Monday 8 January 2024

The Marvels 2023 by AverageMansReviews

The Marvels 2023 by AverageMansReviews

Review Time

Relating content: Average Extra of: Marvel Studios & Disney have problems with the Marvel Cinematic Universe Now and Everyone Saw It Coming Link Extra of: Brie Larson Strikes Again Over The Marvels 2023 Bomb at the Box Office  Link Extra of: Brie Larson Fired from Disney/Marvel Studios 2023  Link and then Average Extra of: Kevin Feige [President of Marvel Studios] speaks out after The Marvels 2023 financial disaster Link

Warning: there is flashing effects/colourful  effects/shooting/stabbing/impaling/animal feeding/animal regurgitation/animal birth/burning

The Marvels Assemble: basically; Dar-Benn [Zawe Ashton:] a Kree warrior that wants to make her home-planet of Hala habitable and beautiful once again; by taking everything which is certain individual held dear; Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel/The Destroyer [Brie Larson:] she is a superpower individual that single-handedly destroyed the Kree way of life and got given the very apt name "The Destroyer." But that is not her only problem; Captain Monica Rambeau/other names [Teyonah Parris:] she is a superpower individual; that has a long history with Danvers, but when she really needed her at any point [archive footage/memory performed by Akira Akbar;] she wasn't there for her. Finally we have Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel [Iman Vellani:] she is a superpower individual, that is the youngest out of the three of them as she is still in high school, but however she is the most kindhearted and not forgetting the slightly biggest fact she happens to be a massive fan girl of Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel.

Generally speaking: the framework; the outlay of Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy with background music and the pacing of this 105 minutes film is good; as it just needs to find its rhythm.

In this sequel; we do have this trio of The Marvels having this training montage to the track name of Intergalactic 1998 by Beastie Boy; every time one of them uses their powers they get teleported to a different location and one of the other ones change places with that one [basically every time one uses their powers they trade places with another one,] which leaves the incoming one to the attack in a combat sense. To be honest this sounds much more interesting and fun then what I am doing explaining it. It also comes across as three women that have the bases of similar powers but also completely different; in turn you have these three characters working together/bonding together and being themselves which turns into fluently engaging character developments and chemistry, because without being harsh but also truthful Danvers/Captain Marvel; could do with softening up as a person, you know not being so cold and sterile, I know very little about Captain Rambeau; briefly reading a web page I know she is a part of  WandaVision 2021 and it is on my to-do list to watch; but she seems more like the science one out of three and of course we have the very warmhearted Khan/Ms. Marvel; she brings the heart to the trio.

For one more example of the action but before this action we can talk about the art; our trio have to do go to the planet of  Aladna; where we meet  Prince Yan [Park Seo-joon:] he is a Prince of this planet; there is one thing you need to know about this planet most of them don't speak; they sing so this planet uses singing and dancing with very eye-catching costumes, set design and all-round outstanding true vision of what they wanted to do with this planet and back to the action; for a brief example Khan/Ms. Marvel gets given a new costume with this very unique scarf or our equivalent of a scarf it will come in very handy indeed. The comedy itself is well placed throughout likewise for an example; yes, yes people don't worry Goose is back and for those people that don't know this cat is a very unique species of cat as you will find out at one point or another; but he still very happy belonging to Danvers/Captain Marvel.

Character developments and performances; the character developments have been well progressed and they have successfully created a natural and free-flowing chemistry between the cast.

This film receives: 10/10, this film is lots of fun; yes it does need to find a itself consequently good rhythm, but it is good fun nonetheless as I would like to hope and feel that they are trying to move on with the MCU but also push it back to its old reliably positive standard of film titles [I am very much aware of this film's box office takings being the worst ever for the MCU, but even though that this was some time ago now I discuss this in the related content,] we have one extra scene at the end of the first lot of credits and a sound effect at the end of the second lot of credits. This film also has some nominees to its name being 2 Nominees Hollywood Music In Media Awards (HMMA) 2023 HMMA Award Best Original Score - Sci-Fi/Fantasy Laura Karpman and at the same event/awards ceremony Best Original Score - Sci-Fi/Fantasy Film Laura Karpman


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