Monday, 30 September 2019

Blackhat 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Blackhat 2015 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is poor.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, words on screen, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, quick moving effects, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement as it relates to this project is slow, this film could do with Sonic the Hedgehog with a little harness on; so he can be attached to this film pull it along at some speed.

Storyline/Back stories: on both counts these are okay and this title leaves things on a question mark [what happened next?] The back stories get told to us via dialogue exchanges on a quick side note I am not being lazy, but as I haven't said this in some time, I don't discuss everything in my blogs because I don't like to give everything away and it covers me if I should forget something or didn't pick up on something or anything other.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, helicopters, small plane, speedboat and explosions. Here is something for you to look out for; our lead character/role uses this axe to break inside something else, but here is the strange thing, for some strange reason he uses the back of the axe and not the front; I mean if I had to break into something or somewhere quickly I would use the front of an axe.

Moving on to the artistic visions there are these inner computers elements, the viewers get to see from the perspective of one of these characters/performers as they are wearing this protective suit, these fishes in their fish tank and these cultural elements of what seems to be a festival, these elements are good.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something safe and reliable; the performances are poor, now I don't know what it is about this project, but the chemistry or friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get,] feels manufactured or I can see it, to be fair there are some small elements of chemistry or [when it comes to watching this title you will understand why I am struggling to put my finger on it] it's like there is chemistry/friction but for some reason I find it difficult to get invested in or it isn't there.

This film receives: 3/10, I don't know what to say about this film; I think this project could have had potential if it was quicker, meaning this is all speculation because we don't know how things would've turned out but still it is a valid point nonetheless, if it was quicker may be it would have made these problems less noticeable or maybe this title would have been noticeably better with a bit of get up and go to it; but as it is it is poor.

Friday, 27 September 2019

No Good Deed 2014 by AverageMansReviews

No Good Deed 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed.

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, words on screen, background music, mental imagery, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement as it relates to this project is a combining problem [this means I can see that the movement of this project doesn't help the situation but it also doesn't help that there are combining aspects to this problem as well,] which I will be discussing throughout this project in one way or another, I am just trying to limit the risk of me repeating myself.

Storyline/Back story: the storyline is okay but it is a combining problem, the viewers get told the back story via voice-over or dialogue.

Action sequences: there are weapons being used, combat, exercise and chasing.

Character developments/Performances: now the character developments are a cliché of what these character types are, so yes there is friction and chemistry [depending where you are; is depending what you get.]

But having said all of this these character developments can be a combining problem as well. Now I would like to discuss the combining problems in-depth; I am just going to come out and say it; because the character developments are developing too quickly, compared to the movement and the storyline, it's like you want this film to hurry up, because you have already got ahead mentally in the film and your just waiting for the film to catch up, so without giving too much away if something happens that is unforeseen; it has no impact whatsoever at this point [it is more like a comedy element more than anything else.]

Moving on to the performances they are doing their job, [minus one character/performer,] Elba he puts in a good performance, he quickly and convincingly switches from personality traits to personality traits with ease.

This film receives: 5/10, well let's leave this review on a positive if there are any Elba fans out there, give this film a go but I wouldn't expect too much.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Arctic 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

Arctic 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, cultural elements, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this title is something I can't criticize too much, because with this type of film you can go two ways silence or pretty much silence which this is the way this project went or something like The Martian 2015 [yes I needed to go and watch a trailer to make sure what I was saying was correct, I have seen this film once before but I need to review it again for my blogs.]

But as it relates to this project there is background music and our lead character/role breathing and saying not much until the situation happens, the reason why I can't criticize it too much, this is something I will discuss later in this review but on a quick side note I prefer The Martian 2015 one main character/lead role approach, it is more easier to settle down with and more engageable.

Storyline: it is straightforward and it has a question-mark style for an ending, now to cover my back it is very rare I can let this style of ending go or something else, I was watching this project with someone else and I turned to them and said this or something to this effect "I bet this film has a question-mark style ending for an ending" so I was less than pleased when I found out I was right.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are fishing, weapons being used, helicopters and rescuing. Moving on to the artistic visions the landscapes, keeping track of how many days he has been here [or that is what I think he is doing here] and this Polar bear or possibly Polar bears is something for you to look out for in this project and they are all good.

