this rippling effect on screen just before it.

Action sequences: they are highly entertaining, they are a great mixture between competition, quietly moving around this beautiful yet somewhat dangerous location, the brief Nunchucks sequence is really good fun as well [as Bruce Lee shows what he can do with these nunchucks.]

Artistic visions: now when you get to this location where this competition takes place, you will see many different things, it could be many people training or another very good sequence is where we have all the competitors eating, drinking and talking whilst there could be some sumo wrestling, a dancing dragon [or I believe it to be a dragon] amongst many other things. Basically this entire sequence is very visual with different activities, colours; food and so on there is just so much to see in this sequence.

Cast: they all put in great performances.

This film receives: 100% approval, this film has stood the test of time and it will continue to do so and as I have already said this film is a classic.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Fletch 1985 by AverageMansReviews

Fletch 1985 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent fun.

Background music/Inner monologue: yes I am aware that I just said something really positive about this title, but it does have one or two consistent problems, the background music is loud, really repetitive and so, so annoying. On top of this; the audience has this inner monologue thing going on at some points throughout this project which really doesn't work, on one hand you have this noisy background music going on at the same time as this inner monologue [so in a nutshell the background music makes the inner monologue element pointless, yes you can hear it but taking in the information given properly is another matter entirely] and whilst I am on the subject as inner monologues go it is just terrible.

Chevy Chase as Irwin M. "Fletch" Fletcher: this is Chevy at his very best, yes usually I wouldn't be this straight to the point, but in this case there is no point going around the houses when the point is clear, meaning as soon as you begin watching this title, you will understand straightaway where the comedy elements or styles are mainly going to come from.

Chevy puts in a lively performance, his character seems more than capable to adapt to any situation physically or mentally or verbally [basically this person can talk his way out of a paper bag or if that fails at least he tries to run away.]

Comedy flavours: depending where you are in the film, is depending what comedy could be unravelling, briefly without giving too much away, it could be in the dialogue exchanges or Chevy being someone else [different personality traits in some scenes] or some other comedy element.

This film receives: 88% approval, now like I said at the beginning of this review, this film is excellent fun but in fairness I have to take off a decent percentage for the elements which I didn't like.

Transporter 2 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Transporter 2 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average-ish to good.

Jason Statham as Frank Martin: how can I put this nicely, this performer makes this film worth watching, in a nutshell this character has a fully developed personality with a cold presence and calm dialogue exchanges, yes he may do everything with rules, but the audience can understand when it is appropriate there is more to this person than what you firstly see [whilst I am on the subject I have never been a big fan of the French Police character in these projects,] I don't know maybe it is because especially in these two sequels the character developments generally speaking have been average to poor, meaning for most of the time once you have met them for the first time, that is them for the majority of the project of which they are part of [just for the record I am not counting the fourth film here based on the fact that Jason Statham wasn't in it.]

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, chasing sequences [at least in this project the chasing sequences are not just on the road,] now I am going to have to be very selective on what I say next. Because I don't want to give too much of this sequel away, but there is one sequence at some point in this title where we have a man versus a woman [I am specifically talking about this action-packed sequence and nothing else,] but with that being said this female character with her character developments has been designed with the skill set to handle any person, so I have this one rhetorical question which would be this; why is this sequence that begins really well and begins to show some imagination ended without giving it a decent amount of time on screen first?

This film receives: 58% approval, there are some things I really didn't like about this sequel for one example the arguing husband-and-wife element just did nothing for me, but as I may have already illustrated in different ways this film is at least more likable when it's viewers spent more time with the lead role doing what he does best which is delivering results by any means necessary.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Prometheus 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Prometheus 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now don't get me wrong I like this project, but there are some characters in this title that I did think "What is the point of view being here, if you are just going to drag the project down."

Artistic visions: the artistic visions are amazing such as the landscapes they are truly glorious as they have many different flavours and textures to them, be it in the sky or the rocky places. The equipment or accessories used have a good science fiction feel to them, for one example there is this machine that can perform medical procedures relatively quickly and easily.

Fundamental core: I have seen this film twice now and I still come up with the same or similar feelings about this element, for me it does take this film time to settle down at the beginning of it and then for the rest of it, it does depend which characters are on screen at that point.

