Wednesday 21 August 2024

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Famer in 2024: Part 5 by AverageMansReviews

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Famer in 2024: Part 5 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024 Link , Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 2 Link , Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Famer  in 2024: Part 3 Link and then Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Famer in 2024: Part 4 Link

Heavy warning/Heavy disclaimer: I will be using adapted adult language at one point or another and I cannot stress this enough, I will be saying things that will be offensive to some including and unapologetically mocking and in this content we are still at the RNC 2024 for the final time as it relates to this series of content.

Let's just get this done: it should be noted I am fully aware that Hulk Hogan alongside other individuals made the wrestling industry extremely popular and consequently mainstream, so we can ever take that away from him. But I do have to ask was any of what his character stood for real? Or was he just a genius con man? Because his kids are screwed up in one way or another, he clearly does not like people of a different background and he is just interested in money. So I ask again was Hulk Hogan or/and Hulkamania as in a lifestyle of taking your vitamins and trying to live a good life real or just bull shish kebab. Personally I have known it for years when or/I got the idea/impression when he did Hogan Knows Best 2005-2007 where amongst other things; but where Brooke couldn't have a normal life without him basically controlling her whilst Nick could do anything he liked. Now I am aware this could be somewhat scripted, so they could be in some elements that can be opened to being discredited possibly, but if it is/was how this family was on a general scale it doesn't show at minimum Hulk Hogan in the best light or indeed his family back then. My point being here is; I was generally speaking under the impression Hulk Hogan was an okay guy before this TV program, I mean I did hear little bits and pieces, but I always went with the wrestling industry can now and again be a dirty thing. But from let's say 2005 to now in 2024 and let's be honest after this as well; Hulk Hogan just feels like a con man that gave us the wrestling industry by just being a carnival con merchant and some of the content will be a rough transcript a very rough transcript.

At this event: Hogan comes out and does his ear gesture, I mean at the very least when you see Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson giving interviews about things outside of wrestling unless he is promoting a wrestling movie for an example; he is just Dwayne Johnson. But then again I have just noticed maybe Hogan doing his ear thing is a poorly timed thing considering Donald Trump had one ear covered up.

Hogan then goes into a wrestling promo with his usual shtick, which instantaneously outside of the restaurant bubble is embarrassing, because you are at a serious adult event and you are performing as a wrestler giving a press conference before or after a wrestling event. But then again this crowd is just acting like a bunch of steel lapping up, as a long-term off and on wrestling fan since the middle of the 80's, can I just say that this is pathetic, you are here to talk about the state of your country and your just goofing around with this absolute garbage.

Come on; Hogan grow up; he makes reference to the no good stinky giant again. I mean I am just at the beginning of this speech and I am already extremely annoyed, then making reference to Trump being his hero; saying basically we're going to bring America back together, one real at a time brother.

Hogan when on about he knows some great tag team like him and Savage and then he went on to indicate I think Trump and DJ Vance and then are we have the most beautiful timed blooper where Hogan says Donald Dick/but quickly changed it to J. Trump; I am thinking nope you got that right the first time Hogan. Hogan basically says get ready has Trump's support base/fan base will be called Trumpites will run wild 4 years [now I am not instigating anything here, but just really looking/hearing what Hogan is actually saying] firstly I want to make this crystal clear I am not twisting anything, but simply concerned about his usage of his shtick about things running wild, what happens if they don't get Trump back in the White House? You see how easily that could be interpreted as riots again, Hogan double down and makes the running wild reference again which I would strongly have advised him not to. He basically is putting across that everything will be better under Trump again then moves on to paints Trump including his family and his business as victims Hogan then does his let's just say ripping of his clothing routine which is really pathetic, you remember when he could rip his clothing with ease and comfort? Well those days are long gone, but at least he had another item of clothing underneath.

