Tuesday 16 July 2024

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024: Part 2 by AverageMansReviews

Related content: Attempted Assassination of a WWE Hall of Fame in 2024 Link https://averagemansreviews2017.blogspot.com/2024/07/attempted-assassination-of-wwe-hall-of_14.html

Heavy warning/Heavy disclaimer: I will be using adapted adult language at one point or another and I cannot stress this enough, I will be saying things that will be offensive to some including and unapologetically mocking. I will also be talking about in theory so I don't condone this outcome, but I will be discussing the escalation aspect.

I am completely baffled by the world's reaction to this situation: to go forward we need to go backwards, I mean doesn't anyone get it yet the whole reason why Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 was to basically rage against the machine; which conveniently this band has a track entitled "Bullet in the Head" just saying, but I digress; my question is why didn't anyone or privately anyone say we have failed America if this divisive individual is now given the highest position in the United States of America.

Before I get heavily criticised why is this British man getting involved; I can give you three reasons; the first is unfortunately he is connected to the wrestling industry which is partly my jurisdiction, secondly I do movies, TV content and some music videos which comes onto popular culture and and yet again conveniently in 2016 my country was given a choice to stay within the European Union or leave you may have heard of it by the name of Brexit which like Trump overnight my country ripped apart [I know it wasn't brilliant forehand, but everything became socially acceptable would wasn't acceptable] and still does to this very day; you see Brexit or/and Trump have so much in common; the general public were even fed up or sold potentially the promise of a better idea.

But now on to present times; so my question is; why is it acceptable for us as a TV consumer regardless if we turn the channel or not or go on social media or not or read a newspaper or not to listen or hear Trump spew hatred or most definitely divisive language without any repercussions [substantial repercussions as of this content being first created,] but more than likely being rewarded with another four years in the oval office, when any politician regardless of country should be representing their country to the best of their doing or/and there is an argument that says maybe our politicians are a reflection of the country or the majority of that country.

So as you can see/read I have spoken aloud the toxic nature spreading so consequently and people love to use this expression "Freedom of speech" to make their prospective more valid, but as soon as you bring this to the table; the doors of interpretation quickly open, I have seen other people criticise this; which generally speaking is pointless and you are now thinking how so? This in itself is a double standard divisive avenue to go down; such as on one hand Trump exercises his freedom of speech which is toxic, on the other hand Kyle Gass [from the band Tenacious D makes a dark joke about the missing of Trump's assassination attempt; I know he has also recently apologised for this; the point is still valid; based on I am talking about rights to say it] and the majority of people throw him under the bus. Don't you see people Trump or people like Trump can be is toxic as they want but someone lower down the pecking order, makes a pop at his expense and the majority of people mess their underwear. If I need to spell this out to you; you either accept freedom of speech as freedom of speech or we as a world come to the understanding that we hold people responsible for what comes out of their mouth as in the general consensus we start saying what is generally acceptable and what isn't and no if you were to ever meet me or if you know of me, you would know am not a snowflake. If you want me to make this really easy for you to understand we either hold Trump accountable for his mouth or/and alleged activities and we hold Gass responsible for what he said or we say fair on that side and reasonable on outside let's move on with our day. Because I am of the alternative lifestyle, so with that being said within reason as long as people don't irritate me and leave me alone such as putting their opinions on to me, you can think Donald Trump is Superman for all I care, I don't give two dumplings, Hay but now if he doesn't get re-elected he can try and be a successful painter instead or dress up as Vincent van Gogh, I mean in either case he now has the image for it.


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