Tuesday, 31 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 2] Episode 13: The Creeping Terror by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 2] Episode 13: The Creeping Terror by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is average to good

4 things about this episode

Storyline: I found this storyline to be a bit boring because in one way or another it has been based around these giant caterpillars.

Action sequences: the audience has M.A.S.K taking on most of V.E.N.O.M. [whilst another member of V.E.N.O.M. is busy,] in her weapon system/vehicle in the sky.

Map: this is another good element to this episode [I can't say too much more than that, because even though I found this storyline to be a little bit boring, if I was to continue to talk about this element it would be too much information about this storyline.]

Ending message: in a nutshell it is this; don't ride two people on a pushbike, it is dangerous

This episode receives: 58% approval, I didn't like this storyline, but at least this episode has some good points for me to talk about.

Monday, 30 October 2017

The Crow 1994 by AverageMansReviews

The Crow 1994 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is a classic.

Storyline: this is one of those storylines where the viewers have a choice what they take from this project, meaning if you want to see this film as just a violent and dark film that is what you will see. But if you look underneath all of that you will see much more [without giving too much away,] for an example a strong connection which will never be broken.

Fundamental core: now the fundamental core is dark [as it relates to its atmosphere controls] which sets the tone for the entire film, the movements of this title has to be highly praised as well for many reasons such as to make every scene mean something or to keep this level of intensity up without a single break or a drop in the level of intensity, yes it may switch the focus of the intensity levels from being emotional to physical [action sequences] or playing a guitar or psychological [mental imagery recaps] or background music or something else.

So as you can clearly see this particular fundamental core as many different elements to call upon at different points, I mean these elements come together to work off one another in this project, in a nutshell the fundamental core generally speaking from beginning to end is always working to a high standard, but also able to keep itself fresh by using different elements in different scenes.

Brandon Lee as Eric Draven: this performer puts in a fantastic performance, you see this performer has to believe in what he is doing and saying with great passion, because the way this character talks, thinks, feels and many other things it has to be done with unquestionable conviction which let’s be honest Brandon makes this character is very own with his intelligent yet quick yet dark comedy dialogue and not forgetting his ominous stage presence as this character with this crow sitting on his shoulder.

Action sequences: they are lots of fun and they have a very good variety in them.

This film receives: 100% approval, simply put this film is a classic and you need to see it once in your lifetime.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

The Quest 1996 by AverageMansReviews

The Quest 1996 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed to good.

Fundamental core/Slow-motion effects: I would usually give you a long speech, but in this case I am just going to say this; this film is slow and what is it with these slow-motion effects, I would give you an example of what I mean, but these slow-motion effects happens so often I don't have to really. But trust me when I say this; if you notice them just once, you will continuously notice them time after time.

Cast: I like this cast, but mainly the five characters that are in this group, their character developments are easy to get along with and they are who they are, meaning this; they are five reliably interesting characters throughout this project [when they come into this project.]

Van Damme and Moore have very good chemistry and dialogue exchanges in this project, if I had to pick one thing which is great about this title, these two performers would be it, they make this film feel enjoyable to watch when they are sharing dialogue exchanges.

Action sequences: these sequences are okay to entertaining; at least all of these characters in these combat scenes have different styles of combat [so the audience gets to see a decent variety of combat sequences.]

This film receives: 62% approval, yes I did say the dialogue exchanges between Van Damme and Moore are great, but this percentage is from an overview perspective and to be fair this percentage just about feels right with taking everything into consideration.

Saturday, 28 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 2] Episode 12: Solaria Park by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 2] Episode 12: Solaria Park by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent.

3 things about this episode

Investigation: I like how the M.A.S.K. characters in this episode do some investigation before moving on to what to do next.

Action sequences: now at some point it will be M.A.S.K vs. V.E.N.O.M. [some of V.E.N.O.M.] the best thing about this sequence is this; there is a very good variety between air, on the water or under the water attacks or something other [I don't want to give too much away,] but I can say this; at least every character in this sequence gets a moment on screen doing something or saying something.