Character developments/Performances: now here is where I would like to discuss why I can't really criticize the movement of this title; it looks like/feels like they were going with the approach of this is how our lead character/performer feels like in this situation [using the movement of this project to transmit those feelings onto the viewers, in short making their audience feel like they are right there with him/them.] I don't know what to say about the performances, because it is all about a performance [I can't say too much without giving too much away, this point will make perfect sense when you watch this project] there is chemistry there, but it is still like 95% down to one performer so I will say this performance carries this project and it is good

This film receives: 6/10, I had to take a little bit off for the question-mark ending so this mark is a fair conclusion.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 42: A Pig Surprise by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 42: A Pig Surprise by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this is another episode which is mixed.

4 things about this episode

Storyline/Moral message: the storyline is okay it is based around adopting animals, Zack has a small narrative and The Power Rangers in their civilian attire; Jason separates the group for different tasks and there is the small pigs narrative as well. The moral message is "Having a pet is a big responsibility."

Action sequences/Artistic visions: I have to say that the action sequences from an action perspective or an artistic perspective are good on both counts; Goldar performs this missile dropkick [wrestling move] on the Megazord or before this element Goldar is trying to squash The Power Rangers underneath his feet before calling on their Zords.

This episode receives: 5/10, after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 41: Rita's Seed of Evil by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 41: Rita's Seed of Evil by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed.

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Moral message/Back story: the storyline is okay it goes on about the environment and Jason gets a small narrative [there is Zordon and Jason having communication here via his wrist communicator three times in this location] and the moral message goes on about the environment as well. Moving on to the back story, the viewers get given this sequence of what this monster is capable of and there is voice-over as well.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are working together/double teams involving the following characters/performers Zack & Billy, Kimberly & Trini and Goldar & Scorpina and there are environmental scenes as well.

Seeing this monster from the perspective of The Power Rangers [sitting inside the Megazord,] looks vintage but still look great.

This episode receives: 5/10, well this episode achieves what it has been designed to do and that is to talk and show environmental elements in one way or another.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 40: Doomsday: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 40: Doomsday: Part II by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Comedy level: it is a good continuation and we have small numbers of characters/performers in their own very small narratives [characters/performers in different locations] before they join up again and there is a small piece of comedy between Goldar and Rita Repulsa as you are in the final section, it is something for you to hear out for.

Character developments: now here are two examples of the character developments; The Power Rangers in their civilian attire make two very important decisions at two separate points in this episode; this shows that these characters individually or together as a group have come a long way since we first met them and they don't feel as if the job is done yet.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: these two points are once again a strong asset to this episode, be it an arm of the Megazord being chopped off or likewise the tail of the Dragonzord being chopped off as well.

This episode receives: 7/10, like the previous episode this episode has lots to offer, but this mark just feels closer to anything higher.

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 39: Doomsday: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 39: Doomsday: Part I by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Bloopers: the storyline is excellent, moving on to the bloopers it would be really useful if The Power Rangers in their civilian attire stopped showing or talking about these things in this list; The Power Rangers and being really happy or something to this effect, talking about The Power Rangers and morphing into The Power Rangers, when there are so many people around them on a little bit of research/recap haven't the Power Rangers broken one of the three rules of being a Power Ranger in this episode, they get adulation from the people of Angel Grove and Zack wants to morph to impress a female character [so wouldn't that be seeking personal gain on both counts [I know they get thanks from the people of Angel Grove in one way or another anyway, but in this case this episode has been designed to give them adulation] and on reflection they are very lucky not to have broken another of these three rules not to reveal your secret identities and just out of interest the third rule is not to escalate a battle unless Rita forces them

But moving on to the next blooper [I am trying not to give too much away here,] but when Jason/The Red Power Ranger says "Look Goldar's driving." with this particular design you don't drive it; you pilot it, yes I have adapted Jason/The Power Rangers speech enough not to give too much away here.

