Saturday 23 September 2017

Prometheus 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Prometheus 2012 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now don't get me wrong I like this project, but there are some characters in this title that I did think "What is the point of view being here, if you are just going to drag the project down."

Artistic visions: the artistic visions are amazing such as the landscapes they are truly glorious as they have many different flavours and textures to them, be it in the sky or the rocky places. The equipment or accessories used have a good science fiction feel to them, for one example there is this machine that can perform medical procedures relatively quickly and easily.

Fundamental core: I have seen this film twice now and I still come up with the same or similar feelings about this element, for me it does take this film time to settle down at the beginning of it and then for the rest of it, it does depend which characters are on screen at that point.

Characters: now here are just some of the characters that stood out  David, Captain Janek and Meredith Vickers, they always seem to get the viewers attention, it doesn't matter if it is a small or long scene, their dialogue exchanges or comments or something else push this film nicely forward.

This film receives: 73% approval, now I could be watching this film one day and it could receive 80% approval, but on the other hand I could be watching it on another day and on that day it could receive something higher or something lower. My point is this; this film is not exactly clean cut to give a percentage to, you see any other instalment from this franchise I like them or I like them a lot or I don't like them and that has never changed, but as I have already illustrated this one title, I have never been able to fix a percentage to and keep it there.

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