Ending message: make sure your car safe [unable to move or fall on top of you] before working on it. [I have to say I did find it a bit strange to see Scott under this weapons system/vehicle, even his father points this out, but another character says something to the effect of "We have all helped to get your weapon system/vehicle up and running again."] As if to kind of say it is okay for him to be under there.

This episode receives: 80% approval, this episode has many entertaining elements to it.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Colombiana 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Colombiana 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor to mixed.

Subtitles/Time jump/Character developments/
Fundamental core: now the reason why I have linked these four elements together, is because this film either needs them or they are just very difficult to settle down with or they are just annoying or they are what they are [basically take your pick really, because at one point or another throughout your viewing experience of this project, you will think of what I have said here may be once or twice.] This film could have done with some subtitles in the opening section to this project I think [based on my viewing experience, there are some occasions where some characters switch from English, to another language and back again, but it happens so quickly that I couldn't keep up.

The time jump, well this element just irritates me so, so much because we spend a decent amount of time with this young character and then [some words on the screen which are in white text,] because of what is underneath this white text, it makes this text partially difficult to see [in a nutshell you can read it just about, but if you're not paying attention you will miss it.]

Character developments, what character developments by using this massive time jump, it takes its audiences from this young girl to this fully grown adult, so we don't get to experience or see anything in the middle which in turn means in a nutshell the audience has to begin again to get to know the lead character and as it relates to the supporting or other characters, they are what they are and they don't change from the first time you meet them to the last time you see them.

The fundamental core is just hard work [putting the time jump to one side for a minute,] for the rest of the time, this film is kind of slow mixed in with kind of boring, there are some quick moving effects or special effects being used now and again and let's just say they didn't make my experience of watching this project any better.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used or in some scenes quickly and quietly getting around some locations without being noticed or the sharks scenes are fun.

This film receives: 40% approval, I don't know what to say about this film really, there are heavy amounts of this project that do absolutely nothing for me, but there are some elements that I can watch and get along with.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [ Disc 2 Episode 11: The Magma Mole by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 2] Episode 11: The Magma Mole by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is fun.

3 things about this episode

Storyline: this storyline is good.

Underwater and Underground: these sequences are entertaining, firstly underwater we have some M.A.S.K. characters investigating this location which is underwater [this sequence may be short, but it is still good fun.]

Secondly we have V.E.N.O.M vs. M.A.S.K. in this underground sequence where at some point Miles Mayhem [the leader of V.E.N.O.M.] appears with this drilling vehicle, this vehicle is big so it is very easy to see on the screen and it has been built to handle mostly anything that stands in its way.

Ending message: before diving or jumping into any kinds of waters, check how deep it is first.

This episode receives: 73% approval, this episode has a good idea of what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to that idea.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 10: Death from the Sky by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 10: Death from the Sky by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent fun.

4 things about this episode

Storyline: well it hit the ground running and it is entertaining.

Investigation: the M.A.S.K. team investigates this location [I would like to tell you more but it has something to do with the storyline,] but what I can say is this; it is a short sequence, but a good sequence nonetheless.

Masks have limits: the audience finds out that there are going to be some occasions where the masks have limits, for an example we have one M.A.S.K character trying to keep this plane in the air [so the other M.A.S.K. characters work on something to make this rescue,] because this plane is heavy this mask begins to struggle in this task, but after this sequence of events the masks owner says something to the effect of my power is out [maybe he was meant to say out of commission I don't know,] but some time later his mask is working fine [I am just pointing this out.]

Ending message:  in a nutshell it is this; ride on the correct side of the road.

This episode receives: 90% approval, this episode has a little bit of everything to offer its viewers.

St. Vincent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

St. Vincent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Storyline/Fundamental core: this film does have one problem though and it does impact on the film, at the start of this project it feels like this film is going to be a mature to dark comedy first and a drama second which for some strange reason these elements don't feel comfortable working off one another in this order. But the more you watch of this project the more the genres switch roles [drama first with mature to dark comedy elements throughout the rest of this project] which works much, much better.

Cast: all these performers/characters are in depth in one way or another, the audience will get a really good understanding of who these characters are throughout this project, the character developments have been designed to develop or tell their audience members a little bit more about these characters at different times with this consistent approach to them, but having said that it does depend where you are in the film, is depending what kind of character developments you may get it may be something big or something small [I can't say too much more than that, because it is a part of the storyline, but I can say this; it makes sense.]

