Friday 20 October 2017

A Very Pink Christmas 2011 by AverageMansReviews

A Very Pink Christmas 2011 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good fun, because his film is relatively short [roughly 22 minutes long,] I will be brief and what I say about it.

Comedy level: these elements of this project are entertaining especially when we have one character trying to withdraw some money from a ATM machine, he puts in his card [the machine was not happy because this character doesn't have enough money,] so this machine puts this character in its mouth chews on him for a second and spits him out.

Musical element: the musical element I am discussing would be of the classical variety where we have the Pink Panther being the conductor to these Christmas trees that change colour every time he points at them [I think that is how it works roughly,] meanwhile in the background of this sequence we have some classical music as well.

Artistic visions: they are really easy to settle down with as they are colourful and there is a good sprinkling of imagination used in this project.

Communication: this project mainly uses sound effects, body language and other tiny elements to communicate to one another and their audiences.

This film receives: 73% approval, this project has many different bits and pieces to offer its audiences.

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