Tuesday 17 September 2019

Wasted: Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Wasted: Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch at WWE Clash of Champions 2019 by AverageMansReviews

Stipulation: the championship is on the line in this match.

Now straight off the bat as you should know by now I don't watch any of the WWE pay-per-views or TV programming [I haven't done this for some time now,] I get my information from online sources/contents [spoiler warning -- this blog may contain a spoiler.]

Now here is the reason why I am outlining this; my opinion is based on the results or in this case more specifically the result of Sasha Banks vs. the Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch [Banks wins via Disqualification Lynch Retains the Raw Women’s Championship.]

Yes it is very true I didn't watch this pay-per-view for free or pay for it, but it feels like the WWE gave their Universe the Stone Cold two fingers salute here, I mean I could even dictate a better scenario with a similar outcome [so I did.]

Fast-forward until the closing stages of this match; Banks picks up a steel chair and so does Lynch they give each other a stare down in the middle of the ring still holding their chairs [to give the impression which one is going to blink first] and they clash chairs like swords to create a Double-Disqualification, but they continue fighting to the backstage area with Referees and Senior Officials following and trying to break things up [with Michael Cole saying "We will attempt to keep you up to date with what is happening backstage whilst the next match is going on"] so for the next match they have a cameraman following the action, as the carnage unfolds until it gets to the point where Triple H. tries to get involved, suddenly he almost gets hit in the face with something [with that we see a slight transformation from Triple H. the hierarchy personnel to Triple H. the in ring performer and everything that comes with that version of him.

He says in a very loud voice "Okay that is enough, [everyone stops what they are doing] I will sort this out right now at Hell in a Cell it will be Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch Hell in a Cell for the Raw Women's Championship, Triple H. goes to leave the scene leaves and then comes back and says "With 30 minutes Iron-Person Match stipulation as well."

I mean don't get me wrong I would have preferred Banks to win at this pay-per-view with the assist from Bayley that way it could set up Lynch vs. Banks for the Raw Women's Championship at Hell in a Cell in Hell in a Cell and not forgetting this was Banks's first pay-per-view back and so what if Banks beats Lynch twice, I mean from the perspective of if Lynch goes to SmackDown Live nothing is lost here, in fact after these two losses it could make her angry/hungry to dominate SmackDown Live [you see Vince this is how you build consistent storylines with consistent character developments,] it makes as I have already said it makes Lynch look angry/hungry to dominate the landscape on SmackDown Live whilst it gives Banks some credibility and it leaves her in a good place.

Now I have brought up character developments, let's look at this closer now on one hand we have Lynch which as far as I can tell, which I have to quickly add this may not be completely her fault considering what kind of opposition she has been up against lately including the relationship component of the storyline [did you know Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch are in a real life relationship,] the WWE have stifled her and now she really does need galvanizing, so without repeating myself too much my idea in this blog would have worked out really well looking at the long-term bigger picture and on the other hand we have Banks which I listened to her first promo back it started off well and just went downhill from there really.

So what are the character dynamics here now Lynch [more like a Heel] is Banks [more like a Face] is Bayley [more like a Heel] in short what is going on here WWE, if you're getting confused in what I am saying because Banks won by Disqualification, it now makes her look more like a Face which I am sure this is not what the hierarchy are going for? I don't know maybe it is.

I may as well come out and just say my next point; is it me or since someone has left this company, I am not saying any names [cough Ronda Rousey cough] has the women's revolution gone the same way as the Titanic, before I receive any complaints or feedback this is just an observation and as time goes on I am thinking this was just a publicity stunt, I mean where are the individual Women's Championships Matches in the Main Event slots anywhere or do I even bring up the WWE Women's Tag Team Championships.

I mean the gigantic slice of disrespect that the WWE could show their female independent contractors is if this individual should return to this company at some point in the future and the women's revolution starts up again, even though it began before she was even in the company but only time will tell and just to wrap this up, this was going to be a part of another blog, but as you can see when I began discussing it things just unravelled and one final thing I just get this impression that the WWE have no clue what to do with their Women's Divisions now, consequently seeing women's matches headlining anywhere under the WWE umbrella is going to become a thing of the past, I hope I am wrong about this but unless Vince becomes interested or steps down I don't see things changing anytime soon.

Last updated: Monday 23/09/2019 yes I have no idea why I took it down from my social media accounts in the first place but never mind, based on watching other peoples material I got it wrong as it relates to the character dynamics as far as I can tell now Lynch is somewhere in between, Bayley is I couldn't care what she is and Banks is a Heel. Where are the other women's characters/performers? I mean things can't just center arowith themund Lynch, Bayley, Banks, Flair and now Carmella, there needs to be more female wrestling.

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