The dialogue exchanges are free-flowing and interesting; they have a good mixture between a serious topic to a Mother and Son talking or life lessons and not forgetting the different ranges of comedy elements and many other things as well.

On a side note I should just point this out before I finish, I feel comfortable suggesting that the comedy elements range from mature to dark in this project, because to be fair [without saying too much] one character says what he likes when he likes and not forgetting he likes some activities which are of a mature theme as well, so this film goes up to that line between mature comedy references and slightly on the line entering into the dark comedy references now and again.

This film receives: 80% approval, this film is excellent because it talks about/shows that a person shouldn't be judged too harshly on first appearances or dealings, he or she deep down maybe a good person but just a little bit grumpy most of the time.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Dude, Where's My Car? 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Dude, Where's My Car? 2000 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is terrible

Storyline: it is tedious from beginning to end.

Subtitles: they are limited, but they are clear to read [confession time if I could have been bothered to read them properly,] I got the basic idea of what they were trying to say anyway.

Comedy level: now the first thing I want to say is this; yes I did find the bubble wrap sequences to be funny. But with that being said I spent not one but two days watching this film, because my brain just couldn't take how bad this film is and on top of that I would feel comfortable suggesting that there are some comedy elements that are out of date [from the perspective of you cannot do this kind of comedy anymore.] Because it will irritate some of your audience members and I have to be honest at least 90% of the comedy elements are of a very poor quality anyway [even by my standards and I have an open mind and a very wide sense of humour.]

This film receives: 3% approval, I know this is a small review but in this case I will let my percentage of approval speak for me, because everything about this film [minus the bubble wrap sequences] is hard work to watch I mean I found this film to be embarrassing, I tried laughing some elements of this project off [watching some moments of this film with my head or my face buried in my hands,] but after some time I kind of got to the point where I couldn't laugh it off anymore.

Monday, 23 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 9: The Oz Effect by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 9: The Oz Effect by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

3 things about this episode

Split screens: I think this effect gets used twice in different ways [the first time is where this conversation happens between some characters,] I will be discussing the second time, just before this action sequence the audience gets to see this split screen effect where all of the M.A.S.K. characters get a small section of the screen where they are sitting in their weapon systems/vehicles and their masks are coming down all at the same time ready for battle.

M.A.S.K rescue themselves: in this sequence we have some characters rescuing other characters and their weapon systems/ vehicles, because they are both sinking, in the sequence it shows good teamwork between all of these characters.

Ending message: don't put anything metal in a toaster.

This episode receives: 70% approval, another good episode is what we have here.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story 1993 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Subtitles/Cultural elements: they are big and easy to read, but a little bit quick on and off screen and there is one action sequence where subtitles could have been used, in this sequence Bruce is taking on these many kitchen staff but there are no subtitles, but I think there is one very tiny dialogue of English, but it happened so fast I am not sure if it is there are not, because the switch between languages are greased lightning. Now there are some occasions in this project where the audience will hear words or cultural references.

Fundamental core: this film moves very well indeed, in a nutshell it smoothly takes its viewers throughout Bruce Lee's life, the ups, the downs and everything in the middle.

Scott Lee as Bruce and Holly as Linda: these two performers have beautiful chemistry in this project, where individually these two characters/people come from two different backgrounds, but they are able to firstly look past their differences and secondly build a decent life together [as this film will show now and again life was not always smooth sailing,] but these two characters/people stood by one another when time got hard or had their little disagreements, but still stood strong together.

Action sequences: Scott Lee performs these action sequences to a very high standard and they are all entertaining.