Character developments: there are excellent character developments as it relates to Rita Repulsa as the viewers get to see and experience her true unstoppable powers and I should give you a little bit of a heads up there is quick moving images at some point in this episode.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts these are highly creative and highly imaginative as there is so much happening to see these battling sequences and the camera work to show these scenes from the best possible perspectives so the viewers feel a part of the action and carnage.

This episode receives: 8/10, this episode has lots to offer; so here is some good news we are only half way through.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Not Another Teen Movie 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Not Another Teen Movie 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Back story: the storyline is straightforward, it is something safe and reliable, the back story is discussed between the two main characters/performers.

Comedy level: it is of lowbrow material ranging from bodily functions and everything like that to inappropriate relationships with family members to sketches from other well-known films such as for one example The Breakfast Club 1985 [involving one character/performer from this film as well] to this ongoing concussion reference [I should just point out, yes I am aware that when this film came out we didn't know as much about concussions as we do today.] But still this comedy reference is on the nose and if I am going to point this out I am not reflecting away from this point, but this film is accepting of conjoined twins and someone with Tourette's [to cover my back if I should receive some feedback of a negative nature, on one hand I can't just point out about the ongoing concussion reference, without pointing out on the other hand that this film is accepting of conjoined twins and someone with Tourette's] and just to finish off this paragraph I did found some elements funny

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there is high school American football [training/game time,] cheerleading, combat, a backbreaker [wrestling move] and chasing. The artistic visions there are musical numbers [with and without a guitar,] painting, poetry dancing and animation.

Character developments/Performances: I can't really criticize these two points either individually or together too much, because of the simple reason; this is what they were going for, basically here is what I mean and yes even though this is my contents I am not saying it [in a nutshell if it wasn't in this film I wouldn't be saying it in the first place.] There is a stereotype African-American character/performer and he points out he is meant to be a stereotype African-American character, even later on in this title there is this character and another African-American character/performer and he points out he is meant to be the only African-American character/performer in this title or something to this effect.

The performances are also something safe and reliable there is chemistry/friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get.]

This film receives: 4/10, I originally went for a different mark but at the final second I change my mind, because by definition this film is mixed on how I feel about it, because yes you get this lowbrow comedy level, then you get this speech from one of our lead characters/roles to his teammates, but more specifically this character/performer that shouldn't be anywhere near this game and on top of that this film does get better the more you watch of it

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 38: A Bad Reflection on You by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 38: A Bad Reflection on You by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Bloopers: the storyline is okay, moving on to the bloopers, now all I am going to say about this is this; Jason could have said "It's morphing time!" a little bit more quietly, considering where The Power Rangers are, yes I am aware that Bulk & Skull were blindfolded, their fingers in their ears and trying to count backwards from 10 at the time, but still you may want to try and say those words more quietly Jason [just in case someone out there is thinking about this; on reflection it is unreasonable for me to bring up the other words that The Power Rangers say in this sequence, just based on unless a character/performer has been replaced or a new power has been given to them, there is no need to change this sequence.] In fact the only reason I am bringing up this is because Jason doesn't say this phrase quietly, anyone could have walked in or Bulk & Skull could have heard something or seen something [if there blindfolds had fallen down or been made of a certain material or made to jump by the loudness of this phrase being spoken] but in fairness and balance Zack and Jason got Bulk & Skull to do these things [Zack came up with two and Jason came up with one of these things] to keep their secret a secret. But moving on now how did these identical characters morph into The Power Rangers, because they didn't or don't have the genuine Power Morphers or Power Coins?

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull individually or together make a big impact on this episode with or without different characters/performers [for one example briefly Skull asks Kimberly out on a date and in a nutshell she agrees to it,] which leads Bulk & Skull to be confused by this unexpected turn of events.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: here are some things for you to look out for, these mirror match ups are action packed and smoothly put together, this monster performs an attack that basically uses a kaleidoscope effect or just to cover my back if it doesn't, it is something to this effect anyway [minus the pretty colours, you will notice it when it is being performed.]

Now on to the artistic visions; these mirror match ups, this monster's attack using these kaleidoscope effects, the landscape where this entire section takes place makes a lovely change of scenery [where later on you will see this giant flower to be more specific a sunflower in some way.]

