Sunday, 28 February 2021

Steel Sharks 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Steel Sharks 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/choking/characters on fire

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and the same can be said for the pacing.

Action/Art: there are some occasions where these two components go hand-in-hand; like for an example the drop-off and pick-up of this Navy Seals unit [Steel Shark;] by Chopper in and out of the sea

Action individually; the standard weapons being used and combat is what this film has to offer.

Art individually; we have some submarine moving underwater

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry; they are reliably solid versions of their character types and the on-screen chemistry, but having said that when it comes to Capt. Lashgar/Toub and Gregorov/Miranda; they have this friction thing going on where Gregorov/Miranda in short is verbally fighting with Capt. Lashgar/Toub at every turn [it is one of those things where when it starts it doesn't stop until something happens in the film.] I should very quickly point out this is nothing against these two performers, because I have a feeling that they were designed to come out this way consequently that is why I can't put it on the performers so their Characters, Performances and on-screen chemistry are like the rest solid versions of what they are meant to be. But my point here is this; after a while it does become tedious and a little annoying after some time, there is just enough here for me to say this; this is possibly a very vague attempt of comedy, I don't think so but if you want to see it as some vague attempt of some kind of comedy I can see why; it just comes over a little like a married old couple bickering at one another.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; to be more precise it is just a solid film; it knows what it is and what it can offer its viewers and it sticks to that. If there are any fans of one or both of these two performers in Internet land take a look at this film; Gary Busey as Cmdr. Bill McKay and/or Billy Dee Williams as Adm. Jim Perry take a look at this film, but don't expect too much as my mark would suggest.

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Fifty Shades of Grey 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Fifty Shades of Grey 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/sexual component/references to underage/domestic violence. I will be discussing sex in this Review/Blog.

Storyline: including the pacing it was either boring [just a quick heads up; this project uses a question-mark style ending for an ending/may be a continuation I haven't seen the sequel yet] or poor as it relates to the pacing; it is just really slow and tiresome.

Action/Art: these two components go hand-in-hand for two sequences involving flying so I will discuss one and leave one; I will go with it is where we have our lead partnership of Steele/Johnson and Gray/Dornan up in a glider

Art individually: [Visually] there are some eye-catching skies and clouds and there is this panda picture on the wall [just to cover my back, because it could be one of those pictures where it depends on your state of mind is depending what you see] location of picture: on the wall in Enterprises Holdings Inc. past the reception area and dancing from our lead partnership [which I will discuss later] and [Musically] we have Gray/Dornan playing the piano; all these Action/Art or just Art are good.

Comedy: now likewise there were only two examples of comedy and I will discuss one and leave the other, in this case I will discuss the one that may not be funny but it comes off as darkly funny: it is where Gray/Dornan comes in and sits down on Steele/Johnson's bed in his big house, in short this monologue is something he really needs to talk to Steele/Johnson about, but here comes the darkly funny, here is one ever so tiny; no big deal really detail that unless Gray/Dornan is talking to Casper the Friendly Ghost Steele/Johnson is asleep throughout this entire monologue, in fact he wakes her up after; so what was the point of this whole monologue? I know they may do this kind of thing in other films or TV programs where one character/performer finds it difficult to talk about something or hiding something or has been trying to tell another character/performer something but they are finding or just waiting for the right time so they do this, but with everything else this project has working against it as I have already said it just comes off as darkly funny [and yes I am aware that I have just answered my own question.]

Sexual component/Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all of these components go hand-in-hand in one way or another; now the things I will be talking about for a minute are just based around the context of this film.

So basically in my life up to this point I have had about a grain of salt of sexual experiences, based on the reason behind this are my disability, mental health [in short yes I am physically able,] not very good-looking so I have come accustomed to always being chosen last in fact now there are more sexual toys on the market they would probably get chosen over me and not forgetting we are living in a superficial society nowadays and the future; let's just put this nicely I know my place; I am not happy about this but I am a logical person/a matter-of-fact person.

