Friday 20 September 2019

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 38: A Bad Reflection on You by AverageMansReviews

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers [Season 1,] Episode 38: A Bad Reflection on You by AverageMansReviews

Review Time: this episode is mixed

5 things about this episode

Storyline/Bloopers: the storyline is okay, moving on to the bloopers, now all I am going to say about this is this; Jason could have said "It's morphing time!" a little bit more quietly, considering where The Power Rangers are, yes I am aware that Bulk & Skull were blindfolded, their fingers in their ears and trying to count backwards from 10 at the time, but still you may want to try and say those words more quietly Jason [just in case someone out there is thinking about this; on reflection it is unreasonable for me to bring up the other words that The Power Rangers say in this sequence, just based on unless a character/performer has been replaced or a new power has been given to them, there is no need to change this sequence.] In fact the only reason I am bringing up this is because Jason doesn't say this phrase quietly, anyone could have walked in or Bulk & Skull could have heard something or seen something [if there blindfolds had fallen down or been made of a certain material or made to jump by the loudness of this phrase being spoken] but in fairness and balance Zack and Jason got Bulk & Skull to do these things [Zack came up with two and Jason came up with one of these things] to keep their secret a secret. But moving on now how did these identical characters morph into The Power Rangers, because they didn't or don't have the genuine Power Morphers or Power Coins?

Comedy level: Bulk & Skull individually or together make a big impact on this episode with or without different characters/performers [for one example briefly Skull asks Kimberly out on a date and in a nutshell she agrees to it,] which leads Bulk & Skull to be confused by this unexpected turn of events.

Action sequences/Artistic visions: here are some things for you to look out for, these mirror match ups are action packed and smoothly put together, this monster performs an attack that basically uses a kaleidoscope effect or just to cover my back if it doesn't, it is something to this effect anyway [minus the pretty colours, you will notice it when it is being performed.]

Now on to the artistic visions; these mirror match ups, this monster's attack using these kaleidoscope effects, the landscape where this entire section takes place makes a lovely change of scenery [where later on you will see this giant flower to be more specific a sunflower in some way.]

This episode receives: 5/10, now after everything is said and done this mark is a fair outcome.

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