This episode receives: 5/10, now after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

The November Man 2014 by AverageMansReviews

The November Man 2014 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there are numbers and words on screen, voice-over elements, cultural elements, background music, slow-motion effects, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles being used when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The background music has a consistent presence in this project, it isn't annoying but it is there and it is something I should point out anyway and this title is partial to using slow-motion effects in the action sequences [you will now but I mean, when you come to watch this project.]

Storyline/Back stories: on both counts they are something safe and reliable [this will not be the only time I use this particular line,] but for one example the viewers get this back story via mental imagery and on a quick side note I am now aware that I have been spelling back stories wrong in some of my blogs [back storys,] without giving you a long speech I have picked up on it today and instead of going over them all in one way or another, I was thinking I would address it here and move on.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are weapons being used, combat, chasing, a drone, explosions, a character/performer stretching in one scene, a conscious decision car crash, a game of Russian Roulette but for one example our lead role/character picks up this long shaped canister and hits an oncoming character on a motorbike with it taking this character/performer off this motorbike. Moving on to the artistic visions there are singing, playing the piano and a limited appearances of this cat and in one scene this dog and his owner going for a walk. Now in one action sequence [so you will have to be quick to see this,] there is this wallpaper which has a blue-and-white design on it, this looks good also.

Character developments/Performances: the character developments are something safe and reliable with performances which reflect them so these are good, there is good chemistry or friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get.]

This film receives: 6/10, this may sound disrespectful at first but the more you read the more the less disrespectful it may come across, there is nothing special about this film but however it is a solid film; good for a one-time viewing, maybe with a-take-away or night-in date or both those kind of situations.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Wasted: Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Stipulation: the championship is on the line in this match.

Now straight off the bat as you should know by now I don't watch any of the WWE pay-per-views or TV programming [I haven't done this for some time now,] I get my information from online sources/contents [spoiler warning -- this blog may contain a spoiler.]

Now here is the reason why I am outlining this; my opinion is based on the results or in this case more specifically the result of Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch [Banks wins via Disqualification Lynch Retains the Raw Women’s Championship.]

Yes it is very true I didn't watch this pay-per-view for free or pay for it, but it feels like the WWE gave their Universe the Stone Cold two fingers salute here, I mean I could even dictate a better scenario with a similar outcome [so I did.]

Fast-forward until the closing stages of this match; Banks picks up a steel chair and so does Lynch they give each other a stare down in the middle of the ring still holding their chairs [to give the impression which one is going to blink first] and they clash chairs like swords to create a Double-Disqualification, but they continue fighting to the backstage area with Referees and Senior Officials following and trying to break things up [with Michael Cole saying "We will attempt to keep you up to date with what is happening backstage whilst the next match is going on"] so for the next match they have a cameraman following the action, as the carnage unfolds until it gets to the point where Triple H. tries to get involved, suddenly he almost gets hit in the face with something [with that we see a slight transformation from Triple H. the hierarchy personnel to Triple H. the in ring performer and everything that comes with that version of him.

He says in a very loud voice "Okay that is enough, [everyone stops what they are doing] I will sort this out right now at Hell in a Cell it will be Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch Hell in a Cell for the Raw Women's Championship, Triple H. goes to leave the scene leaves and then comes back and says "With 30 minutes Iron-Person Match stipulation as well."

I mean don't get me wrong I would have preferred Banks to win at this pay-per-view with the assist from Bayley that way it could set up Lynch vs. Banks for the Raw Women's Championship at Hell in a Cell in Hell in a Cell and not forgetting this was Banks's first pay-per-view back and so what if Banks beats Lynch twice, I mean from the perspective of if Lynch goes to SmackDown Live nothing is lost here, in fact after these two losses it could make her angry/hungry to dominate SmackDown Live [you see Vince this is how you build consistent storylines with consistent character developments,] it makes as I have already said it makes Lynch look angry/hungry to dominate the landscape on SmackDown Live whilst it gives Banks some credibility and it leaves her in a good place.