But as this relates to here and now I just wanted to cover my back again and more to the point I am very open-minded, so as it relates to this film the sexual component is garbage based on the grounds that it is a misrepresentation of this sexual lifestyle, because the Dominant and this Submissive generally speaking wouldn't make love or it is leaning that way [I have said generally speaking because maybe somewhere at some point there has been a loving relationship being built just for an example and I do stress just for an example may be a boyfriend and girlfriend situation; this still may be open or closed relationship depending on the two in this situation.]

What leads me to think this is lovemaking is this background music used for the majority of the sexual scenes; it conveys that it is lovemaking, okay for Steele/Johnson for her first time ever having sex I partially get it kind of-ish, but I am very much 50-50 on this; by all means be soft on her first time having sex, but don't make love to her or lovingly kiss her at any stage of this film, because that will confuse her and if Gray/Dornan wants a Dominant Submissive relationship that is unacceptable behaviour, because it is cruel it is a taste of what she will never have [it very much goes against the Dominate and Submissive rules, I am generally speaking again [depending on what the two participants agree upon] and as he has done this with 15 other women I stand by using the word cruel [he is a wolf preying on a sheep, he knows better.]

Secondly if this contract/paperwork is so important to him in this Dominant Submissive relationship he should have waited for her to sign it end of story and finally I despise the final sexual activity in this project I have no time for it unless both participants are either knowing full well what they are getting into or are experienced enough in this kind of activity, even though Steele/Johnson agrees to being punished she was unaware of how hard he was going to punish her, yes absolutely I will still grant her the level of a beginner so there is no way she was experienced enough to handle this situation and for him to be enjoying it is just wrong.

So as far as I'm concerned by this point they are in a relationship of some description and even if they weren't I would still classify this as domestic violence, because that is how hard we are led to believe he hits her which no surprise here but after this she doesn't want him to touch her.

In fact if he has these massive issues of intimacy of any description be a Dominant or anything other he should be seeking help [based on the grounds on his first experience into the Dominant and Submissive lifestyle; he was only 15 so this could have easily scarred him, with the need to always be Dominant and never vulnerable on any level, but however this whole point could be and can be undermined by the fact his first Dominant and him are still good friends to this day] or both of them could be or should be in prison, I really don't have time for this unless you had two people trying something different in the bedroom and an accident happened then I would listen, you know they tried something; something went wrong but there was no intention of hurting one another [so hopefully there isn't too much harm and they could try again,] but in this scene there is clear intention of harm which greatly undermines this style of relationship of Dominant and Submissive which I do not tolerate, I have been thinking about this film and may be the reason why she didn't use both safety words [Yellow; means she is getting close to her limit] or specifically Red; in short means stop, is because of she wanted to experience his punishment, but trust me when I say there is zero enjoyment on her part here.

I mean he has this golden opportunity to teach someone properly on how to do things including potentially letting his history go what else does he want? The performances including the on-screen chemistry on the whole at first are what they are; they do their a job they are designed to do. Now for our lead partnership; at best I can say it is mixed sometimes it is dull and sometimes you can see/feel it in sync but it doesn't last for too long [like for one moment for an example our lead partnership are dancing together [before they go out to his family's dinner party occasion,] because I know this is a trilogy I am really hoping this partnership gets better on every single level, because if not let's just say for now it is going to be safe to assume this "Man this is hard work to watch."

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; I mean if you want to watch a film which is similar to this go and watch Secretary 2002 [warning it does have a sexual component and some dark content and it does have some awards to its name; like just for an example its highest Award credited to its name - first one on the list Nominated for a Golden Globe Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Comedy or Musical 2003; Maggie Gyllenhaal.] But in the interest of fairness and balance somehow Fifty Shades of Grey highest Award credited to its name - first one on the list; Oscar Nomination;  Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures, Original Song The Weeknd [as Abel Tesfaye] Belly [as Ahmad Balshe] DaHeala Stephan Moccio Song: "Earned It"; 2016. On a little bit of research it looks like I need to watch the Secretary 2002 again based on the grounds I haven't done it under this name, so let me put it like this I would much more prefer to watch this film before I watch this sequel [Fifty Shades Darker 2017,] because in a nutshell of what I remember the style of a relationship is better shown in this film.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge 2020 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning/Disclaimer: there are flashing effects/colorful effects/it would be just quicker for me to say this instead of listing everything; this film is not suitable for children and those of a weak stomach and Disclaimer if anyone goes searching for this I will not be held responsible; this will make better sense later on in this Blog/Review.

