Thursday 26 September 2019

Arctic 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

Arctic 2018/2019 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this film is good.

Fundamental elements: there is background music, cultural elements, no subtitles when another language is being used, time jumps and place jumps.

The movement of this title is something I can't criticize too much, because with this type of film you can go two ways silence or pretty much silence which this is the way this project went or something like The Martian 2015 [yes I needed to go and watch a trailer to make sure what I was saying was correct, I have seen this film once before but I need to review it again for my blogs.]

But as it relates to this project there is background music and our lead character/role breathing and saying not much until the situation happens, the reason why I can't criticize it too much, this is something I will discuss later in this review but on a quick side note I prefer The Martian 2015 one main character/lead role approach, it is more easier to settle down with and more engageable.

Storyline: it is straightforward and it has a question-mark style for an ending, now to cover my back it is very rare I can let this style of ending go or something else, I was watching this project with someone else and I turned to them and said this or something to this effect "I bet this film has a question-mark style ending for an ending" so I was less than pleased when I found out I was right.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: there are fishing, weapons being used, helicopters and rescuing. Moving on to the artistic visions the landscapes, keeping track of how many days he has been here [or that is what I think he is doing here] and this Polar bear or possibly Polar bears is something for you to look out for in this project and they are all good.

Character developments/Performances: now here is where I would like to discuss why I can't really criticize the movement of this title; it looks like/feels like they were going with the approach of this is how our lead character/performer feels like in this situation [using the movement of this project to transmit those feelings onto the viewers, in short making their audience feel like they are right there with him/them.] I don't know what to say about the performances, because it is all about a performance [I can't say too much without giving too much away, this point will make perfect sense when you watch this project] there is chemistry there, but it is still like 95% down to one performer so I will say this performance carries this project and it is good

This film receives: 6/10, I had to take a little bit off for the question-mark ending so this mark is a fair conclusion.

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