Now I have brought up character developments, let's look at this closer now on one hand we have Lynch which as far as I can tell, which I have to quickly add this may not be completely her fault considering what kind of opposition she has been up against lately including the relationship component of the storyline [did you know Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch are in a real life relationship,] the WWE have stifled her and now she really does need galvanizing, so without repeating myself too much my idea in this blog would have worked out really well looking at the long-term bigger picture and on the other hand we have Banks which I listened to her first promo back it started off well and just went downhill from there really.

So what are the character dynamics here now Lynch [more like a Heel] is Banks [more like a Face] is Bayley [more like a Heel] in short what is going on here WWE, if you're getting confused in what I am saying because Banks won by Disqualification, it now makes her look more like a Face which I am sure this is not what the hierarchy are going for? I don't know maybe it is.

I may as well come out and just say my next point; is it me or since someone has left this company, I am not saying any names [cough Ronda Rousey cough] has the women's revolution gone the same way as the Titanic, before I receive any complaints or feedback this is just an observation and as time goes on I am thinking this was just a publicity stunt, I mean where are the individual Women's Championships Matches in the Main Event slots anywhere or do I even bring up the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.

I mean the gigantic slice of disrespect that the WWE could show their female independent contractors is if this individual should return to this company at some point in the future and the women's revolution starts up again, even though it began before she was even in the company but only time will tell and just to wrap this up, this was going to be a part of another blog, but as you can see when I began discussing it things just unravelled and one final thing I just get this impression that the WWE have no clue what to do with their Women's Divisions now, consequently seeing women's matches headlining anywhere under the WWE umbrella is going to become a thing of the past, I hope I am wrong about this but unless Vince becomes interested or steps down I don't see things changing anytime soon.

Last updated: Monday 23/09/2019 yes I have no idea why I took it down from my social media accounts in the first place but never mind, based on watching other peoples material I got it wrong as it relates to the character dynamics as far as I can tell now Lynch is somewhere in between, Bayley is I couldn't care what she is and Banks is a Heel. Where are the other women's characters/performers? I mean things can't just center arowith themund Lynch, Bayley, Banks, Flair and now Carmella, there needs to be more female wrestling.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 37: Clean-Up Club by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 37: Clean-Up Club by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is good

5 things about this episode

Moral message/Back story/Storyline: the moral message in this episode focuses on the environment and looking after it, the viewers get this back story on this monster [in one scene using the Viewing Globe] and the storyline focuses too hard on the environment [before I receive some form of backlash, I prefer the kind of moral message or anything of this nature, to be constructed in such a way that the audience can get the message or make up their own mind without it being pushed onto them or maybe an ending message between two characters/performers talking about the moral message that kind of thing or having a Power Ranger or Power Rangers in their civilian attire talking to a younger character/performer about the moral message]

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts these two points do a lot for this episode be it the Power Rangers in their civilian attire performing this pyramid shape [the men standing at the bottom and the women standing between two men on top of their legs] or having this monster fly through the air or the  Megazord jumping into the air, flying through the air and performing this attack with the Power Sword [which 9 times out of 10 means the end for this enemy -- unless it has the abilities to regenerate itself or any outcome which means it is alive again,] on a quick side note there are environmental activities sequences as well.

This episode receives: 6/10, after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

In-depth Predictions/Other elements for WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Just a heads up: I am beginning this on the Monday, so card subject to change and obviously I will change it, if there are any developments but the matches maybe in the wrong order.

Cedric Alexander vs. the United States Champion AJ Styles: my pick is AJ Styles, all I ask is please WWE make Cedric Alexander look strong in this defeat, something like Styles has to pull out all the stops to defeat Alexander and in one possible scenario Styles looking angry whilst walking away to show the emotions that "That was much harder than I expected it to be." Or in another scenario they could go with a brief handshake or fist bump between the two in the middle of the ring and then they go their separate ways or another scenario could be Styles preventing Anderson & Gallows with starting a beat down and backing off just to illustrate just this once game respects game. [I know Styles is a Heel at the moment, but in the same token I'm trying not to interrupt Alexander's momentum too much at this time or protect him from this loss.] So yes Styles could go back to complete Heel next week but for here and now it is about Alexander and continuing his momentum.

Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville vs.
the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions
Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross: my pick is Alexa Bliss & Nikki Cross, as I have made reference to when it is appropriate, I don't watch the WWE TV programming, I get my information from online, so with that being said I can't see Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville winning here and let us not forget at one point there were signs that this team was splitting up. It should be said good going Vince making these Championships feel absolutely worthless.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Lince Dorado vs.
the WWE Cruiserweight Champion Drew Gulak
Triple Threat Match: my pick is Drew Gulak, I should just point out to cover my back I am guessing on the stipulation of a Triple Threat Match, it doesn't say it on their website so I could be wrong but this is what it looks like to me.

The Miz vs.
the Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura: my pick is Shinsuke Nakamura, well I'm just going to say it as it is; well this match isn't going to be about this match, it is going to be about this storyline around this match; as in The Miz taking the defeat to build up Shinsuke Nakamura & Sami Zayn as a dangerous duo [he will be getting involved at some point,] this is straight out of the WWE playbook of how to build up characters/performers, but it also makes things very predictable such as next month rematch at the next pay-per-view Hell in a Cell 2019 with this stipulation where Zayn cannot get involved [to cover my back again this is just a future prediction.]

The Revival vs.
the SmackDown Tag Team Champions 
Big E & Xavier Woods: my pick is The Revival, straight off the bat don't get me started on the Brand Split or the Wild Card donkey diarrhea, so putting that to one side if the WWE want to build up The Revival quickly and efficiently they win these championships here [just for the record yes I am referring back to that old WWE playbook again, man this playbook is so old that Aladdin must have found it before he found the lamp down in that cave.

Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode vs. the Raw Tag Team Champions/Universal Champion
Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman: my pick is Dolph Ziggler & Robert Roode, if Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman loses [basically they are going back to the WWE playbook,] it creates friction on the night which will play into the match later on and for Dolph Ziggler &  Robert Roode I will leave a link to another blog [In-depth Predictions/Other elements for AEW All Out 2019] at the bottom of this blog, because I do discuss this situation there, but if you want it in a nutshell of what I say there on one hand it is disrespectful to this division, but on the other hand it could be good or it is just come to me but the champions could retain here, to build friction between these four characters/performers and possibly use “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt as a dark cloud over this situation [doing anything to limit his appearance or their appearance physically [two separate personalities] on RAW but then again this would be a stupid snap judgment idea for a new tag team to lose so early on, this is one of those ideas where if they really truly committed themselves to this idea with an idea to start from this pay-per-view and end the Monday after Hell in a Cell, it could work, with Dolph Ziggler &  Robert Roode winning these championships by a roll up pin, due to Bray Wyatt & “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt sending a creepy message to Rollins & Stroman to set up on the go home show of RAW a Triple Threat for the Universal Championship in Hell in a Cell at  Hell in a Cell, this is whenBray Wyatt could do another episode Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House this time about "Friendship"and throughout this episode of RAW, he could have left some gifts for Stroman and Rollins fast forward to the final segment of  RAW Rollins and Stroman do the standard contract signing thing with Michael Cole [there is clearly some friction between these two,] and then suddenly the lights go out "The Fiend” Bray Wyatt hits the ring, the viewers can only see the light from his Head Lenten, when the lights come back on Rollins and Stroman are down in the middle of the ring and there is just The Fiend” Bray Wyatt's Head Lenten on [at this point I would like the effects of the Lantern to somehow be switched off] on the table and underneath is this contract with his signature on it, then the lights go out and the head Lenten effects to be switched back on with Bray Wyatt/The Fiend” Bray Wyatt's maniacal laugh sound effect [that is the closing of RAW,] at this pay-per-view I want Cory Graves to make some comments about Michael Cole not sticking around too long or why didn't Michael Cole ask or attempt to ask The Fiend” Bray Wyatt any questions, which Michael Cole could say "It was dark and I just wanted to get out of there, look Cory I have been doing this job a long time and I have seen many things, but no one as intense or unpredictable as Bray Wyatt or The Fiend” Bray Wyatt." So it it enforces the idea that; be afraid, be very afraid of this intense yet unpredictable individual or individuals.

