Monday 22 February 2021

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Pay-Per-View Rewind of: WWE Elimination Chamber 23/02/2014: Match 7/Part 7/Conclusion by AverageMansReviews - Spoiler Alarm!

Just a heads up: at some point in the future I will be mostly withdrawing this paragraph [unless of information purposes or something like this,] because I looked at one episode of DC's Batwoman [Season 1,] Episode 10: How Queer Everything Is Today!/There may be other episodes from this TV program as well, I can remember but just to cover my back or I was thinking I would just leave this here; I didn't give you a heads up about using this softer version of adult language I remember coming to the conclusion that if I had mentioned it; it would be breaking my 3 to 5 things about one episode; just to cover my back there may have been others, so I got thinking you know that I will not do use adult language in my content and now and again I may make reference to this in my content. But there is no need for me to worry about mentioning it. One final thing the reason why I have said at some point in the future is because I have recently done a new batch of content, so it may or may not be in there.

Match/Stipulations:  John Cena vs. Christian vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Real American's members Cesaro [with Zeb Colter] vs. the Celtic Warrior Sheamus vs. the WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton; Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Heavyweight Championship

Match Attributes:

Match Quality: 7/10

Match Storyline: 6/10

Crowd Participation: 10/10

On Commentary: John "Bradshaw" Layfield, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler 6/10

Satisfying Conclusion: 1/10

Recommend Watch: 6/10

Match Total: 36/60 - this match is good

Comments: let's begin with the elephant in the room; Satisfying Conclusion 1/10, this is very easy to defend; when the final bell rang in this match the Crowd Participation basically sunk and you can see unhappy people and I felt really sorry for the Crowd, because throughout this Pay-Per-View they were enthusiastic be it positive or negative or anything in between and it really does have that feeling of a the only one happy with this outcome is Mr. McMahon as he clearly once again sticks it to his Universe. I mean he could have picked anyone else in this match and his Universe would have been at minimum okay or surprised if Cesaro would have won.

Speaking of Cesaro I know at this point in 2021 I am pretty much banging a rusty old pan with a wooden spoon which has a hole in it from me  banging it too much with a wooden spoon; as it relates to Cesaro and the fact he can wrestle and he should be in the Main Event picture and should have been given a WWE Championship or Universal Championship by now end of story or as it relates to here and now in the future and I know I am not the only one saying things to this effect or put him on NXT and make him the NXT Champion to put on excellent matches with young stars to build up the young crop and unlike Charlotte I am quietly supremely confident he would put them over and bring eyeballs [viewership numbers back to NXT for sure,] because everyone wants to see him with a Main Brand Championship and I think the NXT Universe and their hierarchy would allow him and his opponent to have longer matches as well. The more time I spend thinking about this the more time I would really like to see him becoming the NXT Champion, because when he was NXT battling withZayn I remember everyone basically saying something to the effect of pure wrestling class, I mean The Real American gimmick was a Heel trio, but it got over, because everyone saw the potential from a wrestling standpoint, correction everyone saw it but the WWE hierarchy weren't even given the WWE Tag Team Championships, so you are telling me they couldn't even have them for six weeks. I know this is the Spoiler Alarm Version, but I still don't like giving too much away so let me put it like this; the first source of interference Yes! Yes! Yes! The second source of interference No! No! No! It just leaves everything on a very sour note and I know I have either made reference to this or I'm going to make reference to this again, but it really does enforced loudly and purposefully the narrative of what Mr. McMahon wants; Mr. McMahon gets and forget everyone else. I mean he could have left it with just one source of interference that would have done the job quietly with plausible deniability [in a kayfabe sense Mr. McMahon; “They do what they want, when they won’t I cannot control them”] but no [in a real-life sense] he wanted to make everyone aware with the second source of interference, I don't care what you want I want this; so we will have this.

Finally on to John "Bradshaw" Layfield I don't care if it is him or if he is being told to say these things from backstage [through his headset,] but making these crying baby sounds because in short the Crowd look really unhappy, disheartened and a little bit shocked; because as I have already made reference to Mr. McMahon stuck it to them and just to make myself crystal clear I really do not care if kayfabe or not this was extreme overkill.

Basic Result: Randy Orton Retains his WWE Heavyweight Championship; so it is Batista vs. the WWE Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton at WrestleMania 30/2014 [as things are here and now; so I will use the WWE classic saying "Card subject to change."]

This Pay-Per-View receives: 7/10, this Pay-Per-View is good: now this is going to need some explaining quite frankly this Card in its entirety is mediocre including the narrative with Bad News Barrett and stage platform breaking down, this commentary trio would far, far be my favorite on commentary either I know I have given some positive attributes that is called being fair and balanced. Yes there are some positive matches. But I had to give an extra mark because of the Crowd Participation they were here for this Pay-Per-View and they in one way or another responded loudly and proudly and then they get treated like this; but then again this is the WWE for you

I should finish off by saying this; the day after this Pay-Per-View Monday 24/02/2014 The WWE Network was launched; but looking into my crystal ball I can only see 21 Peacocks I wonder what this could mean? I guess only time will tell and the only reason I know this is because they bring it up a small amount of times during this Pay-Per-View.

The highest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be: The Shield [the United States Champion Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns] vs. The Wyatt Family [Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan & Luke Harper:] Six-Man Tag Team Match with 57/60.

The lowest ranking match on this Card based on attributes that we see in full would be:  [The Funkadactyls'] Cameron vs. WWE Divas Championship AJ Lee [with Tamina Snuka:] Singles Match for the WWE Divas Championship with 28/60.

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