Friday 20 September 2019

Not Another Teen Movie 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Not Another Teen Movie 2001 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is mixed

Fundamental elements: there are voice-over elements, background music, cultural elements, mental imagery, yes and no to subtitles when another language is being used, slow-motion effects, time jumps and place jumps.

Storyline/Back story: the storyline is straightforward, it is something safe and reliable, the back story is discussed between the two main characters/performers.

Comedy level: it is of lowbrow material ranging from bodily functions and everything like that to inappropriate relationships with family members to sketches from other well-known films such as for one example The Breakfast Club 1985 [involving one character/performer from this film as well] to this ongoing concussion reference [I should just point out, yes I am aware that when this film came out we didn't know as much about concussions as we do today.] But still this comedy reference is on the nose and if I am going to point this out I am not reflecting away from this point, but this film is accepting of conjoined twins and someone with Tourette's [to cover my back if I should receive some feedback of a negative nature, on one hand I can't just point out about the ongoing concussion reference, without pointing out on the other hand that this film is accepting of conjoined twins and someone with Tourette's] and just to finish off this paragraph I did found some elements funny

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there is high school American football [training/game time,] cheerleading, combat, a backbreaker [wrestling move] and chasing. The artistic visions there are musical numbers [with and without a guitar,] painting, poetry dancing and animation.

Character developments/Performances: I can't really criticize these two points either individually or together too much, because of the simple reason; this is what they were going for, basically here is what I mean and yes even though this is my contents I am not saying it [in a nutshell if it wasn't in this film I wouldn't be saying it in the first place.] There is a stereotype African-American character/performer and he points out he is meant to be a stereotype African-American character, even later on in this title there is this character and another African-American character/performer and he points out he is meant to be the only African-American character/performer in this title or something to this effect.

The performances are also something safe and reliable there is chemistry/friction [depending where you are; is depending what you get.]

This film receives: 4/10, I originally went for a different mark but at the final second I change my mind, because by definition this film is mixed on how I feel about it, because yes you get this lowbrow comedy level, then you get this speech from one of our lead characters/roles to his teammates, but more specifically this character/performer that shouldn't be anywhere near this game and on top of that this film does get better the more you watch of it

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