Characters: now here are just some of the characters that stood out  David, Captain Janek and Meredith Vickers, they always seem to get the viewers attention, it doesn't matter if it is a small or long scene, their dialogue exchanges or comments or something else push this film nicely forward.

This film receives: 73% approval, now I could be watching this film one day and it could receive 80% approval, but on the other hand I could be watching it on another day and on that day it could receive something higher or something lower. My point is this; this film is not exactly clean cut to give a percentage to, you see any other instalment from this franchise I like them or I like them a lot or I don't like them and that has never changed, but as I have already illustrated this one title, I have never been able to fix a percentage to and keep it there.

Red Heat 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Red Heat 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now even though this film project will be getting an average to good percentage of approval, I have to say it does continuously shoot itself in the foot.

Cultural divide: yes I have openly stated when it is possible I will be leaving this element out, but in this case this project has been built on this cultural divide [I would say this element is in the top two elements of this title, the first element being criminal activity.]

How can I put this nicely, this element has been used very clumsily or consistently [at least one or the other] I cannot make up my mind on which one, but either way you look at it at some point you will be thinking "Okay we get it our two lead roles are from two different countries and two different cultures, you don't have to keep reminding us."

Subtitles: they are very annoying, because the text is white and there are some sequences or scenes where there is white [such as snow for an example] it makes the words hard to read.

Schwarzenegger and Belushi: the first thing I want to quickly say is this; when this project begins to pull back on the cultural divide elements [as in not use them as bluntly or if they still use them, they represent themselves as something like this for an example ["In this country we do things slightly differently" or something to that effect,] which references like these are okay they feel real yet slightly comical as if you had a friend or a co-worker just pointing this out [in good nature.]

The reason why I have highlighted this point again, after pulling back on the cultural divide bits and pieces, the viewers can see the good chemistry that these two performers have, at first it does take some time to get going but in the later stages of this project it works very well, without giving too much away there is this sequence where we have this partnership sitting down and dealing with or trying to deal with so much paperwork, that one member of this partnership tries to reach out to the other by talking about a bit of background information and trying to get to know the other person as well.

Fishburne and Boyle: both put in good performances.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used and the buses sequence is good fun.

This film receives: 58% approval, now as I said at the beginning of this review, this film will be getting an average to good percentage of approval from me, it does have many good moments once it pulls back on the cultural divide references a little.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Batman & Robin 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Batman & Robin 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: straight off the bat this film is terrible, this Batman is one of the worst Batman's in the history of Batman’s [up to this point in history in 2017,] there is at least 93% of this film I didn't like and when I say I don't like it I am not joking, in fact it took from this film in 1997 up to 2005 [Batman Begins] for me to happily watch Michael Keaton or Val Kilmer's versions of Batman again and whilst I am on the subject even though this film put me off watching Batman films I could still happily watch Adam West's version or any of Kevin Conroy's version [voice work -- animated projects.]

Michael Gough as Alfred Pennyworth: now any scenes that this performer is a part of can be seen as the only positive elements to this project, his dialogue exchanges are a good mixture between understanding the other characters that he comes in contact with, being wise and this character has always something interesting to say.

Action sequences/Comedy level: now as far as I am concerned these elements would be hitting the floor so very quickly, meaning if I was in the editing room these sequences or scenes would be feeling the cold snip of my scissors or anything that cuts just so that I could take these sequences or scenes out, they just really don't do anything for me, the action sequences are just really boring and there is nothing special about them. The comedy level is a consistent theme from beginning to end in different ways, the most used comedy style in this project would have to be the one liners or comments, they are everywhere and they are incredibly tedious and how can I forget really, really not that funny.

Characters: now putting Alfred Pennyworth to one side, every other single character [big or small roles] are seriously like nails on a chalkboard to me, it could be their dialogue exchanges or their appearance [for an example just look at what they did to Bane,] this version of him is just a big no-no from head to toe or it could be something else, in a nutshell you have plenty of bad things to pick from when it comes to watching this project.

This film receives: 7% approval, I am just so happy that I have done this review so I can go many, many hopefully many more years without seeing this film again.