Storyline: it is good and it gets left on a question-mark ending/continuation. The pacing is likewise good and it knows what it is doing and it sticks to that plan.

Action/Art/Comedy/Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry all of these components go hand-in-hand in one way or another; generally speaking first of all either together or individually the Action or Art does this franchise proud; meaning it can be beautiful and beautifully graphic for one example which I can talk about without being concerned about the graphic detail of the Action & Art; if we have any fans of Rammstein; specifically the track/music video for Links 2-3-4 from the album Mutter from 2000 where we have these many Ants taking on these Dung beetles [quick Disclaimer: if anyone should go searching for this I will not be held responsible.] But I digress as it relates to this film instead of these Dung beetles we have this Scorpion [of what we see it does not share the same fate as these Dung beetles.] This sequence is shot from the level of this conflict so we have a ringside seat for a short time and going on simultaneously we have Father & Son [Hanzo & Satoshi Hasashi;] Hanzo is educating his Son about Scorpions and without giving too much away its inner strength, the viewers should be able for we easily and naturally able to pick up on this; yes these two characters have a layered relationship Master and Pupil, Father and Son as Hanzo gifts his Son arrived home on his back; this relationship is very warm and all the voice performances are good.

Now for a little bit more substance without being too graphic; the viewers do get these like x-ray shots of what damage is being done at that specific time, the landscapes and things of this nature are really smooth and easy on the eye. But now I have some bad news if you wanted to see Hanzo Hasashi go through this metamorphosis into his legendary spectre Scorpion we don't see any of it; we just get this "Hanzo is dead call me Scorpion." "I am very disappointed with this metamorphosis, to be more precise it is garbage and yes I feel incredibly comfortable saying it is garbage, based on the grounds it's not like this character is one of your legendary characters of your franchise at all; Oh wait it is one of your legendary characters of your entire franchise, you have a funny way of showing it is not like this film title has his name in it and you are calling him Legends; Oh wait I have done it again it has and you are which he is. Oh well at least it doesn't have a sizable chunk of the storyline based around him Oh I have done it again silly me it does."

So as I have made it crystal clear they really should have done this metamorphosis justice and on top of that we have Quan Chi saying in short Scorpion is not immortal you're looking/hearing out for "You're strong but you are not immortal." I have to say this does make Quan Chi look really stupid; because it does come across as if he has no idea what powers or abilities or other he is bestowing on to individuals and what really puts over this idea is the fact Quan Chi says "Impossible" on seeing Scorpion again.

This is colossal they break a massive rule of Mortal Kombat which is if you don't know; it is one-on-one combat no one shall interfere in Mortal Kombat; I am not going to be two specific here but it happens in the final section of this film.

Comedy: there is a little bit of comedy like you watch out for the kick; they look like they really hurt.

This film receives: 7/10, this film is good; this mark is going  need to some explaining, this is how strong this film is in a positive sense that I can't give anything less even though it has problems.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Phantom 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Phantom 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical element/cutting of the neck/character on fire/suicide/animal cruelty

Storyline: it knows what it is doing from beginning to end and it sticks to that, the pacing to begin with is slow; but I should point out this film is not the most quickest anyway. But the difference between the beginning stage of the film and the rest of the film is this; it becomes consistently mobile throughout the film.

Action/Art: these two components go hand-in-hand in this project; for one example the viewers can see [underwater] this Submarine almost collided with this ship above it [things get a little bit tight.]

Action; there are weapons being used and combat

Art individually; we have some morning skies with colours to reflect this time period of the day and some scenes of this Submarine; be it in the dock or sailing in the water or underneath.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry they are all safe and reliable, but having said that it is a good thing that Ed Harris has the lead role position as Demi [you know what you get with Harris which is a reliably good all round performance every time in any project he is a part of; in short Mr. dependable] alongside David Duchovny as Bruni; they have this friction [I can't say too much about it; you will find out about it when you watch this project.] But the friction between these two works.

