Friday 27 October 2017

Colombiana 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Colombiana 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor to mixed.

Subtitles/Time jump/Character developments/
Fundamental core: now the reason why I have linked these four elements together, is because this film either needs them or they are just very difficult to settle down with or they are just annoying or they are what they are [basically take your pick really, because at one point or another throughout your viewing experience of this project, you will think of what I have said here may be once or twice.] This film could have done with some subtitles in the opening section to this project I think [based on my viewing experience, there are some occasions where some characters switch from English, to another language and back again, but it happens so quickly that I couldn't keep up.

The time jump, well this element just irritates me so, so much because we spend a decent amount of time with this young character and then [some words on the screen which are in white text,] because of what is underneath this white text, it makes this text partially difficult to see [in a nutshell you can read it just about, but if you're not paying attention you will miss it.]

Character developments, what character developments by using this massive time jump, it takes its audiences from this young girl to this fully grown adult, so we don't get to experience or see anything in the middle which in turn means in a nutshell the audience has to begin again to get to know the lead character and as it relates to the supporting or other characters, they are what they are and they don't change from the first time you meet them to the last time you see them.

The fundamental core is just hard work [putting the time jump to one side for a minute,] for the rest of the time, this film is kind of slow mixed in with kind of boring, there are some quick moving effects or special effects being used now and again and let's just say they didn't make my experience of watching this project any better.

Action sequences: there are plenty of weapons being used or in some scenes quickly and quietly getting around some locations without being noticed or the sharks scenes are fun.

This film receives: 40% approval, I don't know what to say about this film really, there are heavy amounts of this project that do absolutely nothing for me, but there are some elements that I can watch and get along with.

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