Then he does his ear thing again and switches from Hogan to Terry Bollea saying he just had to give you a little taste or something to that effect and then he goes on about being an entertainer; entertainer are you? More like a con man, a fraud and canival would be the honest truth. He goes on about I have tried to stay out of politics but with what is happening to our country over the past four years and everything that happened last weekend I could no longer stays silent. I am here tonight because I want the world to know that Donald Trump is a real American hero. [Hold on; briefly what ever respect I had for Bollea/Hogan which are fragments at this point are well and truly flying out the window and flying away; but we digress.] I am proud to support my hero as president of these United States, I have known Donald Trump for 35 years [Well that is hardly surprising considering you run in similar circles; but please continue;] okay Bollea is having a senior moment when he talks about the last time he was on this state wrestling in front of Donald Trump bleeding and he won a championship, as he basically puts over that Trump will win the presidency as when he becomes president we will all win again, he continues by going on again about he has known Donald Trump for 35 years, he is the biggest patriot and he has always told you what he thinks and he still does and no matter the odds, he always finds to win and when he is back in the White House again, we will start winning again. [I just say; this is a load of horse dumplings; he just keeps going on and on about how great Trump is; there is no actual substance here apart from at best bring the US apparently back together again and I really have to get something off my chest; I really can't fudgin' take it anymore we have Trump grinning like a Cheshire cat; unless unknown to me he is having his monthly bowel movement.]

Continuation; Bollea makes more wrestling references to pulled over Trump as the baddest guy as in hard as nails and then moves on to the investigations, the impeachments and court cases and he is still there kicking their butts, we never had it better than the Trump years back, then we had a thriving economy, we strongly borders [I really, really have to get something off my chest Hulkamania or/and the N.W.O yes even this heel fraction which has legendary status was on some level about unity; so I just find it disgusting that on some level Bollea doesn't hold anything like the same kind of values, instead his own values are very much pull up the ladder and screw everyone knows. I mean Jessie Ventura has recently talked about this situation/if you have been around wrestling long enough you know of this story; where Ventura was trying to bring about change in the WWF/E at the time; talking about unionisation, the story goes and just for the record I believe in Ventura; because throughout the years his story hasn't changed that Hogan found out and went to Mr. McMahon and Ventura lost his job.] But back to Bollea saying we had safe streets and respect around the world [ Hold on; that is complete garbage we were laughing at you, basically because no one knew what he was going to say or do next.] But please carry on Bollea; then we lost it all in a blink of an eye, crime is out of control, the border is out of control the price of food and gas is out of control and housing is out of control and the only person who can clean this up is Donald Trump. You know guys I really, really love this country and I have lived the American dream [me saying this; yes that is very true by screwing everyone else over and being a con man, so if you want to call that living the American dream you are free to do so; but I wouldn't buy all means work hard, get well paid go around the world, but and this is a big but make sure you leave a place better than you found it; you can't say that can you Bollea? I mean do you want to know what a real American looks like; how about the real "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes; I mean this obviously in the greatest respect and light, he was never the best built wrestler, but what he did have is in hard work ethic, because he started from nothing; he kept going even when the WWF was trying to discredit/disrespect him by putting him in yellow polkadots, he was still able to get over with that gimmick and shine through and after he retired he kept making the wrestling industry better in one way or another; I mean go and look up Dusty Rhodes talks about "hard times": Mid-Atlantic Wrestling, Oct. 29, 1985; this is how you inspire and yes he mention his physique as well.]Bollea continues; I want my kids, your kids and all teeny Hulkamaniacs out there to live the American dream to, this November guys we can save the American dream for everyone and Donald Trump is the president that will get the job done. So all in criminal, all you lowlife, all you scumbags, all you drug dealers, all crooked politicians [that is funny you are endorsing one, by US law as things currently stand as of this content anyway] but please continue need to answer one question Watcha gonna do brother when Donald Trump and the Trumpmaniacs run wild on you brother. God bless you and thank you.

I don't care who he wants to be now Terry Bollea or Hulk Hogan; he is just a fraud and for those young wrestler out there, I may not know the ins and outs of wrestling like you do. But allow me to give you two pieces of advice from two respected individuals; Sting be lucky with injuries and from Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson put a piece of itself in your gimmicks or something to that effect that way the people out there won't feel cheated. Which in this case as it relates to Hogan for such a long time and now it feels like that we never, ever knew him and words coming out of his mouth as Hulk Hogan were just dollars in a register, as I said at the beginning he was and is the one that took wrestling to a global audience and no one can take that away from him, but the rest of it is now tainted because of the smoke and mirrors.




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