This film receives: 6/10, this film is good; if you are into Submarine films or like one or both of the two performers I have already mentioned take a look at this film.



Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Reprisal 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Reprisal 2018 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful effects/medical component/mental health/shot in the head.

Storyline: and the pacing well all of this including the slow-motion effects and loud background music is garbage; yes in the closing section things do get better, but it still doesn't change the fact that this film is garbage. As a person that I watch this film with said "This film makes no sense." Yes this individual pointed this out; they are making reference to the fact that without giving too much away why is this all happening? We the viewers never find out or get told.

Action/Art: there are some elements where these two components go hand-in-hand; it is where the viewers from the perspective of first-person shooter. For just one example Gabriel/Schaech is on his motorbike and we momentarily see from his perspective sitting and seeing everything we would see as if we were sitting there so the handlebars and so on.

Action individually; there are weapons being used and combat

Art individually; there are these good-looking scenes with sometimes the sun or clouds in them

Character/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry these are on all three components are very dull there is absolutely no life to them whatsoever. I mean there is between Jacob/Grillo and James/Willis, but it is one of those occasions where I or anyone watching this film would say "this is as best as it is going to get."

This film receives: 1/10, this film is poor; usually I wouldn't be this direct or blunt, but the only reason I would recommend this film is if there are any Bruce Willis fans out there in Internet land, but full disclosure he isn't an ever present in this project or for some reason I lost this review or I was on a date night or someone else chose this film. But other than that I wouldn't waste my time watching this film [yes I know I have just done this, before someone points this out, but I hadn't seen this film before now.]




Tuesday, 23 February 2021

We're the Millers 2013 by AverageMansReviews

We're the Millers 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colorful effects/drugs/simulated incest - I am going to be discussing this; in this review/blog as well and just to cover my back I will use this very old line I haven’t used for a long time; if this element wasn’t in this film I wouldn’t be discussing it.

Storyline: this will not be the only time I say this; this storyline is generic, there is this question-mark ending as we never find out how things finish, there are some bloopers at the end and the pacing does its job.

Comedy: there are a few moments where I laughed, for two examples; where Clark /fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis is describing in great detail what kind of haircut he would like to the hair dresser and this man in the background says something to the effect of over here and pointing to his hairstyle. Moving on to there is this Mexican Cop/Guzmán that want a bribe, but Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis doesn't think he has the money, so this Mexican Cop/Guzmán in short wants a sexual favour. But we quickly discover he is gay, so it is between Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis and Rossmore/fake Son Kenny Miller/Poulter to perform this favour, but the problem is neither one of them are gay. But as soon as Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis began using one word [homophobic] it felt awkward and not funny.

Then later on briefly we have Mathis/fake Daughter & Sister/Roberts and O'Reilly/fake Wife & Mother O'Reilly/Rose Miller/Anderson teaching and practicing with fake Son & Brother Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter kissing with Clark/fake Husband & Father standing having some food whilst this is all taking place in their RV with fake Son & Brother Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter getting sexually turned on; then just to finish off this uncomfortable scene this predictable thing happens Melissa Fitzgerald/Quinn [Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter's love interest walks in on this and then quickly walks out.] As I have repeatedly pointed out I know this is a fake family connection, but the component of incest is still there with these character developments and kissing of this nature.

Action: there is only one action sequence which I can point out and that is having the DEA making an entrance at some point in this film [yes I know when it is but I am trying not to give too much away here.]

