Saturday 30 September 2017

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 54: Game Plan by AverageMansReviews

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe 83 -- 85 [Volume 9] Episode 54: Game Plan by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is one of those occasions where in theory they had a good idea for this episode, but it just takes so long to get into its full on rhythm.

Cringer/Battle Cat: once again individually these two characters make a big impact on this episode, be it Cringer being himself or Battle Cat jumping this distance with He-Man sitting on his back or Battle Cat using his tail to free some characters [I should just point out one of these sequences takes place in the early stages of this episode,] meaning there are still some good elements, but the fundamental core for most parts of this episode are slow.

Computer game theme: the first thing I want to say is this; when you come to watch this section of this episode, keep in mind this animated TV program is old, so if you are expecting anything by today's standards they are just not here. But if you use your imagination a little bit you can see what they were going for and by this point in this adventure this episode feels better rounded and consistently more enjoyable.

Ending message: it talks about playing games or something to that effect [playing safe.]

This episode receives: 57% approval, this episode is a bit of a slow burner to begin with, but the more you watch of this adventure, the more it gets better and better.

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