The more I think about this idea, the more if they really, really got behind it; it would make good TV, for every character/performer they would benefit from this situation; it gives a new tag team something of substance to do [it gives more screen time and time to grow on each other and your viewers as well,] we don't see too much of Bray Wyatt or “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt, it continues the friction between Rollins & Stroman and potentially makes one hell of a Main Event at the next pay-per-view with Rollins taking the pin to put the Universal Championship on Bray Wyatt/“The Fiend” Bray Wyatt,I should just point out two things; one the Triple Threat idea/stipulation was not my idea I got it from watching someone else's material, but the storyline or the scenario is all mine though, I don't want Stroman to be a transitional singles champion [yes if I am correct he is going to be a transitional Raw Tag Team Champion again for the second time, but at least in this reign he got into double figures of days as a reigning champion, so I guess that is progress.] But it is different when it is your first singles championship; mixed with good opposition, good material and lengthy reign it can push a character/performer to the next level or give them credibility for being at that level [and before someone points this out can we forget the Jinder Mahal experiment.]

But there are two final points I would like to make here; my first point is this; the WWE either need to get behind this idea or not don't do a snap judgment call without a concrete idea or better yet just use my idea and the second thing is I am like 90% sure they are going to do what I said first in this blog as it relates to this situation.

Charlotte Flair vs.
the SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley: my pick is Bayley, briefly just copy and paste what I have said about The Miz vs. the Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura Match with Sami Zayn's involvement [but just change the names to Charlotte Flair, Bayley & Sasha Banks,] well the WWE have got to get the use out of their playbook haven't they.

Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan No Disqualification Match: my pick is Roman Reigns, now with this latest stipulation being added could this company tell us anymore clearly that the true identity of Roman reigns's attacker will be getting revealed, but I can't see them giving Eric Rowan the W. here [but having said that it would make better sense from a storyline perspective but since one does this company care about little details like this.] The more time I am thinking about it, the more time I am thinking it is Luke Harper which don't get me wrong it would be good to see him on our TV screens again. But how many more times are they going to repackage Eric Rowan & Luke Harper [I should just point out this is just a guess.]

Randy Orton vs. the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston: my pick is Kofi Kingston with Big E & Xavier Woods running interference from The Revival, now if the WWE wanted to get really creative I would suggest they set up a Six-Man Tornado Tag Team Match at the next pay-per-view Hell in a Cell 2019 with this stipulation, but with Winners Take All as well.

Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch: my pick is Sasha Banks, simply put; they cannot have Sasha Banks lose on her first pay-per-view back and there will be interference from Bayley [to protect Lynch from this loss] to set up another match involving the stipulation of Hell in a Cell, which if I am going to continue predicting things it will set up an uneasy alliance between Flair & Lynch between this pay-per-view and Hell in a Cell so you have these pairings of Flair & Lynch vs. Banks & Bayley for the next section of upcoming TV programming, yes they can do things singly but all I am saying is eventually one will assist or something to this effect or other until the next pay-per-view.

Braun Strowman vs.
the Universal Champion Seth Rollins: my pick is Seth Rollins, as I have discussed this situation at great length already in this blog, I will keep this brief and I am not contradicting myself here, but it would be excellent to see Stroman go up against his mentor in a one-on-one situation [from a storyline perspective,] but as I have already made reference to it, I am not willing to sacrifice Stroman's first singles championship reign to get there at this time [maybe at Hell in a Cell 2020.]

Friday, 13 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 36: Birds of a Feather by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 36: Birds of a Feather by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is excellent

5 things about this episode

Moral message/Back story/Storyline: in one way or another the moral message is about having confidence in yourself, The Power Rangers in their civilian attire hear and see [on the Viewing Globe] more than once, about this monster and computer [one is inside the other,] this storyline is good.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: on both counts these are highly creative and highly imaginative, be it the Dragonzord and Dinozords individually all getting at least an attack in [the Dragonzord gets more in throughout these action sequences] or this monster jumps on top of the Megazord [when it is lying on the ground] and does this pecking motion and before someone points this out yes I am aware this monster looks different in this episode at some point.

This episode receives: 8/10, even though I haven't said too much about this episode, the action sequences and the artistic visions make a gigantic impact and there is a lot of it, so you wouldn't be able to miss it.