Art: there is this rainbow, see life and full moon by night.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry are generic; they are what you expect them to be with this kind of film. Meaning at the beginning they don't get along and at the end they get along.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; I just found this film to be really generic; yes it does have some good elements to it, but yet somehow it has some Awards to its name for just two examples; Winners MTV Movie + TV Awards; MTV Movie Award 2014; Breakthrough Performance; Will Poulter & Best Kiss; Emma Roberts, Jennifer Aniston & Will Poulter and on top of that it has many Nominations to its name as well; so all I can say here is "What do I know, absolutely nothing by the looks of it and just for the record I am not a prude, I am very open-minded, but I have very little to no time as it relates to at minimum here of simulated incest." They should have come up with something better like practicing on some fruit like watermelon or something and when I have said little to no time I mean may be or something like this at the time these two individuals didn’t know they were related, but other than that I am heading towards the nearest exit, but it has just dawned on me this film Won an Award based on this simulated incest so what the hell do I know; truly nothing then obviously.

Monday, 22 February 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Just a heads up: at some point in the future I will be mostly withdrawing this paragraph [unless of information purposes or something like this,] because I looked at one episode of DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 10: How Queer Everything Is Today!/There may be other episodes from this TV program as well, I can remember but just to cover my back or I was thinking I would just leave this here; I didn't give you a heads up about using this softer version of adult language I remember coming to the conclusion that if I had mentioned it; it would be breaking my 3 to 5 things about one episode; just to cover my back there may have been others, so I got thinking you know that I will not do use adult language in my content and now and again I may make reference to this in my content. But there is no need for me to worry about mentioning it. One final thing the reason why I have said at some point in the future is because I have recently done a new batch of content, so it may or may not be in there.

Match/Stipulations:  John Cena vs. Christian vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Real American's members Cesaro [with Zeb Colter] vs. the Celtic Warrior Sheamus vs. the WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton; Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Heavyweight Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 1/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 36/60 - this match is good

Comments: let's begin with the elephant in the room; Satisfying Conclusion 1/10, this is very easy to defend; when the final bell rang in this match the Crowd Participation basically sunk and you can see unhappy people and I felt really sorry for the Crowd, because throughout this Pay-Per-View they were enthusiastic be it positive or negative or anything in between and it really does have that feeling of a the only one happy with this outcome is Mr. McMahon as he clearly once again sticks it to his Universe. I mean he could have picked anyone else in this match and his Universe would have been at minimum okay or surprised if Cesaro would have won.

Speaking of Cesaro I know at this point in 2021 I am pretty much banging a rusty old pan with a wooden spoon which has a hole in it from me  banging it too much with a wooden spoon; as it relates to Cesaro and the fact he can wrestle and he should be in the Main Event picture and should have been given a WWE Championship or Universal Championship by now end of story or as it relates to here and now in the future and I know I am not the only one saying things to this effect or put him on NXT and make him the NXT Champion to put on excellent matches with young stars to build up the young crop and unlike Charlotte I am quietly supremely confident he would put them over and bring eyeballs [viewership numbers back to NXT for sure,] because everyone wants to see him with a Main Brand Championship and I think the NXT Universe and their hierarchy would allow him and his opponent to have longer matches as well. The more time I spend thinking about this the more time I would really like to see him becoming the NXT Champion, because when he was NXT battling withZayn I remember everyone basically saying something to the effect of pure wrestling class, I mean The Real American gimmick was a Heel trio, but it got over, because everyone saw the potential from a wrestling standpoint, correction everyone saw it but the WWE hierarchy weren't even given the WWE Tag Team Championships, so you are telling me they couldn't even have them for six weeks. I know this is the Spoiler Alarm Version, but I still don't like giving too much away so let me put it like this; the first source of interference Yes! Yes! Yes! The second source of interference No! No! No! It just leaves everything on a very sour note and I know I have either made reference to this or I'm going to make reference to this again, but it really does enforced loudly and purposefully the narrative of what Mr. McMahon wants; Mr. McMahon gets and forget everyone else. I mean he could have left it with just one source of interference that would have done the job quietly with plausible deniability [in a kayfabe sense Mr. McMahon; “They do what they want, when they won’t I cannot control them”] but no [in a real-life sense] he wanted to make everyone aware with the second source of interference, I don't care what you want I want this; so we will have this.

