Saturday 23 September 2017

Red Heat 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Red Heat 1988 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: now even though this film project will be getting an average to good percentage of approval, I have to say it does continuously shoot itself in the foot.

Cultural divide: yes I have openly stated when it is possible I will be leaving this element out, but in this case this project has been built on this cultural divide [I would say this element is in the top two elements of this title, the first element being criminal activity.]

How can I put this nicely, this element has been used very clumsily or consistently [at least one or the other] I cannot make up my mind on which one, but either way you look at it at some point you will be thinking "Okay we get it our two lead roles are from two different countries and two different cultures, you don't have to keep reminding us."

Subtitles: they are very annoying, because the text is white and there are some sequences or scenes where there is white [such as snow for an example] it makes the words hard to read.

Schwarzenegger and Belushi: the first thing I want to quickly say is this; when this project begins to pull back on the cultural divide elements [as in not use them as bluntly or if they still use them, they represent themselves as something like this for an example ["In this country we do things slightly differently" or something to that effect,] which references like these are okay they feel real yet slightly comical as if you had a friend or a co-worker just pointing this out [in good nature.]

The reason why I have highlighted this point again, after pulling back on the cultural divide bits and pieces, the viewers can see the good chemistry that these two performers have, at first it does take some time to get going but in the later stages of this project it works very well, without giving too much away there is this sequence where we have this partnership sitting down and dealing with or trying to deal with so much paperwork, that one member of this partnership tries to reach out to the other by talking about a bit of background information and trying to get to know the other person as well.

Fishburne and Boyle: both put in good performances.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used and the buses sequence is good fun.

This film receives: 58% approval, now as I said at the beginning of this review, this film will be getting an average to good percentage of approval from me, it does have many good moments once it pulls back on the cultural divide references a little.

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