Tuesday 23 February 2021

We're the Millers 2013 by AverageMansReviews

We're the Millers 2013 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colorful effects/drugs/simulated incest - I am going to be discussing this; in this review/blog as well and just to cover my back I will use this very old line I haven’t used for a long time; if this element wasn’t in this film I wouldn’t be discussing it.

Storyline: this will not be the only time I say this; this storyline is generic, there is this question-mark ending as we never find out how things finish, there are some bloopers at the end and the pacing does its job.

Comedy: there are a few moments where I laughed, for two examples; where Clark /fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis is describing in great detail what kind of haircut he would like to the hair dresser and this man in the background says something to the effect of over here and pointing to his hairstyle. Moving on to there is this Mexican Cop/Guzmán that want a bribe, but Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis doesn't think he has the money, so this Mexican Cop/Guzmán in short wants a sexual favour. But we quickly discover he is gay, so it is between Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis and Rossmore/fake Son Kenny Miller/Poulter to perform this favour, but the problem is neither one of them are gay. But as soon as Clark/fake Father David Miller/Sudeikis began using one word [homophobic] it felt awkward and not funny.

Then later on briefly we have Mathis/fake Daughter & Sister/Roberts and O'Reilly/fake Wife & Mother O'Reilly/Rose Miller/Anderson teaching and practicing with fake Son & Brother Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter kissing with Clark/fake Husband & Father standing having some food whilst this is all taking place in their RV with fake Son & Brother Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter getting sexually turned on; then just to finish off this uncomfortable scene this predictable thing happens Melissa Fitzgerald/Quinn [Rossmore/Kenny Miller/Poulter's love interest walks in on this and then quickly walks out.] As I have repeatedly pointed out I know this is a fake family connection, but the component of incest is still there with these character developments and kissing of this nature.

Action: there is only one action sequence which I can point out and that is having the DEA making an entrance at some point in this film [yes I know when it is but I am trying not to give too much away here.]

Art: there is this rainbow, see life and full moon by night.

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry are generic; they are what you expect them to be with this kind of film. Meaning at the beginning they don't get along and at the end they get along.

This film receives: 2/10, this film is poor; I just found this film to be really generic; yes it does have some good elements to it, but yet somehow it has some Awards to its name for just two examples; Winners MTV Movie + TV Awards; MTV Movie Award 2014; Breakthrough Performance; Will Poulter & Best Kiss; Emma Roberts, Jennifer Aniston & Will Poulter and on top of that it has many Nominations to its name as well; so all I can say here is "What do I know, absolutely nothing by the looks of it and just for the record I am not a prude, I am very open-minded, but I have very little to no time as it relates to at minimum here of simulated incest." They should have come up with something better like practicing on some fruit like watermelon or something and when I have said little to no time I mean may be or something like this at the time these two individuals didn’t know they were related, but other than that I am heading towards the nearest exit, but it has just dawned on me this film Won an Award based on this simulated incest so what the hell do I know; truly nothing then obviously.

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