Finally on to John "Bradshaw" Layfield I don't care if it is him or if he is being told to say these things from backstage [through his headset,] but making these crying baby sounds because in short the Crowd look really unhappy, disheartened and a little bit shocked; because as I have already made reference to Mr. McMahon stuck it to them and just to make myself crystal clear I really do not care if kayfabe or not this was extreme overkill.

Basic Result: Randy Orton Retains his WWE Heavyweight Championship; so it is Batista vs. the WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton at WrestleMania 30/2014 [as things are here and now; so I will use the WWE classic saying "Card subject to change."]

This Pay-Per-View receives: 7/10, this Pay-Per-View is good: now this is going to need some explaining quite frankly this Card in its entirety is mediocre including the narrative with Bad News Barrett and stage platform breaking down, this commentary trio would far, far be my favorite on commentary either I know I have given some positive attributes that is called being fair and balanced. Yes there are some positive matches. But I had to give an extra mark because of the Crowd Participation they were here for this Pay-Per-View and they in one way or another responded loudly and proudly and then they get treated like this; but then again this is the WWE for you

I should finish off by saying this; the day after this Pay-Per-View Monday 24/02/2014 The WWE Network was launched; but looking into my crystal ball I can only see 21 Peacocks I wonder what this could mean? I guess only time will tell and the only reason I know this is because they bring it up a small amount of times during this Pay-Per-View.

The highest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be: The Shield [the United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns] vs. The Wyatt Family [Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan & Luke Harper:] Six-Man Tag Team Match with 57/60.

The lowest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be:  [The Funkadactyls'] Cameron vs. WWE Divas Championship AJ Lee [with Tamina Snuka:] Singles Match for the WWE Divas Championship with 28/60.

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: at some point in the future I will be mostly withdrawing this paragraph [unless of information purposes or something like this,] because I looked at one episode of DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 10: How Queer Everything Is Today!/There may be other episodes from this TV program as well, I can remember but just to cover my back or I was thinking I would just leave this here; I didn't give you a heads up about using this softer version of adult language I remember coming to the conclusion that if I had mentioned it; it would be breaking my 3 to 5 things about one episode; just to cover my back there may have been others, so I got thinking you know that I will not do use adult language in my content and now and again I may make reference to this in my content. But there is no need for me to worry about mentioning it. One final thing the reason why I have said at some point in the future is because I have recently done a new batch of content, so it may or may not be in there.

Match/Stipulations:  John Cena vs. Christian vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Real American's members Cesaro [with Zeb Colter] vs. the Celtic Warrior Sheamus vs. the WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton; Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Heavyweight Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 1/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 36/60 - this match is good

Comments: let's begin with the elephant in the room; Satisfying Conclusion 1/10, this is very easy to defend; when the final bell rang in this match the Crowd Participation basically sunk and you can see unhappy people and I felt really sorry for the Crowd, because throughout this Pay-Per-View they were enthusiastic be it positive or negative or anything in between and it really does have that feeling of a the only one happy with this outcome is Mr. McMahon as he clearly once again sticks it to his Universe. I mean he could have picked anyone else in this match and his Universe would have been at minimum okay or surprised if Cesaro would have won.

Speaking of Cesaro I know at this point in 2021 I am pretty much banging a rusty old pan with a wooden spoon which has a hole in it from me  banging it too much with a wooden spoon; as it relates to Cesaro and the fact he can wrestle and he should be in the Main Event picture and should have been given a WWE Championship or Universal Championship by now end of story or as it relates to here and now in the future and I know I am not the only one saying things to this effect or put him on NXT and make him the NXT Champion to put on excellent matches with young stars to build up the young crop and unlike Charlotte I am quietly supremely confident he would put them over and bring eyeballs [viewership numbers back to NXT for sure,] because everyone wants to see him with a Main Brand Championship and I think the NXT Universe and their hierarchy would allow him and his opponent to have longer matches as well. The more time I spend thinking about this the more time I would really like to see him becoming the NXT Champion, because when he was NXT battling with Zayn I remember everyone basically saying something to the effect of pure wrestling class, I mean The Real American gimmick was a Heel trio, but it got over, because everyone saw the potential from a wrestling standpoint, correction everyone saw it but the WWE hierarchy, I mean on a little bit of research they weren't even given the WWE Tag Team Championships, so you are telling me they couldn't even have them for six weeks [if you want to know slightly a little bit more please head over to the Spoiler Alarm Version!]

