Wednesday 25 October 2017

St. Vincent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

St. Vincent 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is excellent.

Storyline/Fundamental core: this film does have one problem though and it does impact on the film, at the start of this project it feels like this film is going to be a mature to dark comedy first and a drama second which for some strange reason these elements don't feel comfortable working off one another in this order. But the more you watch of this project the more the genres switch roles [drama first with mature to dark comedy elements throughout the rest of this project] which works much, much better.

Cast: all these performers/characters are in depth in one way or another, the audience will get a really good understanding of who these characters are throughout this project, the character developments have been designed to develop or tell their audience members a little bit more about these characters at different times with this consistent approach to them, but having said that it does depend where you are in the film, is depending what kind of character developments you may get it may be something big or something small [I can't say too much more than that, because it is a part of the storyline, but I can say this; it makes sense.]

The dialogue exchanges are free-flowing and interesting; they have a good mixture between a serious topic to a Mother and Son talking or life lessons and not forgetting the different ranges of comedy elements and many other things as well.

On a side note I should just point this out before I finish, I feel comfortable suggesting that the comedy elements range from mature to dark in this project, because to be fair [without saying too much] one character says what he likes when he likes and not forgetting he likes some activities which are of a mature theme as well, so this film goes up to that line between mature comedy references and slightly on the line entering into the dark comedy references now and again.

This film receives: 80% approval, this film is excellent because it talks about/shows that a person shouldn't be judged too harshly on first appearances or dealings, he or she deep down maybe a good person but just a little bit grumpy most of the time.

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