This film receives: 80% approval, this film elegantly tells its audiences about the life of Bruce Lee.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Sleepy Hollow 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Sleepy Hollow 1999 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Cast/Fundamental core: now usually I normally leave these two elements to later on in my reviews, but in this case what makes this project is the performances of every single performer, you see this is one of those titles that needs every single performer/character to have an in-depth personality and dialogue exchanges, I would feel comfortable suggesting a mixture between the performers/characters and their dialogue exchanges are the most important elements to the success of this project, not only because of the storyline and what happens in the film, but these two elements also act as the fundamental core to this project as well, it gives the film a strong identity. You see generally speaking this film is mostly slow [because of the positives I have mentioned so far the slowness isn't anything to worry about it feels like this film is always moving forward,] but to be fair the fundamental core does need about 15 minutes at the beginning for every element just to settle down but after that everything is fine. The atmosphere controls has to be given high praise as well, they bring their audiences into this world.

Artistic visions/Comedy level: now from my perspective I would say that there are plenty of things to see in this film, if I had to pick one scene or sequence which represents the artistic visions and the comedy level very well together, it would have to be at this point, where we have some characters going towards this tree [this tree looks intimidating and strong as if it has been standing here for years and it has no intentions of falling down any time soon,] but these characters notice that there is this blood coming from somewhere [that is all I can say about it because it is another major point to the storyline. But what I can say is this; from an artistic perspective it is messy and done with some great artistic visions and from a comedy level it is funny, very funny and there are many other scenes of a comical nature [I should just point out the comedy level used in this project is dark, so it is up to the viewers sense of humour if they find any of these elements funny or not.]

This film receives: 90% approval, this film is lots of fun.

Friday, 20 October 2017

A Very Pink Christmas 2011 by AverageMansReviews

A Very Pink Christmas 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good fun, because his film is relatively short [roughly 22 minutes long,] I will be brief and what I say about it.

Comedy level: these elements of this project are entertaining especially when we have one character trying to withdraw some money from a ATM machine, he puts in his card [the machine was not happy because this character doesn't have enough money,] so this machine puts this character in its mouth chews on him for a second and spits him out.

Musical element: the musical element I am discussing would be of the classical variety where we have the Pink Panther being the conductor to these Christmas trees that change colour every time he points at them [I think that is how it works roughly,] meanwhile in the background of this sequence we have some classical music as well.

Artistic visions: they are really easy to settle down with as they are colourful and there is a good sprinkling of imagination used in this project.

Communication: this project mainly uses sound effects, body language and other tiny elements to communicate to one another and their audiences.

This film receives: 73% approval, this project has many different bits and pieces to offer its audiences.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 8: The Roteks by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 8: The Roteks by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

3 things about this episode

Storyline: this storyline has been based on robotic insects and without saying too much, the storyline is good fun.

Artistic visions: throughout this episode the audience gets to see these robotic insects eat many different things including the weapon systems/vehicles of M.A.S.K. and V.E.N.O.M. so the artistic visions show these little robotic insects to be very hungry as they make short work of anything that is in their path and secondly really detailed as it relates to their appearances [now and again the viewers get to see these insects up closer.]

Ending message: in a nutshell it is this; when you are using tools, wear the suitable protective clothing or items such as in this case [Scott is wearing goggles.]

This episode perceives: 70% approval, this episode is good fun.

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 7: The Ultimate Weapon by AverageMansReviews

M.A.S.K. [Mobile Armored Strike Kommand] 85 -- 86 [Disc 1] Episode 7: The Ultimate Weapon by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed to good

3 things about this episode

Movie: we have some of our characters including some other people watching this movie and I like how at the beginning these characters and these people believe these loud noises are the special effects of the film they are watching at the cinema, but in reality the evildoers are up to something outside this location.

Malfunctions: now at some points in this episode we have the weapons systems/vehicles of M.A.S.K. malfunctioning [I can't say too much more than that, because it is a major part to the storyline, but seeing these weapons systems malfunctioning is interesting and entertaining.

Ending message: I don't feel comfortable using the words they use in this ending message, based on the fact all ages may read my reviews so I will give you an adapted version of this message, which is as follows; don't hitchhike, you don't know who is picking you up and what their intentions are.

This episode receives: 63% approval, generally speaking this episode is good, but I do wish they would have used different words in the ending message [basically something to the effect of my adapted version of this ending message.] Because having to explain what these words means  to a child is going to be incredibly difficult, just for the record I have absolutely no problem with the ending message itself, it is a good life lesson for children to learn and just to make sure I heard this ending message correctly I watched it twice.