Sunday 24 September 2017

Transporter 2 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Transporter 2 2005 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is average-ish to good.

Jason Statham as Frank Martin: how can I put this nicely, this performer makes this film worth watching, in a nutshell this character has a fully developed personality with a cold presence and calm dialogue exchanges, yes he may do everything with rules, but the audience can understand when it is appropriate there is more to this person than what you firstly see [whilst I am on the subject I have never been a big fan of the French Police character in these projects,] I don't know maybe it is because especially in these two sequels the character developments generally speaking have been average to poor, meaning for most of the time once you have met them for the first time, that is them for the majority of the project of which they are part of [just for the record I am not counting the fourth film here based on the fact that Jason Statham wasn't in it.]

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used, chasing sequences [at least in this project the chasing sequences are not just on the road,] now I am going to have to be very selective on what I say next. Because I don't want to give too much of this sequel away, but there is one sequence at some point in this title where we have a man versus a woman [I am specifically talking about this action-packed sequence and nothing else,] but with that being said this female character with her character developments has been designed with the skill set to handle any person, so I have this one rhetorical question which would be this; why is this sequence that begins really well and begins to show some imagination ended without giving it a decent amount of time on screen first?

This film receives: 58% approval, there are some things I really didn't like about this sequel for one example the arguing husband-and-wife element just did nothing for me, but as I may have already illustrated in different ways this film is at least more likable when it's viewers spent more time with the lead role doing what he does best which is delivering results by any means necessary.

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