Finally on to John "Bradshaw" Layfield I don't care if it is him or if he is being told to say these things from backstage [through his headset,] but making these crying baby sounds because in short the Crowd look really unhappy, disheartened and a little bit shocked; because as I have already made reference to Mr. McMahon stuck it to them and just to make myself crystal clear I really do not care if kayfabe or not this was extreme overkill.

This Pay-Per-View receives: 7/10, this Pay-Per-View is good: now this is going to need some explaining quite frankly this Card in its entirety is mediocre including the narrative with Bad News Barrett and stage platform breaking down, this commentary trio would far, far be my favorite on commentary either I know I have given some positive attributes that is called being fair and balanced. Yes there are some positive matches. But I had to give an extra mark because of the Crowd Participation they were here for this Pay-Per-View and they in one way or another responded loudly and proudly and then they get treated like this; but then again this is the WWE for you

I should finish off by saying this; the day after this Pay-Per-View Monday 24/02/2014 The WWE Network was launched; but looking into my crystal ball I can only see 21 Peacocks I wonder what this could mean? I guess only time will tell and the only reason I know this is because they bring it up a small amount of times during this Pay-Per-View.

The highest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be: The Shield [the United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns] vs. The Wyatt Family [Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan & Luke Harper:] Six-Man Tag Team Match with 57/60.

The lowest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be:  [The Funkadactyls'] Cameron vs. WWE Divas Championship AJ Lee [with Tamina Snuka:] Singles Match for the WWE Divas Championship with 28/60.

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 6/Part 6 by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Just a heads up: as everyone should know by now I don't use adult language in my content, but I do use softer versions of what I mean.

Match/Stipulation: Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio: Singles Match

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 4/10

Match Storyline: 4/10

Crowd Participation: 9/10

On Commentary: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler 5/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 4/10

Recommend Watch: 4/10

Match Total: 30/60 - this match is mixed

Comments: this is one of those occasions where I think the Crowd Participation was just too hot for this match; it is a blend of this Crowd were enthusiastic, but also taking a dump on this match by doing a role reversal on who they should be cheering for and booing for in this match mixed in with chants for Boo-tista, Lesnar, Bryan, RVD, Y2J, CM Punk and booing in this match, these chants are in no particular order; I have to admit I don't see this as a negative, I really don't; yes obviously I acknowledged that this can be seen quite clearly as a negative. But this Crowd were right on the button; they from the outset of this pre-match and match they just knew it was going to be a match Pay-Per-View slot filler, so they decided to remain enthusiastic and make this loud atmosphere to keep this party going even when this match is so not worthy of being on this Pay-Per-View Card and this Crowd knew it so they made fun of it and made their feelings known; but then again the WWE like to fight against their Universe.

Racism on commentary; in short Lawler; "I hear Del Rio ring tone is La Cucaracha?" Layfield ; "I think it is, because I hear that, because I call him all the time." [I should point out I hear Layfield finding this funny in his dialogue pitch when he is saying this line;] basically most of me is damaged in some way but my hearing is not. Followed up with Lawler; "The next time it you speak to him [referring to Del Rio] why Mexicans don't eat the beans the first time they fry them."

Full disclosure; I don't know what this beans reference means, but I am smart enough to know this is a racial slur or an insult. I don't care if this is them saying these things off their own back or they are being told to say these things from backstage [through their headsets,] but with Layfield being amused I should imagine [this is just speculation on my part] this is them saying these things. With Michael Cole talking about the match, but he does make a little sound effect which indicates possibly being a little bit amused mixed in with swiftly moving on whilst talking about the match.

I don't know about you; but that is what I want with my wrestling a side order of an average of three middle-aged Caucasians using at minimum racial slurs or insinuations or racism [and for those that cannot pick up sarcasm; I am being sarcastic here.]

Basic Result: Batista picks up the W.