Sunday 28 February 2021

Steel Sharks 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Steel Sharks 1997 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Warning: there are flashing effects/colourful effects/choking/characters on fire

Storyline: it is something safe and reliable and the same can be said for the pacing.

Action/Art: there are some occasions where these two components go hand-in-hand; like for an example the drop-off and pick-up of this Navy Seals unit [Steel Shark;] by Chopper in and out of the sea

Action individually; the standard weapons being used and combat is what this film has to offer.

Art individually; we have some submarine moving underwater

Characters/Performances: including the on-screen chemistry; they are reliably solid versions of their character types and the on-screen chemistry, but having said that when it comes to Capt. Lashgar/Toub and Gregorov/Miranda; they have this friction thing going on where Gregorov/Miranda in short is verbally fighting with Capt. Lashgar/Toub at every turn [it is one of those things where when it starts it doesn't stop until something happens in the film.] I should very quickly point out this is nothing against these two performers, because I have a feeling that they were designed to come out this way consequently that is why I can't put it on the performers so their Characters, Performances and on-screen chemistry are like the rest solid versions of what they are meant to be. But my point here is this; after a while it does become tedious and a little annoying after some time, there is just enough here for me to say this; this is possibly a very vague attempt of comedy, I don't think so but if you want to see it as some vague attempt of some kind of comedy I can see why; it just comes over a little like a married old couple bickering at one another.

This film receives: 4/10, this film is mixed; to be more precise it is just a solid film; it knows what it is and what it can offer its viewers and it sticks to that. If there are any fans of one or both of these two performers in Internet land take a look at this film; Gary Busey as Cmdr. Bill McKay and/or Billy Dee Williams as Adm. Jim Perry take a look at this film, but don't expect too much as my mark would suggest.

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