Friday 19 July 2024

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 3 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024 Link and then Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 2 Link

Heavy warning/Heavy disclaimer: I will be using adapted adult language at one point or another and I cannot stress this enough, I will be saying things that will be offensive to some including and unapologetically mocking. I will also be talking about in theory so I don't condone this outcome, but I will be discussing the escalation aspect and I can't stress this enough also in this case I will not be bringing up the victims names of the incident just so that I want to make this crystal clear my focus is on Donald Trump so my content cannot be misconstrued and just for the record yes if there are some small-minded people out there I could easily find the names, but as I have just indicated I have deliberately and respectfully left them out because they are not my focus and I would now like to send my condolences to the individual's family that has been sadly killed and those that are injured because of this horrific situation. [I am making reference to Trump's speech on Thursday 18/07/2024 at the RNC]

I hold Trump personally responsible for this situation: personally I find it disgusting that he is milking this entire situation and those Americans that have strong religious beliefs. For those simple Americans that are now possibly getting angry at their keyboards, because I have said I hold Trump personally responsible for this situation; firstly let's speak factually it isn't the first time he has instigated a hostile situation 06/01/2021 US Capitol Building Riot where people either got injured or dies, even though this time around this individual's have not became clear and yes I know there has been bits and pieces online and I am not discrediting anyone, but I deal with facts and as far as I'm aware we haven't got substantial proof.

But the fact is Trump breeds hatred, a misleading of information and a siege mentality, I mean if you want to just bring up a recent fact; he now has a new saying of "Fight, fight, fight." So on one hand we have Biden essentially asking for calm and respect, whilst Trump is using language that stokes the flame of division and hatred, I don't care what Biden has said which could be open to interpretation, because he is just telling it as it is.

If I was American and allowed to vote in this upcoming election; if I had my choice I wouldn't vote for either of them, because both of them are not fit either mentally or physically fit to run a country, but if I had to use my democratic right I would have to go with Biden, I believe he means well and in this case meaning well is much better than hatred.

Again personally I know when I can smell a bull manure salesman and let's face it that is all what Trump is; so I don't believe he has learned anything from this experience, because  if he had he wouldn't have used that newly found expression, I mean I would have given it once as in he had recently been shot so I will give him a pass on that one, but to stick with it tells me he hasn't learned anything. You know the moment of realisation that maybe I should change that expression to "Defend, defend, defend." Because the idea of defending gives the individual in this case the ideology of moral high ground as in simply put it is a much better ideology to sell the you would defend the United States of America from anyone that wishes to do it harm including laying down your life and as everyone knows everyone likes a hero.

But as things are; Trump just comes off as a wolf in sheep's clothing and shouldn't be anywhere near the Oval Office. But deep down I think he is just going to keep riding this situation back to the Oval Office, I have to say if this becomes true again, the American people have no one to blame but themselves and I will finish this sentiment that the more this situation unfolds; it is more and more becoming like wrestling heading into a big event and that is just sad, because you know wrestling is a mixture between theatre and simulated combat right? But we are talking about real life here; where real people have been/continued to be affected by this situation or/and the outcome of this American election right? But as long as Trump van Gogh becomes your two-time World Heavyweight Champion that is all what matters; yes?

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